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HomeTous les numéros19 : 1

19 : 1 | 2022
La scène de Canterbury

Histoire, analyse, réception
The Canterbury Scene. History, Analysis, Reception
Edited by Jacopo Costa, Elsa Grassy, Pierre Michel and Nicolò Palazzetti
La scène de Canterbury
More about this picture
210 x 210mm — 252 p. — 19 €
ISBN 978-2-913169-69-2

Whether they summon images of Soft Machine opening for Jimi Hendrix during their 1968 American tour, albums like Robert Wyatt’s Rock Bottom, or bands like Caravan and Hatfield and the North, the artists and music of the British Canterbury scene gave a specific tone to late 1960s / early 1970s rock music. With their unpredictable apparel and radical humor, these musicians’ recordings and performances were multidirectional groundbreaking experiments.
The aim of this special issue of Volume! is to explore this little discussed repertoire, by privileging analysis, history and reception. Two specialists, musicologist Vincenzo Caporaletti and essayist Aymeric Leroy, as well as several other scholars, try to unfold the nature and the meaning of this scene and music.

Editor’s notes

La revue Volume ! est soutenue par l’IRMÉCCEN, EA 7546, Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle.

Ce numéro a bénéficié du soutien de l’ITI CREAA (Université de Strasbourg) dans le cadre du Programme des Investissements d'Avenir.


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