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You can order paper issues of Volume!, here as well as the books from our “Music and Society” collection.

Our partners

Volume! is supported by the National Centre for Scientific Research's Institute of Human and Social Sciences and by the Pôle des musiques actuelles des Pays de la Loire.


Volume! is indexed on the Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale (RILM), l’International Index to Music Periodicals (IIMP) and the Music Index.

Resources on popular music

IASPM International

Since 1981, the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM) gathers those who are interested in “popular music” in a scholarly perspective.


The French-speaking branch was created in 2005. Volume! publishes the winner of their “young researcher” annual award.

IASPM Canada

La Canadian branch.

ASPM (Arbeitskreis Studium Populäre Musik)

The German association of popular music studies, with information on research, links towards bibliographies etc.

Philip TAGG

The website of one of the founders of the IASPM, with tons of free papers for download.

Online journals

A French peer-reviewed journal dedicated to music studies, edited by the EHESS and the Paris Philharmonic.

The journal of the University of California, Santa Barbara, on relationships between music and politics.

The Colombian interdisciplinary journal of music studies.

Information sites

The French catalogue of French journals.

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