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Beyond France, you can also purchase individual issues and subscriptions via Paypal, on our original website, here. You can also simply contact us here.

Les Presses du Réel

In France, from issue n° 7-1 on, Volume! is distributed by les presses du réel. Half of our catalogue of books can also be ordered on their website.

Here is the list of libraries in France and Europe that sold Volume! issues in 2015.


For individual (non-institutional) subscriptions / purchases, please contact Volume! here. You can download our catalogue here.

For non-French institutions / public libraries etc. that wish to subscribe to the paper version of Volume!, please contact Valérie Dumas at EBSCO.

Volume! + Audimat dual subscription

You can opt to subscribe to both Volume! and Audimat for €50 a year (2x2 issues).


For a list of French bookstores that sell Volume!, contact us.

Online articles (pdf)

All articles originally in English are available for free download – cf. Volume! in English. All articles are freely downloable on, except for the two last years, which can be bought on

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