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Documents : deux classiques traduits
David Hesmondhalgh, « Indie »

Anglophone Indie and the Fate of the Musical Alternative, Three Decades On

L’indie anglophone et le destin de l’alternative musicale, trente ans plus tard
David Hesmondhalgh
Traduction(s) :
L’indie anglophone et le destin de l’alternative musicale, trente ans plus tard [fr]

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I researched and wrote the piece that follows in the mid-1990s. At that time, UK indie and its North American cousin, alternative rock, had only recently moved from the cultural margins to something like the mainstream.

The early history of Anglophone alternative rock recounted here involved fragile institutional and aesthetic counter-hegemonic alliances that were forged in the wake of punk. These alliances brought together audience fractions from the working class (often affiliated with youth subcultures of various kinds) with a subsection of educated (lower) middle-class youth. Independent record companies were fundamental to the varying notions of alterity embraced by these different groups: hence the growing popularity of the term indie, though this was mainly applied to the more middle-class end of the musical continuum.

The institutions that sustained those more subcultural musics in the years following the 1977 punk explosion had taken shape in the post-war, post-industrial r...

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Référence électronique

David Hesmondhalgh, « Anglophone Indie and the Fate of the Musical Alternative, Three Decades On »Volume ! [En ligne], 21 : 1-2 | 2024, mis en ligne le 01 juin 2024, consulté le 13 février 2025. URL : ; DOI :

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David Hesmondhalgh

David Hesmondhalgh est Professeur de médias, de musique et culture à l'École des médias et de la communication de l'Université de Leeds. Il est l'auteur de The Cultural Industries (4e édition, 2019) et de Why Music Matters (2013) ; et coauteur de Creative Labour : Media Work in Three Cultural Industries (2010) et Music Creators' Earnings in the Digital Era (2021). De 2021 à 2026, il est chercheur principal d'un projet de recherche de cinq ans, financé par une subvention de recherche avancée du Conseil européen de la recherche (ERC), sur la culture musicale à l'ère du streaming.

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