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Honeymoon in Pisa

Hervé Théry
Traduction de Allison Blythe Strickland. Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
Cet article est une traduction de :
Lune de miel à Pise [fr]

Texte intégral

Asian tourists combine "wedding" photos and honeymoon in Pisa

Asian tourists combine "wedding" photos and honeymoon in Pisa

Photo ©Hervé Théry, 2020

1Pisa is one of the most popular honeymoon destinations for newlyweds - particularly from Asia - where they can have a mock wedding with photos taken in front of the famous Leaning Tower. Specialized agencies offer packages such as "Honeymoon in Tuscany: Life is Beautiful!"1 described as follows: "Art and history enthusiasts, lovers of the dolce vita and good food, Tuscany is waiting to welcome you! This region of Italy is a marvel to be discovered without delay for a cultural, gourmet and relaxing honeymoon. Another proclaims "Why getting married in Pisa is a great idea":2 "Pisa offers a romantic setting for your wedding ceremony and reception. Many couples who choose Pisa as their wedding venue do so for the breathtaking view of the Piazza dei Miracoli (Miracle Square), where the Leaning Tower stands". Or "Pisa as a honeymoon destination (romantic getaway)":3 "Take an evening stroll along the riverbank, holding hands with your beloved [...] Surprise him/her with a romantic dinner. [...] Look into [his/her] eyes [...] You'll never forget the memories of your time in Pisa".

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Table des illustrations

Titre Asian tourists combine "wedding" photos and honeymoon in Pisa
Crédits Photo ©Hervé Théry, 2020
Fichier image/jpeg, 613k
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Référence électronique

Hervé Théry, « Honeymoon in Pisa », Via [En ligne], 24 | 2023, mis en ligne le 09 février 2024, consulté le 18 février 2025. URL : ; DOI :

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Hervé Théry

Universidade de São Paulo

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