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About the journal

The journal

Launched in 2012, TV/Series is the first journal to publish articles, in English and in French, addressing audiovisual serial fiction from all over the world. Series are analyzed as narrative, aesthetic and ideological artworks existing on an ever-increasing number of platforms.

The journal is part of S.E.R.I.E.S. (Scholars Exchanging and Researching on International Entertainment Series), a wider network of TV series studies. It received the support of GUEST-Normandie, a research programme funded by the region of Haute-Normandie.

The journal is innovative in its interdisciplinary exploration of the cultural stakes of seriality and repetition in audiovisual fiction, with approaches grounded in fields of study as diverse as literature, narratology, philosophy, visual studies, cultural studies, geography, history, political science, sociology, etc.

Evaluation criteria

Each article submitted to TV/Series undergoes double blind peer review by two reviewers who each write an evaluation report. The report should not exceed two pages in length and may be supplemented by comments in the margin of the article.

Reviewers make a recommendation about the submission:

  • Accept as is or provided minor revisions.

  • Revisions required: the article is to be accepted for publication only if major revisions are effected.

  • Reject: the article is not suitable for publication.

Reviewers use the following evaluation criteria:


  • The study of audiovisual serial fiction must be central to the article: the works of fiction cited must not be used as a pretext or an illustration in a demonstration on another subject.

  • Except for articles submitted for the “Varia” section, the article should focus on the specific problems and themes outlined for the issue (see Issue description).

  • The article should contribute to the advancement of the studies of TV serial fiction, whether through the originality of the corpus or through that of the approach adopted. A multi-disciplinary journal, TV/Series excludes no method as long as it is rigorous and coherent.

  • Because the contributors to and the readers of TV/Series belong to various disciplines, authors should make sure to clarify whatever may elude the comprehension of a specialist in another discipline. They should also make explicit the relevance of their specific approach for the study of TV serial fiction.

  • The introduction should clearly outline the subject-matter and the problems at stake in the article; a coherent method of analysis should be adopted in the bulk of the article; the conclusion should gather the contribution of the article to the development of TV serial fiction studies.

  • The article should demonstrate the author’s familiarity with the literature and present state of the research on the corpus studied and on the problems broached.

  • Any unacknowledged borrowing from another published text will result in the rejection of the article.


  • The guidelines given in the style sheet should be carefully followed. Bibliographical references should be complete.

  • The style should be clear and academic.

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