Author guidelines
Papers should be saved by using the Microsoft Word or OpenOffice format and sent to or to the email provided in the call for papers.
The maximum number of characters is 40,000 (including spaces). The text should be typed with double spacing and 2 cm margins. Pages should be numbered, as well as sections (following the international standard 1.; 1.1; 1.1.1; …).
Terminal publishes papers written in both French, and in other languages when mentioned in the call for papers (translation into French prior to publication). Once a proposal has been accepted for the special issue, the final paper is sent to two anonymous reviewers following the double-blind procedure. Contributions not to be published in the special issue are not subjected to double-blind evaluation but supervised by the editors. All contributions should be made accessible.
Title page
The first page of the manuscript mentions the title of the paper both in French and in English. First and last names of all authors should appear as well as their affiliation. Besides, for the corresponding author a phone and fax number as well as an email and postal address should be provided (identified with an* after the corresponding author’s name). This page should also include an abstract in both French and English (maximum 200 words), as well as 3 to 5 keywords in both French and English. The second page should only mention the title of the paper, its abstract and keywords, so that the authors cannot be identified.
Tables and Figures
Figures and tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals and mentioned in the text’s body with their number (Fig. 1, Tab. 1). A figure or table that has already been published elsewhere cannot be accepted without its author’s consent.
In the text’s body references should appear in parentheses (Author, year). The reference list is not numbered but sorted in alphabetical order and in chronological order for authors with multiple references. All references mentioned in the text’s body should appear in the reference list and vice versa. The style of the reference list should follow the Harvard style.