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Founded in 1994 and edited by the Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France, Technè is a biannual scientific journal whose aim is to apply science to the study of art history and the preservation of cultural property (architectural field exepted). Positioning itself at the crossroads of human sciences and physics and chemistry of materials, Technè reports on a cross-disciplinary research approach that seeks to shed light on the hidden face of works; as such, it caters to a wide audience, composed of both specialists and art-lovers.

The themes featured in the journal are the following:

  • creation of works: materials, techniques and original context, provenance, dating, authentication;

  • alterations;

  • changes over time, notably via restoration history, science and techniques history, documentation development;

  • principles, means and challenges of passing them on to future generations (restoration and preventive conservation): reflexion on the deontology, innovative treatments, critical synthesis of interventions.

Technè covers all spheres of cultural heritage relevant to museum collections of art, archaeology, ethnography and natural history. The vast geographical and chronological range stretches from Prehistory to contemporary art, from ancient civilisations to modern European and extra-EU worlds.

The targeted audience is composed of students and professionals of conservation and museums, students and researchers in archaeometry, archaeology and art history as well as informed amateurs.

Editorial policy

Each issue includes a thematic dossier whose topic has been defined by the editorial board (about fifteen articles, on invitation only) and a Varia section (three to five articles), fuelled by spontaneous contributions.

How does Technè operate?

Technè is published by the Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France (C2RMF), a public service (SCN) part of France’s Ministry of Culture (Direction générale des patrimoines/Service des musées de France).

The main orientations and decisions are validated during the annual meeting of the Scientific Council of the C2RMF.

The review also has an editorial board that meets in plenary session twice a year. The board issues opinions, proposals and participates in the validation of the general and scientific policy of the review.

Articles are double-blind peer-reviewed by experts in the various fields.

Each issue is edited in electronic and printed version.

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