Index | Keywords
- Abecedario
- Abegg Foundation
- abstract expressionism
- Acacia nilotica seed pods
- Academy Member’s sword
- access
- accessibility
- accounting
- Acheulean
- acid-free paper
- acquisitions
- Acrobat and Fleischman kraters
- adhesion
- adhesive
- aerosol paint
- Africa
- African
- African masks
- agarose gel
- ageing
- Agen
- agency
- Aghios Athanassios
- AGLAE analyses
- Agnolo di Polo
- Aigai
- Aillet (Edgard)
- Aix-en-Provence
- Akrotiri
- alabaster
- alabaster vessel
- Alari Bonacolsi‚ called l’Antico (Pier Jacopo)
- Alberti‚ called il Nero (Romano)
- alder
- Alexandria
- alopekis
- alpha-amylase
- altarpiece
- alteration
- alterations
- alterations in marine environments
- aluminium
- aluminium alloys
- alunite
- amateur
- amber
- Amboise
- amendment of transposition
- Amiens
- amount
- analyses
- analysis
- analysis of terracottas and primers
- analytical chemistry
- analytical documentation
- analytical studies
- analytical techniques
- anatomical collections
- anatomical preparation
- anatomy
- ancient black patinas
- ancient bronze patinas
- Ancient Egypt
- Ancient Greece
- ancient Greek wood panel painting
- ancient human remains
- ancient marble
- ancient materials
- ancient modifications
- ancient polychromy
- ancient red pigments
- ancient repair
- ancient restoration
- Andes Mountains
- André (Alfred)
- Andrea del Sarto
- angel
- angels
- aniline black
- animal mummies
- animal origin
- animals
- Annunciation
- anode
- anoxia
- ant
- anthropological collections
- anthropology
- Antinopolis
- antique
- Antique sculpture
- Antiquities restoration workshop
- Antiquity
- Aphrodite
- Apollo
- Apollo (Ma 424)
- Apollo of Piombino
- Apoxyomenos
- application methods
- applied brocade
- applied decoration known as “applied brocades”
- aqueous cleaning
- Aragon
- archaeoentomology
- archaeological artefacts
- archaeological excavations
- archaeological textile
- archaeological wood
- archaeology
- archaeometric analyses
- archaeometric and stylistic analyses
- archaeometry
- archaeoparasitology
- Archaic art
- Archaic inscriptions
- Archaic period
- Archaistic art
- archictectural programming
- architecture
- archives
- Aristandros
- Arles
- armatures
- art
- art and technology
- art expert
- art historiography
- art market
- art materials database
- art of the earth
- art restoration history
- artefact
- artificial ageing
- artificial intelligence
- artificial patination
- artisan
- artistic intention
- artistic techniques
- artists’ materials
- asbestos
- asphalt
- assembly diagram
- assessment
- Atespatus
- Attica
- Aubert (Lucien)
- audio restoration
- audiovisual
- Augustus
- authentication
- automation
- Auvergne
- average lifetime
- Avon
- Azerbaijan
- balms
- Balochistan
- Banco Mediceo
- Baptism of Christ
- Bayesian
- Bayonne
- Bazille (Frédéric)
- Bazin (Germain)
- bead
- beam shaping
- Beaufort-en-Vallée
- Beaune
- Beauvallet
- beeswax
- Belvedere Palace
- Berenice II
- Berlin
- Berruguete
- Berthélémy
- Berti (Bartolomeo di Lorenzo)
- Besançon
- Biardeau
- Bibliothèque nationale de France
- biches
- binder
- binding
- biocodicology
- biodiversity
- biological infestations
- biological origin
- biomarker
- bitumen
- black
- black bronze
- black bronzes
- black coloration
- black matter
- black paint
- black pigment
- black pottery
- black-on-black
- blade
- blanching of paint layer
- blanching of varnish
- blinding
- blossoming branches
- body of works
- body perspective
- body perspective viewed from below
- Boetius of Boodt (Anselm)
- Boeyermans (Theodor)
- bog bodies
- Bondé family
- bone ash
- bone black
- bones
- Boni
- Bonnat-Helleu Museum
- bookbinding
- books
- boron
- Bouchot-Saupique (Jacqueline)
- Boulle (André-Charles)
- Boulle coin cabinet
- Boulle marquetry
- Boulle marquetry conservation
- Bourges
- bozzetto
- Brabant
- bracing techniques
- Braque
- brass
- brass-wood
- Brésil
- brilliance
- Briosco‚ called Riccio (Andrea)
- Briotet
- Brioude
- British Museum
- Brocchi (Luigi)
- bronze
- Bronze Age
- bronze ornamentation
- bronze polychromy
- bronze sculpture
- bronze statuary
- bronzine
- Brunswick
- brushed cotton
- Brussels
- Budapest
- Buddhism
- Burgundy
- Burkina Faso
- business tools
- bust
- BVRB I (Bernard I Van Risamburgh)
- Bwa
- Byzantine
- Byzantine ceramics
- Caillois (Roger)
- Calvary
- candlesticks
- Cantilène de sainte Eulalie
- canvas
- canvas fragments
- carbon dioxide blasting
- carbon 14 dating
- carbuncle
- Carlier
- carnelian
- Carolingian
- carpentry
- cartapesta
- cartoon transfer
- carved skull
- Cassel
- cast
- casting
- Castres
- Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris
- cathodic protection
- Cattier
- Caucasus
- ceiling
- cellulose acetate
- central perspective
- Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France (C2RMF)
- Centuripe
- ceramic pore systems
- ceramics
- ceremonial ceramics
- cerussite
- Chagall ceiling
- chalcedony
- chalk
- chandelier
- Chanel (Gabrielle)
- change
- change of composition
- changes of format
- changing technology
- Chantilly
- Chapuis
- Chapuis (Claude)
- characterization
- characterization by GC-MS
- charcoal
- CHARISMA (Cultural Heritage Advanced Research Infrastructures) programme
- Charity
- chasing
- château de Flers (musée du)
- Chauffrey
- Chauvet Cave
- chemical analyses
- chemical analysis
- chemical cleaning
- chemical composition
- chemical deterioration
- chemical elements
- China
- China Trade
- chinese glazes
- Chipault
- chlorine
- Christ
- Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane
- Christ on the cross
- chromatographic analyses
- chromatography
- chromium
- ChronoModel
- chryselephantine couches
- chryselephantine statue
- church of the Madeleine
- cinnabar
- circle or followers of Goya
- circulation
- Cistué y Martinez (Don Luis María de)
- Clarissy
- classical period
- clay
- cleaning
- cleaning paintings
- cleaning with compresses
- climate
- climate-controlled display case
- cloak
- cloth
- clothing
- clothing fashions
- coal cinders
- cobalt
- codicology
- coffin
- coffins
- cognitive evolution
- Coleoptera
- collaboration
- collaborative cartography
- collagen
- collagens
- collection
- collection history
- collection presentation
- collections
- collective work
- collector
- collectors
- collyrium
- Colombe (Michel)
- color
- color perspective
- coloration
- colorimetry
- colour
- colour photography
- colouration
- colouring matter
- colours
- column capital
- columnar order
- comparative anatomy
- comparative approach
- comparative study
- components of the work
- composite work
- composition
- composition groups
- compositional change
- compresses
- computed tomography (CT) scans
- Comte de Clarac
- Comte de Forbin
- Comte d’Orsay
- Condé Museum
- conditioning
- conference
- Confluences (musée des)
- connoisseur
- conservation
- conservation and restoration
- conservation documentation
- conservation materials
- conservation of contemporary art
- conservation treatment
- conservation-restoration
- consolidation
- construction
- Constructivism
- consumable
- contamination
- contemporary art
- contract
- controversy
- convergence of disciplines
- copies
- copper
- copper alloy
- copper blue
- copper corrosion removal
- copper green
- Coptic body
- copy
- Cordoban leather
- Corinth
- Corinthian bronze
- Coromaldi (Umberto)
- coroplastics
- corpse
- corpus
- corrosion
- corundum
- cosmetics
- costs
- Côtes-d’Armor
- cotton
- Courajod
- Courbet (Gustave)
- crack propagation
- cracking
- crackle varnish
- cracks
- cradle
- cradling
- crafting of instruments
- craftsmen
- crepe cotton
- Crespi
- criminal anthropology
- critical analysis of audiovisual sources
- critique of authenticity
- crown jewels
- crystalline components
- crystallisation
- CT scanning
- cultural heritage
- cultural history
- cultural project mediation
- curators
- Cyprus
- Dame Baillehache
- Damophon
- database
- dating
- dating methods
- dating of ancient bronze replicas
- de Berquen (Robert)
- de-restoration
- dealer
- death
- decoloration
- decor
- decorated caves
- decorative arts
- decorative arts in Renaissance Italy
- decorative terracottas
- Decorchemont (L.-E.)
- deep learning
- degradation
- Delabarre
- Della Robbia
- Delos
- demarouflage
- democratisation
- dendrochronology
- Denis (Simon)
- Denizard (Eugène)
- deontology
- deoxidation process
- Department of Graphic Arts
- Depoletti (1779-1854)
- Depoletti (Francesco)
- derestoration
- desalination
- descendant community
- Deschamps
- Desiderio da Settignano
- design
- deterioration
- devotional reliefs
- devotional value
- diamond
- Diana
- different production types
- digital art
- digital image
- digital photography
- digital silver prints
- digital simulation
- digitization
- Dijon
- Diocletian
- diorama
- Dioscure
- Diptera
- disc
- disinsectization
- dismantling
- dispossession
- distemper
- documentation
- documentation of movement
- dolly
- dolomite rock
- dolostone
- Donatello
- donors
- doses
- double ground
- dragon
- Drapery for a seated figure or the Saint-Morys drapery
- drawing
- drawings
- Dresden
- dried anatomical preparation
- dry-ice cleaning
- Dubuffet
- Duke of Luynes
- Dunkerque
- Duprat (Clémence)
- Durand (Edme Antoine)
- Dutuit Collection
- dye
- dyed veneer
- dyeing practices
- dyes
- eagles
- Early Christianity
- earth
- earthenware glazers
- easel painting
- East Indians of the Caribbeans
- École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts
- ecology
- ectoparasites
- education
- efflorescence
- Egypt
- Egyptian Antiquity
- Egyptian blue
- Egyptian mummies
- electric motors
- electrochemistry
- electromagnetic
- electromechanical artwork
- electromechanical atelier
- electromechanics
- Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)
- electronic
- electronic spin resonance (ESR) combined with uranium-series (ESR/U-series) dating method
- electronic spin resonance (ESR) dating method
- electronics
- elemental composition
- elemental distribution maps
- elementary analysis
- embroidery
- emerald
- emission
- empress Eugénie
- empyreuma
- enamel
- energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS)
- England
- enhanced body perspective
- enlargement
- enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA)
- enzymes
- Ephesos
- epigraphy
- epikosmesis
- Epiphany
- episkeve
- epistemology
- epsilon-Fe2O3
- Er:YAG laser
- Erechtheus
- Eros
- ethics
- Etruscan Hellenistic funerary sculpture
- euergetism
- Eumolpos
- European arts
- European Bronze Age
- European research projects
- examination
- excavation
- exhibit
- exhibition
- experiment
- experimental archaeology
- experimental philosophy
- experimental procedure
- experimental reconstruction
- expert
- expertise
- eyes
- Fabre (musée)
- fabric
- fabrication technique
- fabrics
- façade panels
- faience
- fakes
- Family of Charles IV
- fashion
- fashioned gems
- fatty acids
- Fayum
- feather
- Ferrara
- Fesch collection
- fettling
- fiber-optic reflectance spectroscopy (FORS)
- fibre optic reflectance spectroscopy (FORS)
- fibres
- fields
- Filarete
- file
- filler
- filling in
- film heritage
- film restoration
- filtration
- Fine Arts Museum
- finite-element model
- fire
- firefighters
- fish glue
- fish skin
- fissures
- flax
- flax fibres
- flesh tints
- fleurs-de-lis
- Flinck (Govaert)
- float glass
- floral marquetry
- Florence
- Florentine Masters
- flour used as size
- Flügger Filler Interior
- fluorescent lamps
- fluorescent paint
- fluorescent tubes
- fluvial formations
- fluxing agents
- Fogg Art Museum
- Fontainebleau
- Fontainebleau castle
- food
- forge
- formalism
- format changes
- formula
- FORS (Fiber optic reflectance spectroscopy)
- FORS (Spectrométrie par réflexion à l’aide de fibre optique)
- fossils
- foundation nail
- foundry
- Fouque
- Fourier Transform near- and mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy
- Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
- fracture surface
- fragments
- frame
- France
- France’s museums
- France’s national museums restoration department
- Frans Geubels
- French
- frescoes
- fringe pattern profilometry
- FTIR spectroscopy
- funerary mask
- funerary practices
- Funerary Stele: Farewell Scene Between a Man and his Wife (Ma 768)
- furniture
- furniture leg
- fusion welding
- Gaillon
- Gallic
- galvanic
- Gandhara
- ganosis
- gantry
- Gargiulo (Raffaele)
- gas chromatography (GC)
- Gas chromatography/Mass spectrometry (GC/MS)
- gauging plaster
- gauze
- Gayet (Albert)
- genetics
- genome
- Genovesio (Luciano)
- Geoweb
- German school
- gilding
- gilding with binder
- gilt bronzes
- gilt leather
- Giovanni da Udine
- glass
- glaze
- glossary
- glue
- glue-peel
- gluing
- god of love
- gold
- gold leaf gilding
- gold threads
- golden ratio
- goldsmith’s trade
- Gole
- Gothic art
- Gothic sculpture
- Gottlieb (Adolph)
- gouging
- Goulinat (Jean-Gabriel)
- Goya (Francisco de)
- Goya Museum
- graffiti
- granting of heritage status
- Greco-Roman period
- Greece
- Greek
- Greek and Roman sculpture
- Greek art
- Greek ceramics
- Greek religion
- Greek world
- green museum
- grey-on-red
- griffin
- grotto
- grounds
- Guadamecil
- Guillemardet (Ferdinand)
- Guimet (Émile)
- gun bluing
- Gunsa
- gypsum
- gypsum plaster
- Hacquin
- Hacquin (F.-T.)
- Hall of Mirrors
- Hamman (Joë)
- Hampton Court Palace
- Hanako
- hardness
- Hardouin-Mansart (Jules)
- Harvard
- headdress
- health
- heat treatment
- Hellenistic
- Hellenistic architecture
- Hellenistic bronze sculpture
- Hellenistic era
- Hellenistic period
- Helleu (Paul César)
- Henry VIII
- heraldic
- heraldics
- Herculaneum patina
- heritage
- heritage materials
- herm
- Hermitage Museum
- Hermogenes
- Heron
- high resolution mass spectrometry
- historical monuments
- historiography
- history
- history of collecting
- history of conservation
- history of medieval sculpture
- history of restoration
- history of techniques
- history of uses
- Holy Face
- Homme (musée de l’)
- Homo sapiens
- Hooghstoel
- Horsin-Déon
- hot air pencil
- houses
- Hoyau
- human element
- human migrations
- human remains
- human remains granted heritage status
- Huyghe (René)
- hydraulic
- hydrocerussite
- hygro-mechanical behaviour
- hyperspectral imaging
- ICOM-Committee for Conservation
- iconography
- ICP (inductively coupled plasma)
- ICP-AES (Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy)
- ICP-MS (Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry)
- identification
- illusionistic reintegration
- image
- imagerie
- imagery
- imaging
- imaging instrumentation
- imaging techniques
- imitation bronze
- imperial crowns
- impression
- Impressionism
- in situ measurements
- in situ sampling
- incandescence
- incandescent light bulbs
- incineration
- increased prestige
- increased transparency
- index
- India
- indigo
- industrial design
- industrial heritage
- industrial manufacturing
- industrial painting materials
- industrial processes
- inflatable work
- infrared
- infrared reflectance
- infrared reflectografy
- infrared reflectography
- Ingres (Jean-Auguste-Dominique)
- injection fluids
- ink
- ink analyses
- inpainting
- inscription
- inscriptions and stamps
- insects
- installation
- installations
- Institut Jean Le Rond d’Alembert
- Institut national du patrimoine (INP)
- institutions
- intentional patinas
- interdisciplinarity
- interdisciplinary
- interdisciplinary study
- international collaboration
- International Exhibition of Modern Industrial and Decorative Arts
- inventory
- ion
- ion beam analysis
- Ion beam-induced luminescence (IBIL)
- ion-beam polishing
- Ionic temple
- IR false colour photography
- IR reflectography
- IR reflectrometry
- Iran
- Iriarte (Don Bernardo de)
- iron
- Iron Age
- iron gall ink
- iron oxide
- iron stones
- IRPA (Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage)
- Islamic conquest
- isopermanence
- isotopes
- Italian Renaissance
- Italian Renaissance plaster casts
- Italian school
- Italiote ceramics
- Italy
- ivory
- ivory polychromy
- La Hyre (Laurent de)
- la maison rouge (Antoine de Galbert Foundation)
- La Péraudière busts
- La Réunion
- La Roque (Antoine de)
- Laboratoire de recherche de monuments historiques (LRMH)
- laboratory
- lacquerwares
- Lady with an Ermine
- Lagash
- laminated glass
- Lancret (Nicolas)
- Landscape of the Arno Valley
- Lange (Bernard)
- Lansdowne Madonna
- lapidary
- lapis lazuli
- Lardizabal (Miguel de)
- large bronzes
- large scale instruments
- large statuary
- large-scale facilities
- laser scanning
- laser-induced fluorescence (LIF)
- Late Antiquity
- Late Bronze Age
- late Chalcolithic
- Late Hellenistic shipwrecks
- late Middle Ages
- late Rembrandt
- Latz (Jean-Pierre)
- Lavaudieu
- Le Bas de Montargis
- Le Brun (Jean-Baptiste Pierre)
- Le Mans terracottas
- lead
- lead glass
- lead glaze
- lead white
- lead White
- lead white pigment
- leather
- legal status of human remains
- leggings
- Lemaire (Charles)
- Lemonnier (Gabriel)
- Lenepveu (Jules-Eugène)
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Lepage (Raymond)
- Lepeltier (Léon)
- Lépicié (François-Bernard)
- Levant
- lexicology
- life cast
- lifting
- light
- light sources
- lightening
- lightweight sculptures
- Ligny-en-Barrois
- Lille
- Lillebonne
- limestone
- Limoges
- linen
- lithic technology
- lithium
- Livia
- lizards
- local electrolysis
- loculus slabs
- Loire
- Longa (René)
- longcase clock
- loss of adhesion
- Lot
- Louvre
- Louvre (musée du)
- Louvre Museum
- Louvre Pyramid
- low energy bulbs
- low relief
- luminous artworks
- lustre
- Lycurgus
- Lysippos
- MA-XRF (Macroscopic X-ray fluorescence)
- macro X-ray fluorescence scanning (MA-XRF)
- Macro-XRF scanner
- madder
- Madonna with a fruit bowl
- Magnesia on the Maeander
- magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- mahogany
- Maiano (Giovanni da)
- Maillot
- maintenance
- Majas on a Balcony
- Making and Knowing Project
- Malesset (Jean)
- Malevich (Kazimir)
- management
- Manet (Édouard)
- manufacture
- manufacturing origin and date
- manufacturing technique
- manufacturing techniques
- manuscript
- manuscripts
- Maori heads
- marble
- Marbode
- Marchand-Mercier
- Maridat (Paul)
- Mariemont
- Mariette
- marine animals
- markers
- marouflage
- marquetry
- marquise de Santa Cruz)
- Marseille
- mass spectrometry
- Master of the singing angels
- material
- material evidence
- material imitation
- material technology
- materiality
- materials
- mathematical composition
- matt paint
- matte paint
- Mazo (Don Francisco del)
- Measurement of luminescence decay lifetime with time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC)
- mechanical cleaning
- mechanical deterioration
- mechanical wear and tear
- médaillier
- Medallions with busts of emperors
- mediation
- medicine
- Memling (Hans)
- memory
- mending
- mercury
- mesh
- Mesopotamia
- metal
- metal body armour
- metal coating
- metal marquetry
- metal masking
- metal soaps
- Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)
- metallic elements
- metallic flake
- metallic inlays
- metallic mordants
- metallic thread
- metallography
- metamorphic term
- meteorite
- methodological tool
- methodology
- methods
- methods and treatments
- Meuse
- Mexican maize-stalk sculptures of Christ
- MICADAS mass spectrometers
- Michel (Pierre)
- micro CT
- micro-CT
- micro-samples
- micro-sampling
- micro-scale
- Micro-X-ray fluorescence (µ-RFA)
- micro-XRF
- microarchitecture
- microorganisms
- microsample
- microscanner
- microscopy
- Middle Ages
- Middle Pleistocene
- migration
- mimetite
- mineralisation
- mineralization
- minimally invasive analyses
- minimum intervention
- mirror
- mix of pigments
- mixed ink
- mixed music
- mobile devices
- moccasin
- model as “medallion”
- modeling
- modelled plaster
- modelling
- modelling wax
- models
- modern and contemporary art
- modern ceramics
- modern musical instruments
- modern painting
- modification of format
- Modostuc
- molding
- moldings
- molds
- Mona Lisa
- Montauban
- Montmorillonite
- Montpellier
- Montpetit
- monumental sculpture
- Morales (Luis de)
- Moras
- Moroné (J.)
- morphology
- mortars
- Mortemard
- mosaic
- Moscow
- Mossi
- moulding
- mounting
- mounts
- movable sculpture
- moving artworks
- MRM (Mobile Raman microscopy)
- Ms. Fr. 640
- Müller
- Müller (Marc-Rodolphe)
- Müller-Christensen
- multi-detector
- multilayer paintings techniques
- multiple
- multiple molding/model repetition
- multiples
- multiplication
- multispectral imagery
- multispectral infrared reflectography
- mummie
- mummification
- mummy
- mummy hair
- mummy mask
- mummy portrait
- mural gallery
- musealization
- Musée de la Musique
- Musée de la Musique laboratory
- Musée de l’Air et de l’Espace
- Musée des Arts et Métiers
- Musée des Augustins
- Musée des Beaux-Arts
- musée des Monuments français
- Musée des Tissus
- Musée Fabre
- Musée Ingres
- Musée Jacquemart-André
- Musée Joseph-Denais
- musée Napoléon
- museology
- museum
- museum collections
- museum conservation
- Museum of Fine Arts
- museums
- Naiskos
- name
- Naples
- Napoleonic Empire
- Napoleon III
- Narbonne
- National Archives
- National Gallery
- National Gallery of Art
- National Gallery of London
- National Museum
- national policy
- Native American dress
- Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)
- Nativity
- natural dyes
- natural history collections
- natural paint
- natural substances
- naturalia
- naturalism
- nature
- Nazca
- Neanderthal
- Near-East
- nenfro stone
- Neo-Greek trend
- Neo-Sumerian
- neon lamps
- neon lighting
- Neptune
- Neri di Bicci
- nerve glue
- Netherlandish influence
- Neuilly-le-Réal
- neuroaesthetics
- neutron diffraction
- neutron induced analytical techniques
- neutron radiography
- new occupation
- Nicomedia
- Nohant-Vic
- noir-sur-noir
- non-destructive analysis
- non-destructive testing
- non-invasive analysis
- non-invasive imaging
- non-invasive monitoring
- non-invasive techniques
- normalization
- Northern Athapaskans
- Northern Renaissance
- Notre-Dame des Vertus
- nuclear microprobe
- nylon (or polyamide) net
- oak panel
- object biography
- objectivity
- objects
- Observance
- observation
- obsidian provenance
- obsolescence
- OCIM (Museum and Information Office)
- odor
- offering
- oil on canvas
- oil painting technique
- olfaction
- Olympia
- Ondes Martenot (“Martenot waves”)
- online research resource
- opacifier
- Ophelion
- Opificio delle Pietre Dure (OPD)
- Oplontis
- optical black
- optical coherence tomography (OCT)
- Optical Coherent Tomography (OCT)
- opus tessellatum
- opus vermiculatum
- order of magnitude
- Order of the Holy Spirit
- organic binder
- organic materials
- organization
- original constraints
- original format
- original plaster
- ormolu
- orpiment
- Orsay (musée d’)
- osteoarchaeology
- osteological collections
- Osuna (duc d’)
- Ottomans
- Oudry
- over-paints
- overhead crane
- overpaint
- oversized paintings
- oxidation
- oxidization
- Pacheco (Francisco)
- pad
- Pafrat
- paganism
- paint
- paint cross-sections
- paint layer
- paint layers
- paint sample micro-analyses
- painted bronzes
- painted canvases
- painted ceilings
- painted enamel
- painted panel
- painted striplites
- Painter of Louvre K 240
- painter/sculptor relations
- painters
- painting
- painting in wood
- painting on marble
- painting technique
- paintings
- paktong
- palaces
- Palaeolithic
- Paleo-christian
- paleoepidemiology
- paleography
- paleopathology
- palette
- Palissy (Bernard)
- panel
- panel painting
- paper
- paragon
- parchment
- Paris
- Paris Basin during the Tertiary
- partial relining
- partial vacuum treatment
- particle
- particle induced gamma-ray emission (PIGE)
- particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE)
- Particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE)
- passive defence depots
- pathology
- patina
- patination
- patristic
- Paulet (Pierre)
- peacocks
- pebbles
- peel off
- peelable protein poultice
- pendant
- pentimento
- peptide analyses
- perception
- perenniality
- Pérez de Castro (Don Evaristo)
- perforation
- peridot
- permeable membranes
- Peru
- Petit Palais Museum
- pewter
- Pharaonic Egypt
- Phidias
- photographic processes
- photography
- photonic methods
- photostimulable phosphor plate (PSP) or imaging plate (IP)
- phthalates
- physico-chemical alterations
- Picault
- pictorial formulations
- pictorial layer
- pictorial matter
- pictorial technique
- pictorial techniques
- Pietà
- PIGE (Particle Induced Gamma Ray Emission)
- PIGE analysis
- pigment
- pigments
- Piombino
- PIXE (Particle Induced X-Ray Emission)
- PIXE (Particle-induced X-ray emission)
- PIXE (particle-induced X-ray emission)
- PIXE (Particule induced X-ray emission)
- PIXE analysis
- Plains Indians
- planning
- plant substances
- plant-based coating
- plants
- plaster
- plastic material
- plastic materials
- plasticized polyvinyl chloride
- plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
- plasticized PVC
- Pliny the Elder
- pneumatic and computerized systems
- pointed amphora
- Poitiers
- pollutants
- Polo (Marco)
- poly(vinyl acetate)-borax gel
- polychrome floors
- polychrome sandstone
- polychromie
- polychromy
- polychromy and gilding
- polyester and linen canvas
- polysiloxanes
- polytheism
- polyurethane foams
- porcupine quills
- porosity
- portable analytical equipments
- portable device
- portable infrared spectroscopy
- portrait
- Portrait of Hendrickje Stoffels
- Portrait of Isabella d’Este
- Portrait of Nicolaes van Bambeeck
- Portrait of the Artist Bare-Headed
- Portrait of Titus
- portraits
- portraits of the artist
- post-Palissian ceramics
- Pouget Fils
- Poussin
- practice
- Prado
- Praxiteles
- Predication of Saint Bernardino of Sienna
- preliminary studies
- preliminary study
- preparation
- preparatory cartoon
- preparatory layers
- preparatory models
- presentation
- presentation and conservation
- preservation index
- Pretot
- prevention history
- preventive conservation
- Priene Eros
- principle of human dignity
- prints
- processes
- processional Crucifix
- professionalization
- Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis (PGAA)
- protection
- protective coating
- protein-residues
- proteomics
- protome
- Prouvé (Jean)
- provenance
- provenance study
- Pseudo-Seneca
- pseudodipteros
- Ptolemaic
- Ptolemaic Egypt
- Ptolemaic mummy
- public
- public collection
- public domain
- public procurement
- Pydna
- race
- radiocarbon
- radiocarbon dating
- radiograph
- radiography
- radiology
- Raman spectroscopy
- raw minerals
- RBS (Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry) analysis of gold and silver coins
- RBS analysis
- re-use
- reassemblage
- reassembly
- recipe
- recipe books
- recipes
- reconstitution
- reconstructions
- record
- recumbent
- recycling PEG treatment baths
- red jasper
- red lac
- redox
- reduction
- reflectance
- reflectance imaging spectroscopy (RIS)
- regilding
- régulateur de parquet
- regulations
- rehydration
- reinforced concrete
- Reiset
- relics
- relief
- reliefs
- religion
- religions
- relining
- Rembrandt
- Rembrandt attribution
- remediation
- remounting
- removable restitution
- removal
- removal of overpaint
- Renaissance
- Renaissance ceramics
- Renaissance stucco
- Rennes
- repaint
- repainted parts
- repaints
- repair
- repairs
- replacement
- replicating techniques
- report
- reprinting
- reproduction
- reprogramming
- research
- research methodology
- resources
- respect
- restitution
- restoration
- restoration campaigns
- restoration committee
- restoration history
- Restoration workshop
- restorers
- retouching
- reunification of two canvases
- reuse
- reversibility
- Revue de l’aluminium
- rewinding
- Rhodes
- Riace bronzes
- Riace Bronzes
- Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (OCW-RCE)
- risk management
- Robien (Christophe-Paul de)
- rocaille
- Rochefort
- Rochette (D.-R.)
- Rodchenko (Aleksandr)
- Rodez
- Rodin
- Roman
- Roman Antiquity
- Roman Egypt
- Roman imperial period
- Roman law
- Roman period
- Roman shroud
- Romanelli
- Romanesque art
- Romanesque wooden sculptures
- Rome
- Roncalli
- Rondel (Baptiste-Victor)
- roses
- Rossellino
- Rossellino (Antonio)
- Rostain
- Roubo
- Roubo varnish
- roughness
- Roullet (Jacques)
- roundel
- Roy (Christopher)
- rubrication
- ruby
- ruins
- Rustici (Giovanfrancesco)
- rusticware
- rustiques figulines
- Saavedra (Francisco de)
- Sabatier d’Espeyran
- Saint Bartholomew Master
- Saint John the Baptist
- Saint Petersburg
- Saint-Aubin (Charles-Germain de)
- Saint-Denis
- Saint-Germain-des-Prés
- Saint-Jean-des-Prémontrés Abbey
- Saint-Porchaire
- Saintes
- salvaged and recycled materials
- samples preparation
- Sansovino (Jacopo)
- Santorini
- sappanwood
- sarcophagi
- Saul and David
- Sauroktonos
- scale drawings
- scanner
- scanning electron microscope
- scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
- Scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDS)
- Scanning electron microscopy/Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM/EDS)
- Schiaparelli (Elsa)
- School of Mines
- School of Mines ParisTech-PSL Mineralogy Museum
- science
- scientific analyses
- scientific archives
- scientific archives intercomparison
- scientific imagery
- scientific imaging
- scientific research
- scientific value
- screen
- scrubbing
- sculptors
- sculpture
- sculpture restoration
- sculpture romaine
- sculpture/polychromy complementarity
- sculptures
- sea turtle
- Second World War
- Sedan
- seed cotton
- Séguier
- seized during the French Revolution
- seizure of art works
- selenium
- selenium toning
- Self Portrait at an Easel
- self-portraits
- Selinus
- SEM analysis
- semi-industrial and industrial products
- semi-precious stones
- sensoriality
- serial casting
- serially-produced bronzes
- series
- seventeenth century
- Sèvres
- sfumato
- sgraffito decoration
- shagreen
- shark skin
- sheathing
- sheet metal
- shellac varnish
- shells
- shipwrecks
- showcase
- shrine
- Sichuan
- Sicily
- silent cinema
- silk
- silver
- silver threads
- silvering
- simulacra
- sixteenth century
- skeleton
- sketch
- skull cup
- smalt
- soda ash glass
- Sodom
- software emulation
- software obsolescence
- Solana (marquise de la)
- solarisation
- Soltykoff Sale
- solvent gel
- soot
- Soulages (Pierre)
- sound documents
- sounding board
- sources
- space
- Spain
- Spanish art
- Spanish school
- specifications
- spectrocolorimetry
- spectrophotometry
- spectroscopy
- Spotted Weasel
- Squarcione (Francesco)
- St John
- stained glass
- stamp
- starch
- static/dynamic mechanical analysis
- statistical analysis
- statuary
- statue
- statues
- steaming
- Stedelijk Museum
- steel bluing
- Stegobium
- stegobium
- stelai
- Stepanova (Varvara)
- stereo microscopy
- still life
- stock management
- stone
- storage
- storage of spare parts
- Strasbourg
- Strasbourg rood-screen
- stratigraphic units
- stratigraphical section
- stratigraphy
- stretcher
- structural inventory
- stuc
- stucco
- stuccoes
- studies
- studio photography
- study
- study prior to conservation treatments
- subscription
- SµCT
- Suger
- sunlight
- supply
- support
- Suprematism
- Suriname
- sustainable development
- Swiss school
- sword
- synchrotron
- synchrotron infrared spectroscopy
- synchrotron radiation
- synthetic adhesive
- synthetic azurite
- synthetic dyes
- synthetic polymers
- systematic chemical imaging
- Tacamahaca resin
- taffeta
- Tamil Nadu
- tapestry
- tarnishing
- tattooed human skins
- Tavernier (Jean-Baptiste)
- taxonomy
- teaching
- technical analysis
- technical art history
- technical documentation
- technical procedures
- technical research on paintings
- technical study
- technique
- techniques
- techniques non-invasives
- technological development
- technological heritage
- technological obsolescence
- technology museum
- Telesinos
- television set
- tempera
- temple C
- temple furniture
- temple of Artemis Leukophryene
- temporality
- Tenth State Exhibition
- terahertz
- term
- terminology
- Ternois (Daniel)
- terra sigillata
- terracotta
- Tetrarchy
- textile
- textile offering
- textile production
- textiles
- texture
- The Annunciation to the Shepherds
- The Archangel Raphael leaving the Family of Tobit
- the art of embalming
- the Benois Madonna
- the Child’s head in three-quarter profile
- The Courtauld Gallery
- The Holy Family
- The Household of the Carpenter
- The Knife-Grinder
- The Last Communion of Saint Joseph Calasanctius
- the Lutheries – Acoustique – Musique (LAM) team
- The Madonna of the Yarnwinder
- the Nude Mona Lisa
- The Old Women
- The Philosopher in Contemplation
- The Philosopher in Meditation
- The Spring
- The Supper at Emmaus
- The Water-Carrier
- The Young Women
- Théâtres de mémoire
- Thera
- therapeia
- thesaurus
- thin-section analysis
- Third Republic
- thorium
- Three Bathers
- Tibet
- time-based media
- time-based media conservation
- tin
- tin leaf
- Titian
- tomb of Philip II
- Tombs of the Kings
- tomography
- tonal painting
- topaz
- Toulouse
- tourmaline
- Townley (Charles)
- trace elements
- training
- transfer
- transmission
- transmission electron microscopy
- transnational access
- transportation of art works
- transposition
- treatise on restoration
- treatises
- trends
- Treu
- Tüchlein
- Tuileries
- Tuileries gardens
- tunic
- turtle shell
- Tuscania
- Tuscany
- typology
- Uffizi Galleries prints and drawings department (GDSU 8P)
- Ugarit
- UK
- ultramarine
- ultraviolet imaging
- ultraviolet-visible (UV-VIS) reflectance and fluorescence spectroscopy
- uncovering the original polychromy
- underdrawing
- underdrawings
- underlayer
- underlying painting
- undermodeling
- unfinished work
- unpublished archives
- Urania (Ma 241)
- usage
- use-wear analysis
- UV fluorescence
- UV fluorescence photography
- UV laser ablation
- UV-VIS spectrometry
- UV-VIS spectrometry (Ultraviolet-visible spectrometry)
- UVC rays
- UV fluorescence
- vacuum clamping
- Valois
- value of humanity
- values
- van der Weyden
- Van der Weyden
- van der Weyden (Rogier)
- Van Hoogstraten
- vanadyl complexes
- VANTAblack
- Vanuatu
- varnish
- varnish thinning
- vase painting
- vases
- Vatican Mummy Project
- Vaux-de-la-Celle sanctuary
- vegetal resin
- vegetal tar
- Velázquez (Diego)
- Vendome (Jean)
- Venini
- Vergnet-Ruiz (Jean)
- verification
- vermilion
- vibration
- vibratory behaviour
- video and television-based art
- video microscopy
- Vienna
- Vigée-Le Brun (Élisabeth)
- VIL (Visible-induced luminescence)
- Villot
- violincello
- Viollet-le-Duc (Eugène)
- Virgin
- Virgin and Child
- Virgin in Majesty
- Visconti (Ennio Quirino)
- visibility
- visible light photography
- visible raking light photography
- visual appearance
- visual culture
- visual perception
- vitreous materials
- volatile organic compound (VOC)
- Volatile organic compound (VOC)
- votive panel
- Waldstein (Mariana
- wall hangings
- wall painting
- warrior
- washing
- waste mould
- water stain
- Watteau (Antoine)
- wax
- WebSIG
- white undercoat
- wild silk
- Winckelmann (J.-J.)
- Windsor Castle
- wing
- wireless data transmission
- Wolsey
- wood
- wood and string musical instrument
- wood marquetry
- wood panel craquelure pattern
- wooden marquetry
- woodwork
- wool
- working method
- works of art
- workshop
- workshop practices
- workshops
- worn paint layer
- Worth (Charles Frederick)
- written heritage
- written records
- X-radiography
- X-ray
- X-ray diffraction
- X-ray diffraction (XRD)
- X-ray diffraction imaging
- X-ray fluorescence
- X-ray fluorescence (AFX or XRF)
- X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
- X-ray fluorescence (XRF) imaging
- X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF)
- X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) Diagnostic imaging techniques with high resolution digital photography
- X-ray fluorescence imaging
- X-ray fluorescence mapping
- X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF)
- X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
- X-ray radiography
- X-rays
- X-ray fluorescence
- XRF (analyse par fluorescence X)
- XRF (X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy)