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Guidelines to the authors

Length of articles submitted to Technè is supposed to be of 10.000 to 25.000 characters all-inclusive.

Attention: the number of characters indicated in the letter is all-inclusive, e.g.: “10.000 characters” means characters and spaces of the entire article (abstract + keywords + text + endnotes + selective bibliography + captions of the illustrations).

Please send your contribution in Word format (file type: .doc, please avoid using .docx format) by e-mail to: c2rmf_techne[at]

The article can be written in English, French, Italian, German or Spanish according to your preference. The abstract of the texts written in French will be translated into English. The abstracts of English-written or other languages texts will be translated into French.

A – The text

Must include the following elements in the given order:

1 – Title of the article

2 – Information on the author(s)

Name, surname of the author(s), professional affiliation and e-mail address (for each of the co-authors as well, if any).

3 – Abstract

10 lines maximum, written in the same language as the text. The Technè journal will take care of the translation into French.

4 – Keywords

Up to 12 keywords maximum.

5 – Text

The text should not contain style sheets. Titles and subtitles must be organized in a coherent way, as well as the number of paragraphs. Do not number the paragraphs.

Police: Times New Roman, 12 points, single-spaced.

6 – Endnotes

At the end of the article (no footnotes). Their numbering should be continuous and in Arab numerals, written in the text in exponent, before punctuation and without brackets.

Endnotes contain comments or precisions, and abbreviated references to the selective bibliography (giving the author’s name, date and page):
E.g.: Parisinou 2000, p. 20.

A note may refer to several bibliographic references.

Bibliographic references must not appear between brackets in the text itself.

7 – List of figures with captions and copyright

See below.

8 – Selective bibliography

See below.

B – Illustrations

Each article is supposed to be illustrated by 4 to 7 illustrations. Illustrations must be provided by the author, with their caption and copyright, free of rights. Regarding pictures that could be provided by “Agence photo RMN-GP”, please let us know and we will contact them.

Please do not include any illustration in the text Word file.

Please send high-resolution digital images (.jpg or .tif format, minimum 300 dpi) via WeTransfer site or on a DVD at the following address: Revue Technè, C2RMF, Palais du Louvre – Porte des Lions, 14, quai François-Mitterrand, 75001 Paris.

Illustrations must be numbered in the order they appear in the text.

If too many, illustrations will be selected by the editorial committee.

1 – Figures

Illustrations must be numbered, starting with number one, in Arab numerals, and indicated in the text as follows: (fig. 1).

2 – Captions

Captions must be given for each figure and must include a proper copyright, with the name of the photographer.

Indications on the desired printed size of the figures (small, medium or large) can be given by the authors and are useful for the editorial design of the volume.

3 – Graphs and tables

Tables must be sent in Word format, Graphs in PDF format.

Once the article accepted, a letter of agreement for a license of use and a publication free of charge will be sent to the author.

C – Selective bibliography

References given in endnotes in an abbreviated form must be listed in full format, at the end of the article, in a selective bibliography arranged according to the alphabetic order.

Specific guidelines in Technè:

1 – Books - Monographs

Name, surname initial(s), date, title, editor, town.
E.g.: Parisinou E., 2000, The Light of the Gods. The Role of Light in Archaic and Classical Greek Cult, Duckworth, London.

2 – Article in a collective book

E.g.: Brecoulaki H., Kavvadias G., Verri G., 2014, “Colour and Luxury. Three Classical Painted Marble Pyxides from the Collection of the National Archaeological Museum of Athens”, in J. S. Østergaard and A.M. Nielsen (eds.), Transformations: Classical Sculpture in Colour, Carlsberg Glyptotek, Copenhagen, p. 152-165.

3 – Article in a Journal

Name, surname initial(s), date, “title”, name of the journal, volume, pages.
E.g: Holley E. A., McQuillan A. J., Craw D., Kim J. P. and Sander G, 2007, “Mercury mobilization by oxidative dissolution of cinnabar (α-HgS) and metacinnabar (β-HgS)”, Chemical Geology 240, p. 313-325.

4 – Preprints/postprints of a conference, symposium

Name(s) of the scientific editors, publication year, title (with the date of the conference), editor, town.
E.g: Tiverios, D. Tsiafakis (eds) Color in Ancient Greece, Proceedings of the International Symposium, 12-16 April 2000, The Aristoteleian University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, p. 147-154.

5 – Electronic resources

Neri E., Gratuze B., Schibille N., 2017, ‘Dating the mosaics of the Durres amphitheatre through interdisciplinary analysis’, Journal of Cultural Heritage [online], 28 | 2017, Available online 2 June 2017, Red 17 February 2018. URL:

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