Teksty Drugie to dwumiesięcznik literaturoznawczy wydawany od 1990 roku przez Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk we współpracy ze Stowarzyszeniem Pro Cultura Litteraria.
Najnowsze numery
1 | 2024
Twenty-First-Century Literature and the Holocaust. A Comparative and Multilingual Perspective
The Holocaust and Literature [Pełny tekst]
In the Textual World of Twenty-First-Century Holocaust Literature
Between Past and Future. Transfiguration and Twenty-First-Century Holocaust Literature
Fictional Representations of Hitler [Pełny tekst]
Jewish Childhood, Holocaust and Twenty-First-Century Literature
Reading Time in Youth Novels about the Warsaw Ghetto [Pełny tekst]
Anne Frank is Dead and is Living in New York [Pełny tekst]