Indeks | Keywords
Słowa kluczowe | Keywords
- A-bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- abduction
- abject
- abortion
- Abraham (Nicolas)
- abreaction
- absolute values
- academia
- academic discipline
- academic writing
- academy neoliberalization
- accidentality
- acoustic image
- action
- action-network theory
- activism
- actor-network theory
- Adorno (Theodor)
- adults
- aerial warfare
- Aesopian language
- aesthetic game
- aesthetic logos
- aesthetics
- aesthetics of wastelands
- affect
- affective heterotopia
- affects
- Africa
- Agamben
- age of asymmetry
- agency
- agnotology
- aim
- Aira (César)
- Alderman (Naomi)
- algorithmic players
- alienation
- allegory
- alternative histories
- alternative history
- Amadoka
- ambivalence
- American comic books
- American formalism
- American monomyth
- anachronism
- anality
- analogue humanities
- analysis and interpretation
- analytical experience
- anámnesis
- anamorphosis
- anarchy
- Andrukhovych (Sofia)
- Andrzej Lenartowski
- Andrzej Walicki
- Andrzejewski (Jerzy)
- angry infant
- animal
- animal studies
- animals
- antagonism
- anthropocene
- Anthropocene
- Anthropocene (the)
- anthropocentrism
- anthropology
- anthropology of experience
- anthropology of literature
- anthropomorphization
- anthroposophy
- anti-communism
- anti-Enlightenment
- anti-nostalgia
- anti-Semitic discourse
- anti-Semitism
- anti-Semityzm
- anti-sentimentalism
- anti-theory-centrism
- antisemitism
- antipositivist turn
- Antoni Kępiński
- Antwerp
- apartheid
- aphasia
- aporia
- apotropaic appropriation
- apotropaic texts
- app novel
- Appelfeld (Aharon)
- appropriation
- aquacriticism
- aquatic motives
- Arab
- archaeology of the humanities infrastructure
- archeology of the humanities
- archetypes
- architects
- architecture
- archival collections
- archival sensibility
- archive
- Archive of the Akademie der Künste in Berlin
- archives
- Argentina
- Argentine literature
- Aristoteles
- art
- art after the Holocaust
- art based research
- art criticism
- art time
- artefacts of memory
- artificial intelligence
- artistic practices
- assemblage
- assimilation
- Association for Autobiography and Autobiographical Heritage (France)
- Association pour l’autobiographie et le patrimoine autobiographique
- atmosphere
- attitude
- attribution
- Aufhebung
- Auguste Rodin
- aura
- aural hyperaesthesia
- auratic experience
- Aurelia
- Auschwitz
- Auschwitz-Birkenau
- Austria
- authoritarianism
- authority
- authorized culture
- autism
- autobiographical field
- autobiographical pact
- autobiographical writing
- autobiography
- autoethnography
- autofiction
- automation
- automation of play
- autonomy
- avant-garde
- avatar
- awakening
- axiology
- axiology in literature
- Bachmann (Ingeborg)
- Bakhtin (Mikhail)
- Bal (Mieke)
- ballad
- Barańczak (Stanisław)
- barbarization
- Bartana (Yael)
- Baudelaire (Charles)
- beauty
- becoming
- becoming-a-plant
- being alive
- Belarus
- Belting (Hans)
- Benjamin (Walter)
- Berlin-Birkenau
- Bernhard (Thomas)
- bestsellers
- beyond-the-human anthropology
- Bhabha (Homi)
- bi(multi)lingual theatre
- Białoszewski (Miron)
- binarism
- bioart
- bioclass
- Biografie odtajnione [Declassified Biographies]
- biographical legend
- biographical trajectory
- biography
- biography of things
- biohumanities
- biology
- biomass
- biopolitics
- birds
- birthplace
- bison extermination
- bizarreness
- black box
- black sun
- Blanchot (Maurice)
- blog
- Błoński (Jan)
- blood ties
- bloodlands
- Bodegård (Anders)
- bodily knowledge
- body
- body-archive
- Bogurodzica
- BohaterON
- Bond (James)
- bone/body
- boredom
- Borowski (Leon)
- Borowski (Tadeusz)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bouchardon (Serge)
- Bourdieu
- Bourdieu (Pierre)
- Boznańska (Olga)
- brain
- branch
- Brandes (Georg)
- Brazil
- breaking of style
- Brecht (Bertolt)
- British literature
- Bruno Latour
- Brzozowski (Stanisław)
- Brzozowski (Zbigniew)
- Buber (Martin)
- bucolic
- bug
- burden of freedom
- Butler (Judith)
- bystander
- cadaverous resemblance
- Cała jaskrawość [All the Brightness]
- camp
- camp culture
- Campo (Cristina)
- Canada
- canon
- capitalism
- Capitalocene (the)
- carnivalesque
- Carson (Anne)
- catastrophe
- categorization
- Catholic church
- Catholic Church
- Catholic Church and the Holocaust
- Catholic Church in the Polish People’s Republic
- Catholic culture
- Catholics
- Cavanagh (Clare)
- Céline
- cemetery
- censorship
- centaur
- centenary
- center
- Central Asia
- Central Jewish Historical Commission
- centre
- Chamowo
- Chasdiel (Jair)
- chemical warfare
- child story
- children
- children studies
- children’s and young adults’ literature
- children’s literature
- Christian monasticism
- chronopoetics
- chronotope
- Church
- church
- cinema
- Circe
- circulating reference
- circulation of knowledge
- citation
- city
- city museum
- civic society
- class
- climate
- climate change
- climate change denial
- co-memory
- code
- coevalness
- coffeehouse culture
- cognition
- cognitive humanities
- cognitive theory of metaphor
- coincidence
- Cold War
- collaboration
- collection
- collective hero
- collective identity
- collective memory
- collegium invisibile
- colonialism
- comic book
- comical imperative
- comics
- coming out
- commemoration
- commercialisation
- commitment
- committed autonomy
- communication
- communism
- Communism
- communist ethos
- communist Poland
- communist propaganda
- communist women
- communities of local memory
- communities of national memory
- community
- comparative literature
- comparative studies
- complex games
- complexity theory
- complicating form
- complicity in the Holocaust
- computer games
- concentration camp
- concentration camps
- concept atheism
- concept of atheism
- concept of history
- confessional poetry
- conflict
- congress of Polish poets and translators in Paris in 1967
- connections
- Conrad Korzeniowski (Józef)
- consciousness
- conservatism
- constellation
- construction
- constructivism
- Constructivism
- contemplation
- contemporary
- contemporary art
- contemporary Chinese poetry
- contemporary culture
- contemporary drama
- contemporary Israeli fiction
- contemporary literature
- contemporary Mexican literature
- contemporary physics
- contemporary poetry
- contemporary Polish fiction
- contemporary Polish literature
- contemporary Polish poetry
- contemporary prose
- content analysis
- contradiction
- contradictory social mobility
- control of emotions
- convergence
- cooperation with the environment
- corporeality
- correspondence
- cosmopolitan cultural belonging
- cosmopolitanism
- cosmopolitics
- counter-monument
- counter-science
- counterculture
- counterfactual history
- counterpublic
- counterenlightenment
- counterfactuality
- countryside
- creative process
- creaturely life
- crematorium documentary literature
- crime scene
- crime story
- crisis
- crisis of language
- crisis of the humanities
- critical art
- critical curating
- critical infrastructure studies
- critical philosophy
- critical race theory
- critical research
- critical theories
- critical theory
- critical university studies
- criticism
- crowdsourcing games
- crypt
- cryptonymy
- cultural anthropology
- cultural capital
- cultural comparative studies
- cultural comparativism
- cultural innovation
- cultural landscape
- cultural literacy
- cultural marketplace
- cultural memory
- cultural patterns
- cultural phenomenology
- cultural practices
- cultural scripts
- Cultural Studies
- cultural studies
- cultural theory of literature
- cultural transfer
- cultural trauma
- culturaltextual literacy
- culture
- culture 2.0
- culture and politics
- culture and war
- culture description
- culture in the Polish People’s Republic
- culture of circulation
- culture of fact
- culture of narcissism
- culturenature
- cultures of memory
- cursed soldiers
- cut
- cynicism
- Czapski (Józef)
- Czermak (Izabella)
- Czesław Miłosz
- Dąbrowska (Maria)
- Dadaism
- dark ecology
- dark tourism
- Darwin (Charles)
- David Graeber
- de)
- dead body studies
- death
- December 1970
- decolonization
- decomposition ecology
- deconstruction
- deconstruction of Christianity
- Dedecius (Karl)
- deformation
- Deguy (Michel)
- dehumanization
- Delbo (Charlotte)
- Deleuze
- Deleuze (Gilles)
- Delta mythology
- Demirski (Paweł)
- demiurge
- democracy
- demonism
- deportation
- depression metaphors
- depression worldview
- Derrida (Jacques)
- desire
- dialectics
- dialectics of the enlightenment
- dialogism
- dialogue
- Diana Budisavljević
- diaries
- diary
- diary studies
- diary writing
- didactics
- didactics of literature
- différance
- difference
- difficult heritage
- diffraction
- digital archive
- digital editing
- digital game
- digital genres
- digital humanities
- digital literature
- digital media
- Digital Methods and Practices Observatory
- digital realism
- digital Robinsonades
- digitalization
- digitalization of archives
- digitization
- disability
- disability studies
- disagreement
- disciplinary society
- disciplinary studies
- discipline autonomy
- discipline identity
- disciplines
- discourse
- discourses of love
- discourses on the Borderlands
- disgust
- displacement
- display
- distance
- distant reading
- distinction
- distributed laboratory
- diversion units of the Bataliony Chłopskie and Armia Krajowa
- divided community
- doctoral studies
- document
- Dolina Issy
- doll play
- dominant
- Don Quixote
- doodles
- double
- double (Doppelgänger)
- doubleness
- draft
- Dragon Age: Inquisiton
- drama
- dramaturge
- dramaturgy
- dream
- dream studies
- dreaming
- dreams
- dromoskopia
- Du Bois (W.E.B.)
- Dutch literature
- Dutch-language literature
- Dziennik argentyński
- Dziesiąta Muza [The Tenth Muse]
- early modern literature
- early modernity
- East-Central Europe
- Eastern Europe
- ecocide
- ecocriticism
- ecocultural studies
- ecoheritage
- ecological crisis
- ecological heritage
- ecological realism
- ecological resilience
- ecology
- ecology of poetry
- ecology without Nature
- economics of wastelands
- ecopoetry
- ecstasy
- ecstatic subject
- editing humanities
- editorial work
- education
- education system
- effeminacy
- Ego
- ekphrasis
- El Desdichado
- electronic book
- electronic literature
- electronic writing
- Eliade (Mircea)
- Eliot (Thomas Stearns)
- elocution
- emancipation
- emancipation movements
- emancipatory discourse
- embarrassment
- embodied capital
- embodied knowledge
- embodiment
- emigration
- emigre literature
- emigre women’s writing
- emotion
- emotional communities
- emotional community
- emotions
- empathy
- empirical studies
- emptiness
- enargeia
- encounter
- encounter with the Other
- encyclopaedia
- encyklopaedia
- enforceable shame
- engaged humanities
- engagement
- enlightenment
- Enlightenment
- entanglements
- environment
- environmental history
- environmental history of the Holocaust
- environmental memorials
- environmentalism
- Enzensberger (Hans Magnus)
- epigenetics
- epigram
- epiphany
- epistemic justice
- epistemology
- epistemology of the poem
- epoché
- epos
- Epstein (Jean)
- Erdrich (Heid E.)
- ergon
- eroticism
- erring
- erudition
- essay
- ethics
- ethics and aesthetics
- ethics of responsibility
- ethics of sustainability
- ethnofiction
- ethnographic exhibitions
- ethnographical experience
- ethnographical studies
- ethnography
- ethnography of the laboratory
- ethnology
- ethos
- Ettinger (Bracha L.)
- eugenics
- European Community Monitoring Mission
- European modernism
- European Solidarity Centre
- event
- everyday
- Ewa Kuryluk
- excarnation
- excess
- exclusion
- exegesis
- exhibit
- exhibition
- exhibition models
- exile drama
- existence
- existentialism
- exopedagogy
- exotism
- exotopy
- experience
- experience of museum
- experiential museum
- experiment
- expression
- expulsion
- extensive interview
- extermination of nature
- extermination of Polish Jews
- exterminatory history of the environment
- extinction
- extravagance
- facial disfigurement
- factish
- faith
- Fallout: New Vegas
- false analytic self
- Fałtynowicz (Zbigniew)
- family
- family novel
- family tree
- fan labour
- fan studies
- fandom
- fantasy
- fantasy of impotence
- Farmers’ Battalions
- fascism
- fascist culture
- Fassbinder
- fate
- fear
- feature
- feelings of non-believers
- felt meaning
- female bodies
- female consciousness
- female continuum
- female genealogies
- female spirituality
- female subjectivity
- femininity
- feminism
- feminist autonomism
- feminist criticism
- feminist research
- feminist theology
- feminist theory
- fetish
- Fiat voluntas tua
- fiction
- fictionality
- Fidesz
- field humanities
- fieldwork
- film
- film studies
- fine art exhibitions in Warsaw
- fire
- First World War literature
- Flanders
- flood
- focalisation
- folk culture
- folk literature
- folk tales
- folklore
- follow-up
- forced prostitution
- foreign cultural policy
- foreign language
- forensic archaeology
- forensic architecture
- forensic monument
- forensic turn
- forensics
- forest
- forest ecosystem
- forgetting
- formal transformations in literature
- formalism
- forms of memory
- forum
- fossil fuels
- Foucault (Michel)
- found footage
- foundational trauma
- fourth nature
- fragile life
- fragment
- fragments
- frame
- Francastel (Pierre)
- Frank (Anne)
- Frankfurt School
- Frankism
- French drama
- French literature
- French revolutionary opera
- Freud (Sigmund)
- Freudianism
- Friedrich (Ernst)
- functionality
- future
- futurism
- Futurism
- Gadamer (Hans-Georg)
- gadgetisation
- game design
- game dynamics
- game mechanics
- game research
- game studies
- gamers
- gameworlds
- Ganda (Oumarou)
- García (Germán)
- gawker
- Gawryszewska (Beata)
- gay studies
- gaze
- gender
- gender oppression
- gender studies
- gender studies new ontology
- genealogy
- generation
- genetic criticism
- genocide
- genre
- genre studies
- geopoetics
- Georg Trakl
- Gérard de Nerval
- German Literature
- German publishing field
- Germany
- gesture
- gesture studies
- ghetto
- ghost
- Gierek era
- glitch
- globalisation
- globalization
- Gnosis
- gnosticism
- Gnosticism
- goals of literary studies
- Gombrowicz
- Gombrowicz (Witold)
- gombrowiczology
- gothicism
- grammatical second person
- graphic novel
- greek tragedy
- greenhouse gas emissions
- grief
- grievability
- Grodzki (Bogusław)
- grotesque
- Grottger (Artur)
- grounded theory
- groznawstwo
- Grynberg (Henryk)
- Guattari (Félix)
- guestbooks
- guilt
- haiku
- haiku in Poland
- hamartia
- han
- handwriting
- Haneke (Michael)
- happiness
- hapticity
- hard fact
- hashtag
- hate speech
- haunting
- hauntology
- headnotes
- hearing
- Hegel (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich)
- hegemonic production
- Heidegger (Martin)
- Helbig (Brygida)
- Helbig-Mischewski (Brigitta)
- help
- Herbert (Zbigniew)
- heritage
- Herling-Grudziński (Gustaw)
- hermeneutic monster
- hermeneutics
- herstorical turn
- heterotopia
- Hibaku trees
- Hibakujumoku
- hidden object
- Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure (HOPA)
- higher education
- Hilberg’s triad
- hip hop
- historical document
- historical museum
- historical sources
- historicity
- historiography
- historiosophy
- history
- history from the perspective of the individual
- history museum
- history of ideas
- history of knowledge
- history of literature
- history of parks
- history of Poland 1900–1918
- history of Polish culture
- history of psychoanalysis
- history of science
- history of the twentieth century
- history of twentieth-century art
- history of wars
- Hitler fiction
- Holocaust
- Holocaust (Shoah) Literature
- Holocaust by bullets
- Holocaust discourse
- Holocaust fiction
- Holocaust literature
- Holocaust memory
- Holocaust of Jews
- Holocaust studies
- Holocaust survivor (in fiction)
- Holocaust survivors
- Holofernes
- Home Army
- homiletic
- homophobia
- homosexuality
- homotextual literature
- Hopensztand (Dawid)
- hopping
- Horkheimer (Max)
- horror
- hospitality
- Hubert
- Hugo-Bader (Jacek)
- human
- human nature
- human potential
- human remains
- human rights
- human uniqueness
- humanistic laboratory
- humanities
- humanities laboratory
- humanities laboratory
- humans and machines
- humiliation
- hunting
- hybridity
- hyperobjects
- hypertexual novel
- iconic turn
- iconoclasm
- iconology
- iconophilia
- identity
- identity discourse
- identity politics
- ideology
- idolatry
- ikelos
- Iłłakowiczówna (Kazimiera)
- illegibility
- illness
- image
- image editing
- images of the enemy
- imaginary
- imaginary museum
- imagination
- imitation of audiovisuality
- immersion
- immigration
- immunization
- implicated subject
- imprisonment
- incommunicability
- incomprehensibility
- incorporation
- indexicality
- indigeneity
- indigenous cultures
- individual and collective memory
- individual identity
- individual/cultural trauma
- industrialisation
- industry
- ineloquence
- infantilization
- infrastructure
- infrastructure studies
- Inna od siebie
- innovativeness
- inscription
- insects
- institutions
- intellectual formation
- intellectual history
- intention
- interactive literature
- interactive theatre projects
- intercultural communication
- intercultural exchanges
- interdisciplinarity
- interface
- interference
- intergenerational memory
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- intermedia
- intermedia reportage
- intermediality
- international academic discourse
- international politics
- interpretation
- interpretation of the gameworld
- interpreter
- intersectional feminism
- intersectionality
- intertalked history
- intertextuality
- intervention
- interwar esoteric writing
- interwar period
- interwar Polish studies
- intimacy
- intimism
- intra-action
- intratextuality
- introjection
- invention
- inward turn
- iPoe
- Ireland
- Irishness
- irony
- Irzykowski (Karol)
- Islam
- Islamophobia
- Jacek Dukaj
- Jacobin dictatorship
- Jameson’s critical history
- Janin (Zuzanna)
- Jankowski (Jerzy)
- Januszkiewicz (Adolf)
- Japanese woodcut
- jealousy
- Jedwabne
- Jedwabne denial
- Jeffers (Oliver)
- Jeleński (Konstanty)
- Jelinek
- Jerzy Znamierowski
- Jew
- Jewish literature
- Jewish property
- Jewish question (the)
- Jewish village
- Jewish-American Literature
- Jewishness
- Jews
- Jews in France
- Jones (David)
- jouissance
- journal
- journey
- Joyce (James)
- Jubilee 2000 Africa campaign
- Judaism
- Judeo-Communism
- Judith
- Kabbalah
- Kafka (Franz)
- Kang (Han)
- Kant (Immanuel)
- Katyn massacre
- Kearney (Richard)
- Keckermann (Bartholomew)
- Keilson (Hans)
- kenoma (emptiness)
- Kertész (Imre)
- khora
- Kiefer (Anselm)
- Kierkegaard
- Klein (Melanie)
- knowledge
- knowledge production
- knowledge reproduction
- Kohn (Eduard)
- Kołakowski (Leszek)
- Kolberg (Oskar)
- Komornicka (Maria)
- Korea
- Kozak (Tomasz)
- Kramer (Larry)
- Krasnogruda manor
- Kristeva
- Krynicki (Ryszard)
- Kuryluk (Ewa)
- Kwoka (Czesława)
- La Boétie (Étienne de)
- labinarium
- laboratory
- labour
- labour migration
- labyrinth
- labyrinth in literature
- Lacan
- Lacan (Jacques)
- lack
- Lalka
- lament
- land reform
- landscape
- language
- language of melancholy
- Lanzmann
- Łapiński (Zdzisław)
- Larowi (Fouad)
- Larp
- late modern subject
- Latin ode
- Latour (Bruno)
- law
- Le Chapelier Law 1791
- Le Guin (Ursula K.)
- Le Guin (Ursula)
- Lebenthal (Teodora)
- Łebkowski (Maciej)
- Lebović (Đorđe)
- legitimate culture
- Lelonek (Diana)
- Lesmanowie
- Leśmian (Bolesław)
- letter
- letters from the occupation
- Levi (Primo)
- Lévinas (Emanuel)
- Levinas (Emmanuel)
- lexicon
- liberation
- libraries
- life
- life writing
- life writing studies
- light
- linguistic hybridity
- linguistic poetry
- Lipska (Ewa)
- Lipski (Leo)
- listening
- Literal
- literary and cultural education
- literary anthropology
- literary archive
- literary convention
- literary critical debate
- literary criticism
- literary culture
- literary dream
- literary education
- literary fairy tale
- literary field
- literary games
- literary generation
- literary history
- literary laboratory
- literary prose
- literary reportage
- literary studies
- literary studies worldview
- literary theory
- literary tradition
- literary transfer
- literaryandcultural studies
- literature
- literature about Shoah
- literature and the market
- literature and the media
- literature as a symptom
- literature in Poland
- literature of Berlin
- literature of Warsaw
- literature online
- Lithuania
- living
- local values
- logical error
- loneliness
- long-distance care
- Lotman (Yuri)
- low-paid work
- Lowenhaupt Tsing (Anna)
- Lowes (John Livingston)
- lucid dream
- lucid dreaming
- Lucifer-Agni
- ludo-ontology
- ludologia
- ludology
- Ludwik Chomiński
- Ludwik Fleck
- Łukasz Surowiec
- lullaby
- Luria (Izaak)
- Lurianic Kabbalah
- Luxemburg (Rosa)
- lyrical fiction
- Maathai (Wangari Muta)
- Machiavelli
- machine
- Mackiewicz (Józef)
- magnetism
- Magritte (René)
- major/minor literature
- Malabou (Catherine)
- male desire to be unmanly
- Mandelstam (Osip)
- manifesto
- manifestos
- manipulated memory
- manipulated memory
- Mann (Thomas)
- manner
- mannerism
- manuscript
- map
- Marak (Katarzyna)
- March 1968
- March ’68
- marginality
- Mariology
- Markocki (Miłosz)
- Marranism
- Marrano
- martial law
- marxism
- Marxist feminism
- masculinism
- masculinity
- mass culture
- mass graves
- mass politics
- material ecocriticism
- material witness
- materialism
- materiality
- matrilocality
- matter
- Mayenowa (Maria Renata)
- mechanical clock/watch
- media
- media visualization methods
- mediumship
- melancholia
- melancholy
- melodrama of power
- melodramatic model
- memoir
- memoirs
- Memoirs from a Time of Immaturity
- Memorial Museums
- memorial sites (lieux de mémoire)
- memories
- memory
- memory and popular culture
- memory and World War I
- memory narrative
- memory of the city
- memory of the Holocaust in Poland
- memory of the Kielce pogrom of 4 July 1946
- memory propaganda
- memory studies
- memory tools
- Mendi
- messianism
- meta-literary studies
- metagames
- metaphor
- metaphysics
- methodological turn
- methodologies in the humanities
- methodology
- metonymy
- Microscripts
- middle
- Middle East
- migrant
- migrant identity
- migrant literature
- migrant prose
- migrants
- migration
- migration literature
- migration writing
- migrations
- military cemeteries of World War II
- Miller (Edmund)
- Miłosz (Czesław)
- miniature
- minigames
- mise-en-page
- mise-en-scène
- mistake
- Mitchell (Edward Page)
- Mitchell (W.J.T.)
- mnéme
- mnemonic safety
- mnemonic warriors
- mobility of inscription
- mockumentary works
- modern classicism
- modern Hebrew literature
- modern prose
- modern subject
- modernisation
- modernism
- Modernist turn
- modernity
- modernization
- modus of knowing
- Mokry (Marcin)
- monstrosity
- monstrous
- monument
- moralism
- Morton (Timothy)
- mother-daughter relationship
- motherhood
- mourning
- Mozambique
- Mrożek (Sławomir)
- Mrozik (Agnieszka)
- Mulisch (Harry)
- multiculturalism
- multiculturality
- multidirectional memory
- multimedia exhibition
- multimodality
- Mundaneum
- murders of Jews
- museification
- museology
- museum
- museum boom
- museum holdings
- museum narrative
- museum object
- Museum of the Second World War
- museum-cemetery
- museums
- musical styles
- Muslim
- myth
- mythologization
- mythology of the village
- Nachlass
- name
- narcissism
- narration
- narrative
- narrative museum
- narrative museums
- narratives by victims and their children
- narrativism
- narratology
- nation
- nation-state
- National Convention Decree of August 2
- national culture
- National Democracy
- national discourse
- national identity
- national literature
- national memory
- national Polish culture
- nationalism
- nationality
- nationalized pogrom
- Native American poetry
- natural disaster
- natural history of destruction
- natural sciences
- nature
- natureculture
- nearest and dearest
- necro-performance
- necrocide
- necropolitics
- necroviolence
- negative dialectics
- neo-Zionism
- neoliberalism
- neoliberalization
- neopragmatism
- Nerval (Gérard
- Neuger
- neuroaesthetics
- neuroscience
- neurotestimony
- neuter
- New Art
- New Humanities
- new humanities
- new materialism
- new media
- new memory
- New Person fantasy
- New Poets of Native Nations
- new regionalism
- New University
- New World
- New York
- Nietzsche
- nikiforms
- nineteenth century
- nineteenth- and twentieth-century culture and politics
- nineteenth-century Catholicism
- nineteenth-century French diary writing
- Nobel Prize
- nomadic subject
- non-academic circulation of knowledge
- non-anthropocentric humanities
- non-anthropocentric poetry
- non-anthropocentrism
- non-anthroponormative poetics
- non-humans
- non-places
- non-secular democracy
- nondiscursivity
- nonhuman biography
- normative mission of experts (the)
- North Africa
- Norwid (Cyprian)
- nostalgia
- Notatniki
- Notebooks
- nothingness
- novel
- novels for girls
- Nowak (Tadeusz)
- Nowicka (Agata)
- nuclear disaster
- object oriented ontology
- objectification of quotation
- oblivion
- observer
- October 1956
- Oder
- Odradek
- official and unofficial history of science
- oikology
- old Polish culture
- onlooker
- ontological turn
- ontology
- ontology focused on objects
- ontopower
- operational logic
- ophelism
- oppression
- optimism
- optocentrism
- oral history
- organizations of commemoration
- origin
- Origin of the State
- originality
- other
- Otlet (Paul)
- outsidedness
- own voice
- pacifism
- pain
- pain-image
- painful memories
- Pale di altare
- palimpsest
- pandemic
- pandemic diary
- pandemygraphy
- panoptical reality
- Papierkowska (Krystyna)
- paradigm
- parallel protagonists
- paraludic
- paranoid-schizoid position
- paratextuality
- parergon
- participant observation
- Party
- past
- pathos
- patography
- peasant
- peasant body
- peasant bystander
- peasant culture
- peasant tradition
- peasantry
- peasants
- pedophilia
- peer group
- pencil method
- Penumbral Period
- perception
- perception-imagination
- perfect gift
- performance
- periphery
- permanent exhibition
- perpetrator
- perpetrators’ testimonies
- personal diary
- personal journal
- perversion
- phantasm
- phenomenology
- phenomenology of wakefulness
- philology
- philosophy
- philosophy and literature
- philosophy of computer games
- philosophy of culture
- philosophy of dreaming
- photogénie
- photographs criticism
- photography
- physical time
- pictorial turn
- picture books
- Pieńkowski (Stanisław)
- Pierre Clastres
- Pigoń (Stanisław)
- Piłsudski’s legions
- pioneer
- Piotrowiak-Junkiert (Kinga)
- Piper (Klaus)
- Piper-Verlag
- PiS
- Pitol (Sergio)
- place
- place identity
- places of memory
- placticity
- plagiarism
- plant
- plant art
- plants
- Plato
- Platonism
- play
- player experience
- pleroma
- plot
- Podlachia peasants and nobility
- poems/non-poems
- poetic genres
- poetic imagination
- poetics
- poetics of memory
- poetry
- poetry and graphic art
- poetry and music
- poetry and reality
- poetry as an attempt to heal
- pogrom
- point
- point of view
- Poland
- polemics
- Poles
- Poles in Morocco
- Poles murdering Jews
- Poles saving Jews
- Polesia
- policy of commemoration
- Polish Academy of Sciences
- Polish and Hebrew contemporary literature
- Polish colonialism
- Polish comic books
- Polish culture
- Polish culture of commemoration
- Polish culture of memory
- Polish culture of remembrance
- Polish cybernetic poetry
- Polish depressive-compensatory position
- Polish diaspora in France in the 1960s
- Polish esoteric messianism
- Polish history
- Polish Jews
- Polish language
- Polish literature
- Polish literature 1945-56
- Polish literature for children and young adults
- Polish literature of the year 2000
- Polish memory
- Polish museum boom
- Polish museums of the “Righteous”
- Polish nationalism and patriotism
- Polish occupation diaries
- Polish People’s Republic
- Polish poetry
- Polish prose
- Polish prose in the UK
- Polish studies
- Polish-German relations
- Polish-Jewish relations
- Polish-Scottish migration theatre in Great Britain
- Polishness
- political anthropology
- political involvement
- political theatre
- political theory
- politics
- politics of emotion
- politics of memory
- politics of representation
- Polnische Bibliothek
- polycontextual perspective
- pop culture
- popular culture
- popular culture in the Polish People’s Republic
- popular film
- popular literature
- popular novels
- popularisation of literary studies
- Porete
- Pornography [Pornografia]
- portrait
- pose
- post growth
- post-anthropocentric humanities
- post-anthropocentrism
- post-classical narratology
- post-colonialism
- post-Euromaidan Ukraine
- post-humanism
- post-memory
- post-realism
- post-secularism
- post-transition everyday life
- post-Zionism
- postcards
- postcolonial criticism
- postcolonial studies
- postcolonial theory
- postcolonialism
- postcritique
- posthumanism
- posthumanism of childhood
- posthumanities
- postmemory
- postmodernism
- poststructuralism
- poststructuralist methodologies
- postwar period (the)
- postwar Poland
- postwar reconstruction
- post–print oral and aural culture
- potentiality
- Potocki (Jan)
- power
- power-knowledge
- practice
- practices of testimony
- Praga-Południe
- pre-Platonic philosophy
- pre-translation analysis
- prefigurative humanities
- pregnancy
- present
- pressure
- pretextual ethnography
- pretextual experience
- pride
- primal scene
- private archive
- problem-oriented autoethnography
- processes of cultural formation
- product
- production
- production novel
- profanation
- profane
- professionalisation of literary studies
- programme music
- progress
- progress/regression
- progymnasmata
- proletariat
- proper noun
- prose
- prosopopoeia
- protest song
- protosociology
- Provinces
- prudence
- Prus (Bolesław)
- Przyboś (Julian)
- psychoanalysis
- psychology of emotion
- psychology of narrative
- public discourse after 1945
- public iconosphere
- public space
- public sphere
- publishers
- publisher’s archive
- Pushkin’s obituary
- racism
- radical constructivism
- Rajkowska (Joanna)
- Rancière (Jacques)
- randomness
- Rankine (Claudia)
- rats
- reader
- readers’ gestures
- real dream
- real-time strategy
- realism
- realist novel
- realities of 1905
- reality
- realizing human potential
- rebellion
- rebellious frameworks of memory
- reception
- reception studies
- recognition
- reconciliation narratives
- recording
- Recovered Territories
- reflection
- reform
- refugees
- refugees in Poland
- regionalism
- relation
- relational imagination
- relational memory
- relationality
- reliability
- religious hatred
- religious poetry
- religious sentiments
- remains
- remapping
- remediation
- remnants
- remythologisation
- reparation
- repetition
- repetition compulsion
- report
- reportage
- reporting
- representability
- representation
- representation of power
- representations of the enemy
- reproductive work
- rereading
- rescue history
- rescue of Jews
- research
- research data
- research on museum reception
- research style
- research team
- research through practice
- researcher
- resettlement
- resistance
- retrotopia
- review
- revisionism
- revolt against memory
- Revolution
- revolution
- remapping
- rhetoric
- rhetorical figures
- rhetoricity
- rhetorics
- Ricoeur (Paul)
- Ricœur (Paul)
- riddle in literature
- right-wing iconography
- right-wing press
- Righteous Among the Nations
- Ringelblum Archive
- Rita Felski
- Robinson Crusoe
- Rogosz-Walewska (Józefina)
- role-playing
- Roman Zimand
- romance
- Romania
- Romantic literature
- Romanticism
- Rößner (Hans)
- Rouch (Jean)
- Różewicz (Tadeusz)
- Rudolf Weigl
- ruins
- rules of art
- Russia
- Russian culture
- Russian literature
- Russian-Israeli literature
- Rymkiewicz (Jarosław Marek)
- sacred
- sacred language
- sad knowledge
- sandbox
- Sappho
- Sarbiewski (Maciej Kazimierz)
- Sasnal (Wilhelm)
- Save the Land Harambe
- scalability
- schadenfreude
- Scheler (Max)
- scholarly digital editing
- scholarly editing
- scholarly ethics
- Scholem (Gershom)
- Schulz
- science
- science fiction literature
- scientific policy
- scientific revolution
- scopusosis
- scout
- script
- Sebald
- Sebald (Winfried Georg)
- second generation
- second generation’
- second nature
- Second World War
- second-person poetry
- secret
- secularisation
- sedimentation
- seeing
- self and identity
- self-affirmation
- self-citation
- self-consciousness
- self-creation
- self-description
- self-determination
- self-identity (in fiction)
- self-narration
- self-paraphrase
- self-proletarianization
- self-reflexive objectivization
- self-reflexive sociological analysis
- self-reflexive subject
- self-reflexivity
- self-writing
- selfreferentiality
- semantics
- semiography
- semiopoetics
- semiotic memory
- semiotics
- Semite
- semimethods
- sense of taking part
- sensed meaning
- senses
- sentimentalism
- separateness
- separation
- Serbia
- serfdom
- Sergei Yesenin
- Serpin (Émilie)
- sex/gender
- sex/gender division
- sexuality
- shadow
- shame
- shame penalties
- shamelessness
- shared anthropology
- shared perspective
- shared world
- shelter
- Shoah
- shock
- short story
- Siedlecka (Joanna)
- Siegfried J. Schmidt
- Siegfried Unseld’s archive
- Sienkiewicz
- signifier
- signs of memory
- silent film
- Silesian Voivodeship
- silver age
- singularity
- situated knowledge
- situated knowledges
- situational knowledge
- sketchbook
- skill
- Skotnicówna (Lida)
- Skotnicówna (Marzena)
- Skrzydła ołtarza
- Skutnik (Mateusz)
- slave labor
- slavery
- Slavic demonology
- Śledziński (Michał)
- Słoński (Edward)
- slow science
- Słowacki (Juliusz)
- social and cultural press
- social change
- social class
- social consciousness changes
- social constructivism
- social engagement
- social history
- social media
- social memory
- social mission of the university
- social progress
- social reproduction
- socialist realism
- Socialist Realism
- sociality
- socialization
- society
- sociological imagination
- sociology
- sociology of childhood
- sociology of literature
- soft facts
- Soldan (George)
- Solidarity
- Solidarity trade union
- Solidarność
- Solidarność/Solidarity
- somatic criticism
- song
- sound
- sound poetry
- sound studies
- southeastern Poland
- space
- space in literature
- spacetime
- spacial turn
- Spanish translation
- spatial sampling
- species cleansing
- specters
- spectrality
- Spectre
- spectre
- spectres
- Spectres of Marx
- spectres of the past
- speculation
- speculative realism
- speech
- speech acts
- spelling
- spirit
- spiritism
- Springer (Filip)
- Stachura (Edward)
- Staff (Leopold)
- Stalinism
- Stawar (Andrzej)
- Stefan Batory University
- Stella (Frank)
- Stempowski (Stanisław)
- stereotypes
- stereotypes of the peasant
- sterilization
- Stern (Jonasz)
- stigma
- stigmatization
- story
- storytelling
- stroke
- structuralism
- Strumyk (Grzegorz)
- Strzemiński (Władysław)
- studying moods
- style
- stylistic analyses
- subject
- subjectivity
- subjectivity in history
- subversiveness
- suffering
- sugar plantation
- Suhrkamp Verlag
- suicide
- Sunderland
- superheroes
- supplementary canon
- surrealism
- surveillance of artists
- survival
- survival network
- survivor
- survivors
- suspicious reading
- Świrszczyńska (Anna)
- symbol
- symbolic violence
- symptom
- synanthropic plants
- synechdoche in historiography
- synthesis of the arts
- syrenizm
- Szymborska (Wisława)
- tactical turn
- tactility
- taphonomy
- teamwork
- teamthinking
- technical reproduction
- techno-enthusiasm
- technology
- teddy bear
- teenager
- Teksty Drugie
- temporal sampling
- temporality
- terraforming
- terrorism
- testimonial objects
- testimonials
- testimony
- text
- text materiality
- textology
- textual bias
- textual object
- textuality
- the aesthetics of caprice
- the American gay rights movement
- the author as a brand
- the body
- The Captive Mind
- the city in literature
- the communicative construction of a literary work
- the creative process
- The Doll [Lalka]
- the ethics of literature
- the geography of literature
- the Great War
- the Holocaust
- the Jewish question
- the literary field
- the literary image of the German and its identity forming role
- the material turn
- the materiality of writing
- the nation
- the other
- the Other
- The Pickle Index
- the Polish People’s Republic
- the Real
- the self
- the Slavic condominium
- the Spanish historical novel
- the state
- the State of Nature
- the Third
- the unconscious
- the Unconscious
- The Vegetarian
- The Witcher 3 [Wiedźmin 3]
- theater
- theatre
- theatrical role-playing
- thematisation of audiovisuality
- theology
- theory of colour
- theory of dreams
- theory of interpretation
- theory of literacy
- therapy
- The Doll
- thick description
- thick participation
- thing
- things
- third criterion
- third generation
- Third Generation
- third phase of the Holocaust
- Thomas Bernhard
- thought
- throat-cutting
- Tidhar (Lavie)
- Timaeus
- time
- timetable
- title
- To the Lighthouse
- topic modeling
- topos
- Torok (Maria)
- touch
- toys
- trace
- tradition
- tragic model
- train station (vauxhall
- trans phenomenology
- trans-generation studies
- trans-scribing
- transcription
- transcultural drama and theatre
- transcultural genre studies
- transculture
- transfer
- transformation
- transgression
- transhumanist themes in games
- translated language
- translation
- translation (ANT)
- translation of cultures
- translation of Ślub [The Marriage]
- translations
- Translator Studies
- transmediality
- transmission
- transnational literature
- transnationalism
- trauma
- trauma effect
- trauma studies
- traumatic memory
- traumatic photography
- travel
- tribal conflict
- tropes
- trust
- truth
- Truth and Reconciliation Commission
- Tulli (Magdalena)
- turn
- turn of the nineteenth century
- turn to private life
- turn to things
- turns in the humanities
- Tustin (Frances)
- Twardowski (Samuel)
- twentieth and twenty-first-century Polish literature
- twentieth century
- twentieth-century literature
- twentieth-century Polish emigration
- twentieth-century Polish epistolography
- twentieth-century Polish literature
- twenty-first century
- twenty-first-century literature
- typhus
- Tzimtzum
- Tzimtzum [God’s contraction]
- vaccine
- VanderMeer (Jeff)
- Varga (Krzysztof)
- Venus
- Vermes (Timur)
- vernacular memory
- Vertigo
- video game
- video games
- video testimony
- viewer
- village
- villanella
- Vilnius
- Vincenz (Stanisław)
- violence
- Virilio (Paul)
- virtual labour
- virtual witness
- viscosity
- visual anthropology
- visual art
- visual culture
- visual history
- visual literacy
- visual poetry
- visual subject
- visuality
- visualization
- vnenakhodimost
- voice
- Volhynia massacres
- Volksdeutsche
- voluntary servitude
- Vorlass
- Wajda (Andrzej)
- Walc
- Walser (Robert)
- waltz
- war
- war disablement
- war in popular culture
- war in Ukraine
- war traumas
- Warsaw
- Warsaw Ghetto
- Warsaw Rising Museum
- Warsaw uprising
- Warsaw Uprising
- Warsaw Uprising Museum
- Warszawa
- Wat (Aleksander)
- water
- weather
- Węgajty
- Weil
- Weissenberg (Melania)
- Western civilization
- White (Kenneth)
- Wiadomości Literackie
- Wiklina
- Wilson (A. N.)
- window
- Wirpsza (Witold)
- Wiśniowski (Sygurd)
- Witkowski (Michał)
- witness
- witness accounts
- witness in the second degree
- Witold Wirpsza
- Włast (Piotr)
- woman
- woman protagonist
- women and war
- women authors
- women’s autobiographical practices
- women’s diaries
- women’s history
- women’s narratives on Communism
- women’s poetry
- women’s rights
- women’s work
- women’s writing
- Woolf (Virginia)
- work
- workers’ movement
- working class
- workload
- workshop
- world literature
- World War I
- World War II
- world-building
- worldliness
- worldness
- worldview mode
- writer’s estate
- writing
- writing practice
- writing practices
- writing style
- written text
- Wrocław
- Wyka (Kazimierz)
- Wyspiański (Stanisław)
- Zagajewski (Adam)
- Zahorska (Stefania)
- Zamącińska (Danuta)
- Zamarła Turnia Mountain
- Zawieyski (Jerzy)
- Zbigniew Herbert’s archive
- Zbigniew Herbert’s poetry
- Zeidler-Janiszewska (Anna)
- Zgryzota i dalekie światło [Distress and a Distant Light]
- zigzagging
- Zimand (Roman)
- Zionism
- Żółkiewski (Stefan)
- zoocriticism
- Żydokomuna