Review process
All submissions to Teksty Drugie are peer reviewed.
The review process is managed by subject editors, i.e. members of the editorial board who specialize in the field of any given submission.
The subject editor nominates two external reviewers (from outside the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, as well as from outside the author’s institution; this also applies to authors working outside Poland). The external reviewers will assess the submission independently. In the case of submissions in languages other than Polish, one of the reviewers must be affiliated with an institution abroad.
The reviewers judge whether or not the submission qualifies for publication, taking into account the following criteria (among others): whether the subject is treated in an innovative manner; whether the article takes into account recent subject literature; whether the methodology is adequate; the article’s impact on the current state of research in the field.
Each review is submitted in writing to the subject editor, concluding decisively whether or not the article is fit for publishing.
Based on the two written external reviews, the subject editor makes the final decision whether to accept or reject the article.
Neither the reviewers not the authors will know the other’s identity (double-blind review process).
The reviews remain confidential. The editorial board will not disclose the content of a review to the author, nor to the other reviewer.
Once a year, in the last (sixth) issue, as well as on the website of Teksty Drugie, the editorial board will publish a list of reviewers collaborating with the journal.
Dr Monika Bakke (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
Prof. Adam Dziadek (University of Silesia)
Prof. Hanna Gosk (University of Warsaw)
Prof. Ewa Graczyk (University of Gdańsk)
Prof. Krystyna Kłosińska (University of Silesia)
Dr Dorota Kołodziejczyk (University of Wrocław)
Prof. Paweł Rodak (Uniwersity of Warsaw)
Dr Dorota Wolska (University of Wrocław)