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Strona głównaTeksty DrugieGuidelines for contributors

Guidelines for contributors

Instructions aux auteurs

We kindly request that articles sent to the editors of Teksty Drugie be presented according to the following guidelines:

Text format

  • Articles up to 20 pages of typescript (12pt, Times New Roman, line spacing 1.5)

  • Book reviews must not exceed 9 or 10 pages

  • Footnotes, numbered in consecutive Arabic numerals, should be presented at the bottom of each page in the conventional format (please see below for examples or refer to a current issue)

  • The document should be saved as rtf or doc

Additional information

The first page of the submitted text should include the following:

  • The name of the Author(s)

  • Contact details (e-mail, postal address, phone number)

  • The title of your article

  • A short biographical note: first name, surname, academic rank, place of employment, research interests, recent publications (max. 50 words).

  • An abstract of your article (max. 100 words). This should be written in the third person, summarizing the article’s research question, methodology and main theses.

  • Keywords of your article (about 5)

Article submission

  • Please email your submission along with the form to teksty2.ibl[at]

  • Submissions that do not follow the above guidelines (font, footnotes, etc), or that do not contain all the requested additional information will not be accepted for review.

  • Materials there had not been ordered will not be returned.


  • Books

Z. Najder, Życie Conrada-Korzeniowskiego, t. 2, Alfa, Warszawa 1980, s. 143.

G. Himmelfarb Jeden naród dwie kultury, przeł. P. Bogucki, wstęp P. Skurowski, WAiP, Warszawa 2007.

J. Conrad Listy, oprac. Z. Najder, przeł. H. Carroll-Najder, PIW, Warszawa 1968, s. 223.

E. Faye Heidegger. The Introduction of Nazism into Philosophy in Light of the Unpublished Seminars of 1933-1935, transl. M.B. Smith, foreword T. Rockmore, Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.-London 2009, s. 116-117

  • Articles in edited volumes

E. Domańska Obrazy PRL-u w perspektywie postkolonialnej, w: Obrazy PRL-u, red. K. Brzechczyn, IPN, Poznań 2008.

  • Journal articles

C. Cavanagh Postkolonialna polska. Biała plama na mapie współczesnej teorii, przeł. T. Kunz, „Teksty Drugie” 2003 nr 2/3, s. 63.

E. Thompson Polski nacjonalizm jest niezwykle łagodny, „Dziennik” 31.03.2007.

Urszula Pawlicka, Trailery literackie – o reklamie literatury pisanej «żywą kamerą»,  „Niedoczytania” 2010, [10 V 2011].

  • Internet sources

Jarosław Klejnocki, Nobel 2040 dla Polski, „Raptularz końca czasów”, 25.11.2011,, [7.12.2011].

  • Second citation

C. Cavanagh Postkolonialna polska, s. 63.

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