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Syria journal aims, since its creation in 1920, at offering a reference tool on Ancient Syria in the following fields: archaeology, history and art history, Syria being understood in its ancient meaning, that is including all the five current states (Syria, Lebanon Jordan, Israel and Palestinian Territories). Works on Cyprus, the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, the Turkish Southeast, even Iran or the Caucasus, are also welcomed since these regions maintain with Syria regular and narrow relations. The covered chronological period runs from the Prehistory until the Muslim conquest.
Issues from 1920 to 2005 are available on Persée.

Latest issue
100 | 2023

Syria 100/2023 couverture
More about this picture
Credits: dessin R. Antonios (Ifpo) d’après cliché musée de ʿAtaq


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Carnets de l’Ifpo : Antiquité

Ifpo - Bulletin d'études orientales

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