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Submission of articles

«Studi francesi» aims to publish articles which will be likely to foster specialized knowledge and critical debate. Articles submitted for publication will be assessed according to their originality, the importance of the contribution they make, the accuracy of their critical approach, the references to critical literature, and the formal quality of the text.
Unpublished articles in Italian, French and English prepared according to the journal’s Style notes, should not exceed 50.000 characters (including notes and bibliography), and must be submitted electronically as attachments (.doc or .docx source files) to the Editorial Office A 200 - to - 250 word abstract in English is required as well as a list of keywords. In considering articles for publication, the Editorial Board will consult with expert readers according to a “blind reading” policy. Therefore author’s details and affiliations should not appear on the manuscript but on a separate title-page. A decision about publication will be taken within a period of two to three months.

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