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Strenæ n°24, 2024: Père Castor: A Reassessment

Deadline for abstract submission: February 14, 2024
Cécile Pichon-Bonin und Dorena Caroli

The well-known, much-loved publishing label Père Castor has played a major role in the history of French children's book publishing for about 100 years. This book series, a hallmark of the 1930s revival of picture books which includes many classics that are still being reissued, began to attract the interest of specialists in children's publishing and historians of children's literature and culture in the 1990s. 25 years after the start of this research, we would like to highlight the trends, approaches and subjects that run through the multidisciplinary and international explorations of this object of children's literary and visual heritage.

This issue is based on a partnership between the Association Française de Recherche sur les Livres et les Objets Culturels de l'Enfance (Afreloce) and the Père Castor Archives.

In 1931, the first Albums du Père Castor were published by Flammarion in a handy format, with highly legible typography allowing for different levels of reading. Among the first titles were activity books such as Je fais mes masques [Making my masks], Je découpe [Paper cut-outs], Masques de la jungle [Jungle masks] by Nathalie Parain (1897-1958) and Je fais mes jouets avec des plantes [Making my toys with plants] by Ruda (Jarušek Rudolf Václav, (1902-1983)). Different book series soon appeared, whose identities were based on the age of the target readers, themes such as discovering nature or the peoples of the world, diverse book formats or approaches. The "Roman des bêtes" was launched in 1934, followed by "Le Montreur d'images" in 1947 (the series was discontinued in 1958) and "Enfants de la Terre" in 1948, while the first Imagier [Picture dictionary] was published in 1952. The 1980s saw the development of four series, each associated with a particular age group, under the Castor poche label. Since 1989, Père Castor has also offered audio support for its books. And the stories were adapted into cartoons in 1993. This publishing history goes hand in hand with educational experiments carried out in the aftermath of the Second World War. The Centre de recherche biblio-pédagogique de l'atelier du Père Castor opened in 1946, followed by an experimental school the following year.

This issue provides an opportunity to bring together research that can offer a fresh look at the many aspects of Père Castor's publishing, educational and archival activities. Since the conference organised in Pougues-les-eaux in 1998, a number of studies have looked at the role of Père Castor in the revival of picture books, or at the publishing policies of the series and the contribution of Russian illustrators. They have also helped to showcase Paul Faucher, his activities as a publisher, his links with the Education nouvelle movement and his educational thinking. This issue focuses more closely on the contextualisation of the series within the different time periods through which it has passed, within the history of children's publishing, which is now better known, the network of contributors who have been active since its creation and throughout its history, and the ideological debates that have run through the twentieth century in the fields of education, ecology, colonial policies, etc. It may include case studies or broader perspectives.

Priority will be given to articles based on the consulting of collections and archives that have not yet been enhanced, or even looked at. These include the Père Castor Archives (Meuzac), recently inscribed on the Memory of the World International Register. Please refer to the detailed presentation of this collection by Anaïs Charles, the person currently in charge of its conservation, which was pre-published in Le Magasin des enfants.

The articles may address (but are not limited to):

1- The editorial policies of the various periods marked in particular by the creation of the different series and by the successive series editors: Paul Faucher (1931-1967), François Faucher (1967-1996), Hélène Wadowski (1996-2019), Céline Dehaine (since 2019); the evolution of the activity in particular periods such as the Second World War or the emergence of a mass market in the 1960s; the Association des amis du Père Castor, founded by François Faucher in 1996, and its republishing campaigns; the organisation and activities of L'École du Père Castor.

2- Paul Faucher's involvement in various networks and the importance of collective work in designing complementary teaching activities and educational projects. This could involve an in-depth examination of Paul Faucher's links with different movements (Education nouvelle, Scouting), institutions (Musée de l'homme and Museum d'histoire naturelle), individuals (authors, illustrators or other collaborators such as Jean Baucomont), etc.

3- Cultural and artistic transfers and circulation, which can be explored in articles devoted to translations, their evolution over time and, more broadly, the way in which the picture books are perceived as educational and publishing projects abroad. The contributions of foreign illustrators may also be considered.

4- The use of complementary teaching activities in nursery, pre-school and primary schools, from a diachronic perspective, for example in the field of reading didactics. The history of reading aloud and drawing initiation projects could be another focal point.

5- The editors will also take into consideration cross-cutting thematic analyses (family, nature, etc.), approaches to the book series from contemporary critical perspectives (gender studies, post-colonial studies, eco-criticism, etc.) or studies devoted to certain types of books, such as picture dictionaries, which are still rarely considered.

Proposals (approximately one page in length) should be sent by 25 September 2023 to Final articles will be due on 3 February 2024.

The following bibliography is indicative; the issue will include a detailed bibliography.

Presentation of the Père Castor archives and inventory of available holdings:

We offer here an indicative bibliography; the issue will include a detailed bibliography.

Presentation of the Père Castor archives and inventoyr of available collections :


Le Père Castor. Paul Faucher, un nivernais inventeur de l’album moderne, Actes du colloque de Pougues-les-Eaux, 20 et 21 novembre 1998, Conseil général de la Nièvre, 1999.

Les préfaces du Père Castor, avant-propos de Michel Defourny, Amis du Père Castor, 2005.

Père Castor. Raconte-nous ton histoire. Dossier pédagogique pour les groupes scolaires et périscolaires. Musée de l’illustration Jeunesse, Moulins,

ALLEN I. and P., with T. Rojankovsky Koly, Fedor Rojankovsky, The Children’s Books and Other Illustrations Art, Englewood, Fl, Wood STork Press, 2014, pp. 46-52.

BAKULE František, L’Éducation par l’art, Texte de la conférence prononcée à Paris le 2 juillet 1947, Les Amis du Père Castor, 2004.

BEAU N., Raconte-nous une histoire : pourquoi lire 80 classiques du Père Castor ?, Flammarion, 2016.

BOULAIRE Cécile, Les petits livres d’or. Des Albums pour enfants dans la France de la guerre froide, Tours, Presses universitaires François-Rabelais, 2016.

BOULAIRE Cécile, « Des livres pour “entraîner dans la voie de l’éducation nouvelle” : la collection « Éducation » des éditions Flammarion (1928-1938) », Les Études Sociales, 2016/1 (n° 163), p. 173-197. DOI : 10.3917/etsoc.163.0173.

CAROLI Dorena, Ludmila Durdíková, teacher and writer for children from Prague to Paris (1899–1955), in: Women and Children’s Literature. A Love Affair?, Bern, Peter Lang, 2021, pp. 25-43.

CAROLI Dorena, Zhivaia Azbuka (Living Alphabet) by the poet Aleksandr Chernii (1880-1932), an educational tool for the survival of the Russian Language among émigrés’ children, in Migration and Educational Media, Bad Heilbrunn, Klinkhardt, 2020, pp. 31 - 47.

COCHET Michèle, DEFOURNY Michel et PARMEGIANI Claude-Anne, Nathalie Parain, Editions MeMo, 2019, 224 p.

DEFOURNY Michel, Père Castor et les artistes russes. Avant-propos de Cécile Boulaire, Montreuil, les Amis du Père Castor, 2017.

DEFOURNY Michel, Hommage à Albertine Deletaille, Les Amis du Père Castor, 2002.

DEFOURNY Michel, Hommage à Lida, Les Amis du Père Castor, 2000.

DUPOUY, Raphaël et alii, Les Russes de la Favière, Le Réseau Lalan, 2010.

FAUCHER François, František Bakule l'enfant terrible de la pédagogie tchèque, PUF, 1998 [MAG-L2 V 13570]

FAUCHER Paul, Les préfaces du Père Castor, avant-propos de Michel Defourny, 2003.

FAUCHER Paul, L’éducation, l’homme et l’enfant, Réponses parues dans la page « Enfance » des Nouvelles Littéraires animée par Paul Faucher, 1931-1932, Les Amis du Père Castor, 1998.

FAUCHER Paul, Comment adapter la littérature enfantine aux besoins des enfants, Texte de la conférence prononcée à la séance inaugurale du Ve congrès de l’Union internationale pour la littérature de jeunesse, Florence, 7-11 mai 1958, Les Amis du Père Castor, 1998.

FAUCHER Paul, « La mission éducative des albums du Père Castor », L’École Nouvelle Française, n°87, avril 1961, p. 20-26.

GAIOTTI Florence, Femmes et filles du Père Castor, in C. Connan-Pintado, G. Bréhotéguy (Eds.), Littérature de jeunesse au present. Genres littéraires en question(s), Bordeaux, Presses Universitaires de bordeaux, 2015, pp. 179-191.

MEUNIER C., « Et si le Père Castor avait voulu sauver le monde ? Du discours sur la diversité dans la collection « Les Enfants de la Terre » », Strenæ [Online], 14 | 2019, Online since 05 April 2019, connection on 30 June 2022. URL : ; DOI :

MICHIELSEN Béatrice, Hélène Guertik, Dix albums d’exception au Père Castor, 1932-1937, Les Amis du Père Castor, Meuzac, 2011.

PAYRAUD-BARAT, Marie-France, Paul Faucher, « Le Père Castor », réflexion pédagogique et albums pour enfants, thèse de doctorat, Université de Rennes II Haute Bretagne, 2001.

PICHON-BONIN Cécile, “The role of the « Père Castor » Russian Illustrators in the Renewal of the French Children’s Book in the 1930’s: Artists’ Paths and analyze of « Faktura » (Rol’ russkich illjustratorov ‘papashi Bobra’ v obnovlenii detskoj knigi vo Francii v 1930-ch gg.: biografii chudozhnikov i analiz « faktury »)”, in Detskie Chtenija, n. 2/16, 2019, pp. 152-179, en russe.

PICHON-BONIN Cécile, « The Russian Illustrators of the Père Castor, Russian Mediators in France of the Concept of Construction in Art and Pedagogy in the 1930s », Convivium-Supplementum 2020, Brepols, Masarykova univerzita, Université de Lausanne, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2020.

PIQUARD Michèle, La Carte géographique dans les albums du Père Castor, Les Amis du Père Castor, 2011.

PIQUARD Michèle, « Paul Faucher, concepteur des albums du père Castor, sergent recruteur de la Nouvelle Education dans l’entre-deux-guerres », Recherches et Educations, n°4, mars 2011, n° thématique « L’éducation nouvelle – Histoire d’une réalité militante », dirigé par Laurent Gutierrez.

ROUX, Juliette, Collaborations d’artistes Russes et d’Europe de l’est avec le Père Castor de 1931 à 1940 : illustration, mise en perspective et analyse d’image. Quelle place dans l’histoire de l’art ?, Mémoire de Master 1 Histoire de l’art, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III, 2009.

ROUX, Juliette, Au cœur des problématiques des avant-gardes : six albums du Père Castor (1931-1940), Mémoire de Master II Histoire de l’art, Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III, 2010.

SESLAVINSKIJ Mihajl, Randevu : russkie hudožniki vo francuzkom knigoizdanii pervoj poloviny XX veka [Rendez-vous. Les artistes russes dans l’édition française de la première moitié du XXe siècle], Moscou, Astrel’, 2009.

SORIANO Marc, Les livres pour les enfants, interview de Paul Faucher parue dans la revue Enfance, mai-juin 1956, Les Amis du Père Castor, 1998.

WAGNON, Lucille, La patrimonialisation de la collection du Père Castor en France, Mémoire de Master 2 Cultures de l'écrit et de l'image sous la direction de Fabienne Henryot, ENSSIB, Université Lumière Lyon 2, 2020.

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