Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords
- A Delicate Balance
- A Game at Chess
- A Little White Shadow
- A Mercy
- A Room of One’s Own
- A Whistle in the Dark
- A. C. Swinburne
- A. R. Gurney
- A.C. Swinburne
- A.M. Turing
- Aaron Shurin
- Abbey Theatre
- Aberdein (John)
- abject
- absence
- Absence
- absent centre
- absolutism
- abstract expressionism
- absurd
- Abu Ghraib
- abuse
- acerbic
- acoustic
- Actaeon
- acting
- Active listening
- active scandal
- actress
- adaptation
- address to the reader
- Adorno
- aesthetic bliss
- aesthetic object
- aesthetic strategies
- Aestheticism
- aesthetics
- afflatus
- Afghanistan War
- African American Studies
- African-American artist
- African-American literature
- afterlife
- afterwardsness
- Agamben
- Agatha Christie
- ageing
- agency
- Agrégation
- Aleksandar Hemon
- Aleph
- Alexandra Wood
- Alfred de Musset
- Alfred Hitchcock
- Alfred Stieglitz
- Algernon Swinburne
- Alice Birch
- Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
- Alistair McDowell
- allegory
- Aloysius Bertrand
- alphabet
- Alphonso Lingis
- Alt Lit
- ambiguity
- ambivalence
- American comedy
- American contemporary poetry
- American Gothic
- american photography
- American photography
- American photography
- American poetry
- American society of the 1920s
- American theatre
- American Theatre
- Americanization
- Amerindian rituals
- amnesia
- An-My Lê
- anamorphosis
- anarchism
- anatomy
- ancient sculpture
- Andalusia
- Andi Olsen
- anempathetic music
- angel
- Angel
- Angelico (Fra)
- Anglophone Caribbean poetry
- Anglophone literature
- animacy
- animal
- animal and spirituality
- Animal Machine
- animal metaphor
- animal studies
- animal within
- animality
- animals
- animot
- anonymity
- Anthony Van Dyck
- anthropocene
- Anthropomorphism
- anti-humanism
- anti-modernity
- anti-racist activism
- Antin (David)
- antiutopia
- Antoine Berman
- Antonin Artaud
- apocalypse
- Apollinaire (Guillaume)
- Apollo
- aporia
- aposiopesis
- Appalachia
- apparatus
- appropriation
- Arcadia
- archaeology
- Archive
- archive
- Arctic
- Arendt
- Aristotle
- Armenian genocide
- art
- Art
- art and perception
- art criticism
- art history
- Art Spiegelman
- Artaud
- artefact
- Arthur Adamov
- Arthur Conan Doyle
- artialisation
- artifice
- artificiality of theatre
- artist
- artists’ writings
- artist’s book
- Ash Wednesday
- ash-poetry
- asinine man
- assemblage
- Atonement
- attachment to place
- Attempts on Her Life
- audience
- audio archives
- audio recording and writing
- aura
- Auschwitz
- austerity
- Australia
- author
- authority
- autobiography
- autopoiesis
- autoscopy
- avant-garde poetics
- Avant-garde Theater
- avant-gardes
- avatar
- Avignon Festival
- awe
- B. Pascal
- B.S. Johnson
- Babel
- Bacon (Francis)
- balloon
- Banks (Russell)
- Barbara Folkart
- barbarism
- Baroque
- baroque Episteme
- baroque theatre
- Barth
- Bartlett
- Bartolommeo (Fra)
- bear-baiting
- beast within speech
- beautiful
- Beckett
- becoming animal
- becoming-animal
- bed-trick
- Beggar’s Holiday
- behaviour
- beheading
- beholder
- belatedness
- Believe as You List
- Bellmer
- Beloved
- Benjamin (Walter)
- Bentham (Jeremy)
- Bergson
- Bergvall (Caroline)
- Berkeley
- Berman (Antoine)
- Bernhardt (Sarah)
- bestiality
- bestiary
- bestseller
- betrayal
- beyond the Symbolic
- Bible
- Big Brother
- Big Electric Chair
- Bildungsroman
- bilingual enunciation
- Bill Watterson
- Billy Budd
- biloquism
- binding violence
- biographies
- biography
- biomorphism
- biopolitics
- bios
- Birthday Letters
- Black Coat
- black humour
- black is beautiful
- Black Mountain
- Black Sparrow Press
- Blake Butler
- Blanchot
- blank
- blank life
- blankness
- blazon
- blind spot
- Bloomsbury
- blot
- blurring of genres
- body
- body building
- body in literature
- body politic
- book
- book as object
- book design and digital circulation
- book history
- book industry
- borderline inventiveness
- botanics
- botany
- Botticelli (Sandro)
- Branagh
- breath
- Brecht (Bertolt)
- Brenton (Howard)
- Breyten Breytenbach
- Brian Evenson
- Briggflatts
- British art
- British drama
- British literature
- British theatre
- Bruce Boone
- Buc (Sir George)
- Buddhism
- Bukowski (Charles)
- Bunting (Basil)
- Byatt (A. S.)
- C. Reznikoff
- C.W. Furse
- caesura
- Cage
- cage
- Calais
- calligram
- calligramme
- Calvin and Hobbes
- camouflage
- Canada
- Canadian literature
- canon
- Cantos
- capital
- capitalism
- Capone (Al)
- car
- Carew (William)
- Caribbean folklore
- Carl G. Jung
- carnavalesque
- carnivalesque
- carnophallogocentrism
- Carribbean literature
- cars
- Caruth
- Caryl Churchill
- cast
- castrato
- Castrato
- catachresis
- Catholic
- catholicism
- Cathy Caruth
- Caton Woodville (Richard)
- Cecilia Dorland
- cellar
- censorship
- Cervantes (Miguel de)
- chance procedures
- chaos theory
- Chapman (George)
- character
- Character
- charisma
- Charles Bernstein
- Charles Burns
- Charles Dickens
- Charles I
- Charles Olson
- Charles Péguy
- Charles Reznikoff
- chiasmus
- childbirth
- Childhood
- childlike element
- children literature
- Chillingworth
- chora
- chôra
- choreography
- chorus
- Christian fable
- Christine de Pizan
- chromatic fields
- chronotope
- Churchill
- Cicero
- cinema
- cinema and utopia
- circuitousness
- Circularity
- circulation
- circus
- citizenship
- civil war
- civility
- Clarel
- Clark (Lygia)
- Clark Coolidge
- classical antiquity
- Claude Mathieu
- clear line
- Clément Camar-Mercier
- climate change
- clinical history and practice
- clock
- close listening
- closure
- clothing
- code
- cognitive psychology
- coherence
- Cold War
- Cold War Poetry
- Colin Dexter
- collage
- collection of short-stories
- collective voice
- colonial history
- colonization
- color
- colour
- Colours
- Comédie-Française
- comedy
- comedy of manners
- comic
- comic dramaturgy
- comic strip
- comical
- comics
- commonality
- commons
- Communism
- communities of readers
- Community
- community
- community theatre
- complete version
- composition
- Conan Doyle
- concealment
- conceit
- conceptual art
- conceptual poetry
- conceptual writing
- conditional programming
- conduct
- confession
- connection
- connections
- Conrad (Joseph)
- Constance School
- constitution
- constraint
- contamination
- contemporary
- contemporary American detective fiction
- contemporary American fiction
- contemporary American theater
- contemporary art
- Contemporary art
- contemporary British drama
- contemporary British poetry
- Contemporary British theatre
- Contemporary British Theatre
- contemporary British theatre
- contemporary Indian poetry
- contemporary literature
- contemporary music
- contemporary poetry
- Contemporary Poetry in English
- contemporary puppetry
- contemporary theatre
- continuity
- continuous
- controversy
- convention
- convergence culture
- conversation
- Copernicus
- copia
- copy
- corporality
- corporeality
- corpus analysis
- cosmetic beauty
- cosmetics
- cosmos
- costumes
- counter-interpellation
- counterpoint
- country-house poetry
- covering
- Covid-19
- creation
- Creative Writing
- Creole
- creolisation
- crime fiction
- Crime fiction
- Crimp
- criticism
- Critter (Bicho)
- Crouch (Tim)
- cryptomimesis
- cultural catch-22
- cultural identity
- cultural reference.
- cultural studies
- culture
- curation
- curiosity
- Curriculum
- custodian
- custody
- Cy Twombly
- cybernetics
- cyborg
- cyborgs
- cycle
- Cycle
- Czech (Natalie)
- D.H. Lawrence
- Dallenbach
- Damien Hirst
- dance
- dance of death
- Daniel Deronda
- Dante
- Dante Alighieri
- daughter
- David
- David Copperfield
- David Dabydeen
- dead colouring
- Dead Lane
- death
- Death on stage
- debbie tucker green
- Debord (Guy)
- decadence
- decadence and symbolism
- decadent
- decasyllables
- decay
- deception
- decolonial art
- decomposition
- deconstruction
- dedication
- defamiliarisation
- defamiliarization
- DeLillo
- dematerialization of Art
- democratic theatre
- demographics
- demonology
- Dennis Kelly
- depossession
- depth of field
- Derek White
- Derrida
- Derrida (Jacques)
- Descartes
- desert
- design
- desire
- destruction
- detail
- details
- Detection
- detective
- detective fiction
- detective novel
- determinism
- deus ex machina
- Deviation
- deviation
- dialect
- dialects
- Diana camera
- diaspora
- Dickens
- Dickens (Charles)
- Dickinson (Emily)
- diction
- didactism
- Didi-Huberman
- differance
- différance
- differed action
- difference
- differential variations
- digital arts
- digital communities
- digital humanities
- digital imagery
- digital installation
- digital performances
- digital publishing
- digital theatre
- digital writing
- Dimmesdale
- direct and reported speech
- directing
- dirty hands paradox
- disappearance
- disaster Edwidge Danticat
- disclosure
- discontinuous
- discours self-referential discourse
- diseases
- disembodied spectatorship
- Disjunction voice/body
- dismembered bodies
- dissemination
- dissonance
- distance
- distancing effect
- distant suffering
- division
- docudrama
- documentary
- dog
- domestic
- Don DeLillo
- Don Quixote
- Donald Allen
- Donald Barthelme
- Dorothy Cross
- double authorship
- Double Change
- double exposure
- Douglas Gordon
- doxa
- Dracula
- drama
- drama and painting
- dramatic conventions
- dramatic language
- dramatic text
- dramatic translation
- dramaturgies of contagion
- dramaturgy
- drawing
- dream-writing
- dress
- Dreyfus Affair
- Drucker (Johanna)
- duke
- Duke Ellington
- Duns Scotus
- Dunsinane
- dyes
- dystopia
- dystopia/utopia
- Eamonn Wall
- early modern English literature
- early modern period
- early modern poetry
- early modernity
- echo
- Echo
- echoes
- ecocriticism
- Ecocriticism
- ecofeminism
- ecology
- economy
- ecosystem
- Edgar Poe
- editing
- Édouard Glissant
- education
- Edward Albee
- Edward Bond
- Edwin
- Effeminacy/manliness
- effigy
- ekphrasis
- Elizabeth I
- ellipses
- éloquence
- elsewhere
- emblem
- emblems
- embodied reception
- embodiment
- emergence
- Emerson
- Emily Dickinson
- emotion
- emplotment
- emptiness
- Enchanted Hunters
- encountering the beast
- end
- ending
- endings
- England
- English Civil War
- entropy
- enunciation
- envelope poems
- environmental art
- environmental connectedness
- epanorthosis
- epic
- Epic
- Epicurus
- epigrammatic style
- epilogue
- Epiphany
- epistemology
- epistle
- erasure
- erasure poetry
- Erle Stanley Gardner
- Erosion
- eroticism
- Erwin Panofsky
- eschatology
- etching
- ethics
- ethics and aesthetics
- ethics of liberation
- Eudora Welty
- eutopia
- event
- excess
- execution
- execution scene
- exegesis
- exemplarity
- exhibition
- exile
- expectations
- exposed readers
- exposure
- exposure time
- expression
- expressionism
- expressivity
- exteriority
- eye
- Ezra Pound
- face painting
- Fagan (Jenni)
- Failure
- family
- fandom
- Fanon
- fantastical
- Fantasy tale
- farce
- Farge
- Farinelli
- fascicles
- Fascism
- fascism
- father-figure
- Faulkner
- Faustus
- Federal Theater Project
- female body
- Feminine
- feminism
- Fenton
- Ferdinand de Saussure
- Ferenczi
- fertility (male)
- fiction
- fiction and history
- figural
- figure
- figure (of speech)
- figure/ground
- figured images
- film
- film noir
- film studies
- Fitt (Matthew)
- Fitzherbert (Dionys)
- fixture
- flânerie
- flâneur
- flashback
- flesh
- Fletcher (John)
- Florence Gillard
- focusing
- Folio
- folk games
- Foote (Samuel)
- Forced Entertainment
- Ford (John)
- Ford Madox Ford
- form
- form and content
- Foucault (Michel)
- Found in the Ground
- fragment
- fragmentation
- fragments
- Fram
- frame
- frame theory
- framing devices
- Francis Bacon
- Francis Ford Coppola
- Francis Ponge
- Franck Fay
- François Jullien
- Frank O’Hara
- Frank Quitely
- Frankenstein
- Frederic Jameson
- free will
- French history
- Freud
- friction
- furtive action
- fury
- Fyodor Dostoevsky
- Gainsborough
- Galen
- Galician literature
- Galileo
- game
- garden
- Gaspard de la nuit
- Gay
- gay American poetry
- gay liberation
- gaze
- Gematria
- Gender
- gender
- genetic criticism
- genre
- genre crossing
- Genre film
- genres
- Geoffrey Chaucer
- Geoffrey Hill
- George Du Maurier
- George Herbert
- George Meredith
- George Oppen
- George Quasha
- Georges Bataille
- Georges Didi-Huberman
- Gertrude Stein
- gesture
- Ghosh (Amitav)
- ghost
- Ghost Crabs
- Gibson (John)
- Gill
- Gillian Wearing
- Gioacchino Rossini
- Giorgio Vasari
- Giuseppe Verdi
- Gladstone (William E.)
- globalization
- Globe
- Golgotha
- Gossip
- Gothic
- gothic
- governance
- Gozzoli (Benozzo)
- graffiti
- Grand Collage
- Grant Morrison
- Granum Sinapis
- graphic devices
- graphic narrative
- Graphic novel
- graphic novel
- graphy
- Gray (Alasdair)
- Great Britain
- Green
- Gregory Volk
- Greig (David)
- grotesque
- Guillaume Séverac-Schmitz
- H. G. Wells
- H. Meschonnic
- H.D.
- Habila (Helon)
- haiku
- Haiti
- Hamid (Mohsin)
- Hamlet
- hand
- Handing over
- Handspring Puppet Company
- happy ending
- Haraway
- Hare (David)
- harmonic code
- Harmonium
- Harold Pinter
- harpe
- Harrison
- haunting
- hearing
- hearing the animal
- hearing the Real
- Hebrew
- Heinrich Johann Füssli apparitions
- Henri III
- Henri IV
- Henrietta Maria
- Henry Fuseli
- Henry James
- Henry V
- Herbert (Sir Henry)
- heresy
- Herman Melville
- hermaphrodite
- hermeneutics
- hermeticism
- Herriman
- Hester
- heterotopia
- hierarchy and network
- highbrow
- Hiroshima
- historical drama
- historical plays
- Historiography
- history
- history of political thought
- history of reading
- history of Scotland
- history on the contemporary stage
- history plays
- Hitchcock
- Hitler (Adolf)
- Hogarth
- Holbein (Hans)
- holes
- Hollywood
- Hollywood musicals
- Holocaust
- holy
- hope
- Hopkins
- horizon of expectation
- horror
- horrorism
- how texts matter
- Howard Barker
- Howe (Sarah)
- hues
- human nature
- humanist novel
- humanity
- humanness
- humor
- humour
- humours
- hunger
- Hunt
- Hutchinson (Lucy)
- hybridity
- hybridization
- hypermediacy
- hypertext
- hypotext
- hypothesis
- hypotyposis
- iambic pentameter
- icon
- iconoclasm
- iconography
- iconotext
- Iconotexts
- icons
- ideal language
- idealism
- identification
- identity
- ideology
- idolatry
- illegal immigrant
- illusion
- illustration
- illustrations
- image
- image manipulation
- image-macros
- image-text
- imagetext
- imagination
- imitation
- imitation of Christ
- Immanuel Kant
- immediacy
- immediate history
- immersive theatre
- immigrant theater
- imperialism
- impersonality
- In-Yer-Face
- In-yer-face theatre
- In-Yer-Face theatre
- incoherence
- incorporation
- indeterminacy
- indexicality
- Indian Wars
- Indigenous art
- indignation
- indirect speech acts
- indirectness
- indistinguishable
- individual
- infinite narration
- information design
- Inger Christensen
- Initiation
- injure
- innovation
- innovative narration
- instability
- installation
- insult
- intentionality
- interaction
- interdiscursivity
- interface
- interior monologue
- interior voice
- Intermedia
- intermedia poetry
- intermediality
- Internet poetry
- interpellation/counter-interpellation
- interpretation
- intersemioticity
- interspeciesism
- interstice
- intertext
- intertextuality
- interval
- intervocality
- interweaving of plots
- introjection
- introspection
- invented language
- Iraq War
- Ireland
- Irish Literary Theatre
- Irish Theatre
- Irish theatre
- ironical
- irony
- irresolution
- Isaac Oliver
- Isaac Rosenberg
- Isabella
- Isham (Elizabeth)
- Ishiguro (Kazuo)
- Italy
- iteration
- itinerary
- J. H. Prynne
- J.M. Coetzee
- Jack Christie
- Jack Spicer
- Jacob Sam-La Rose
- Jacobean drama
- Jacques Derrida
- Jacques Lacan
- Jacques Rancière
- Jacques Roubaud
- jail
- Jake and Dinos Chapman
- James
- James (P. D.)
- James Ellroy; spy novel; Kennedy assassination; history and fiction; conspiracy theory; chaos theory; fractals; unpredictability
- James I
- James Joyce
- Jane Eyre
- Janet Frame
- Janin
- Jean Rhys
- Jean-François Lyotard
- Jean-Luc Nancy
- Jenny Penberthy
- Jerome Rothenberg
- Jess
- Jessica Abel
- Joanna Laurens
- Johanna Drucker
- John Adams
- John Cage
- John Donne
- John Everett
- John Fletcher
- John Frederick
- John Fuller
- John Grisham
- John Hersey
- John Latouche
- John Milton
- John Ruskin
- John Webster
- Jon Silkin
- Jonathan Safran Foer
- Jonathan Swift
- jouissance
- judaism
- Judy Garland
- Julia Kristeva
- Julian Barnes
- Julius Caesar
- Jullien
- justice
- labyrinth
- Lacan
- Lady Chatterley's Lover
- Lance Olsen
- Landscape
- landscape
- landscape photography
- language
- Language
- language as contagion
- Laocoon
- Laplanche
- lapse
- Last Operas and Plays
- lathouses
- laughter
- Laurie Anderson
- law
- Le Pontet penitentiary
- Lee Breuer
- Lee Friedlander
- Lee Miller
- legacy
- legality of theatre
- legibility
- Leon Battista Alberti
- Leonardo da Vinci
- leprosy
- letter
- level of language
- Lewis
- Lewis Carrol
- lex talionis
- lie
- life-writing
- light
- likeness
- Liliane Louvel
- limits
- Lineage
- linearity
- linguistic regimes
- linguistics
- Lionel Asbo
- lipogram
- lipogramme
- literal translation
- literary
- literary archives
- literary criticism
- literary genre
- literary genres
- literary history
- literary theory
- Literary theory
- literature
- literature and philosophy
- literature and the market
- Little Nemo
- liturgy
- live production
- liveness
- Living Theatre
- logic
- logical gap
- logopoeia
- logos
- Lolita
- London
- Long
- long poem
- Look Homeward
- loop
- Lord Byron
- Lorenzetti (Pietro)
- Lorine Niedecker
- Lorna Simpson
- loss
- Louis Althusser
- Louis Zukofsky
- Louis-René des Forêts
- love
- lowbrow
- Loy (Mina)
- Lucio
- Lucretius
- Ludovic Lagarde
- Ludwig Wittgenstein
- Luke Kennard
- Lycidas
- lyric
- lyrical subject
- lyrical voice
- lyricism
- macabre
- Macbeth
- Machiavellism
- machine
- magic
- maiming
- majesty
- making-of fiction
- malcontent
- Man Ray
- manipulation
- manuscript
- manuscript studies
- manuscripts
- mapping
- Marc Quinn
- Marcel Broodthaers
- Marcel Proust
- margins
- Maria Aberg
- Maria Malibran
- mariage allégorique
- Marie Stuart
- mark
- Mark Danielewski
- Mark Rothko
- Mark Z Danielewski
- marriage
- Martin (John)
- Martin Amis
- Martin Crimp
- Martin Luther
- martyrdom
- Mary Shelley
- Mary Stuart
- Marylin
- Masculine
- masculinity
- mask
- masks
- masochism
- Massinger (Philip)
- material
- material culture
- material poetics
- materiality
- matter
- Matthew Francis
- Maurice Merleau-Ponty
- Max Dorra
- Mbembe (Achille)
- McCay
- McEwan
- McEwan (Ian)
- McNeill Whistler (James)
- Measure for Measure
- mechanical body
- Medea
- media studies
- mediation
- mediatization
- medium
- medium specificity
- medium theory
- Meet Me In St Louis
- Mel
- melancholy
- mélancolie
- memento mori
- memoirs
- memory
- mental space
- Meredith Monk
- Merrie England
- Merwin
- Meryem De Lagarde
- meta-artistic
- metabody
- metacinematic
- metacriticism
- metafiction
- metahistory
- metal
- metalanguage
- metalepsis
- metamorphosis
- metapainting
- metaphor
- metaphors
- Metaphysical detective fiction
- metatextual
- metatheatre
- metatheatrical discourse
- metatheatricality
- Methodism
- Mexican-American war
- mezzo voce
- Michael Joyce
- Michal Rovner
- Michel Serres
- Michelangelo
- micro-movement
- Middle Ages
- Middleton
- Middleton (Thomas)
- migrant camps
- migration
- migrations
- Millais
- Milton (John)
- mimesis
- mimetic language
- Mina (Denise)
- miniature portrait
- Minnelli
- Mirah Lapidoth
- mirror
- misdirection
- mise en abyme
- mise en scène
- mise-en-abyme
- misogyny
- mixture
- modality
- model
- modello
- models
- modern American poetry
- modern and contemporary art
- modernism
- Modernism
- Modernist biography
- modernity
- Modernity
- Mohsin Hamid
- monarchy
- monochrome
- monster
- Montaigne
- Montchrestien
- monument
- Morrison (Toni)
- mother
- mother tongue
- motley
- Moure (Erin)
- mourning
- mouth
- movie
- multilingualism
- multimedia
- museum installation
- museums
- music
- musical score
- musicality
- musicircus
- Mussolini (Benito)
- mutation
- My Name is Tania Head
- mysteries of state
- mysticism
- myth
- myth of Philomela
- Mythic Being
- mythopoesis
- mythopoetics
- N. Heinich
- Nabokov
- name
- Nancy Drew
- Nancy Rexroth
- Nansen
- narcissism
- Narcissus
- narrateur
- narration
- narrative
- narrative analysis
- narrative architecture
- narrative form
- Narrative invention
- narrative pact
- narrative painting
- narrative technique
- narratology
- narrator
- nation
- National Theatre of Scotland
- naturalism
- nazism
- negative form
- neoclassicism
- neoliberalism
- neutre
- New American poetry
- new digital poetic practices
- new materialism
- new media
- New Narrative
- new reading modes
- New Sincerity
- new technologies
- newness
- news
- news report
- Next Year /or/ I fly my Rounds
- Nicholas Hilliard
- night-mare woman
- Nineteen Eighty-Four
- nineteenth century
- Noah Purifoy
- noir fiction
- noir line
- non-place
- non-site
- nonsense
- norm
- Norman (Donald)
- norms
- nostalgia
- Notes on the Keyboard of the Imagination
- novel
- numbers
- object
- object a
- object-book
- Object-oriented ontology
- Objectivism
- Objectivist poetry
- objects
- oblitération
- obscene
- obscenity
- obsession
- Odes
- Of Time and the River
- oikonomia
- Olden Barnevelt (John van)
- Olds (Sharon)
- one hundred words
- online forums
- online literary magazines
- online play
- online publication
- opacity
- opaque
- Open Form
- opéra
- opera
- optical device
- Oracle Night
- orality
- oratorio
- ordinary
- organ-obstacle
- oriental tale
- orientalism
- origin
- originality
- Orwell (George)
- Osama the Hero
- Oscar Wilde
- Oswald (Alice)
- Othello
- other
- Other Scene
- other scene
- otherness
- OuLiPo
- oulipo
- outbreak narrative
- Outcault
- overexposure
- Ovid
- Ovid’s Metamorphoses
- oxymoron
- O’Connor
- O’Hara (Franck)
- pain
- Pain has an element of Blank
- painting
- painting and literature
- Pakistan
- palimpsest
- pandemic
- panopticism
- panopticon
- Panopticon
- pantheism
- parable
- Paradise Lost
- paradox
- paragone
- paratext
- paratexts
- parenthood
- parergon
- Paris
- parliament
- parody
- participation
- Pascal Dusapin
- passage
- Passages
- passing
- passion
- passive scandal
- past
- pastiche
- pastoral
- Pastoral
- pastoral elegy
- Pater (Walter)
- Pato (Chus)
- Patriarchy
- patronage
- pattern-poem
- Paul Auster
- Paul Cézanne
- Peacham (Henry)
- Pedagogy
- Peggy Phelan
- pentimento
- perception
- Percival Everett
- Percy Bysshe Shelley
- performance
- Performance
- performance art
- performance philosophy
- performative body
- performative writing
- performativity
- performing art
- periodicals
- perlocutionary effect
- perpetrator
- person
- perspective
- persuasion
- Peter Lovesey
- Peter Verhelst
- phasm
- phenakistiscope
- phenomenological feminism
- phenomenology
- Philip Sidney
- Philosophie
- Phoebe Gloeckner
- phone
- photography
- photojournalism
- physicality
- pictorial devices
- pictorial field
- pictorial text
- pictorial third
- pictorialism
- pigments
- Pip Brignall
- Piper (Adrian)
- pitch
- place
- Place (Vanessa)
- place theory
- plaisir du texte
- play
- playfulness
- Playfulness
- playlist
- playwriting
- Poe
- poetic community
- poetic drama
- poetic form
- poetic forms
- poetic idioms
- poetic influence
- poetic justice
- poetics
- Poetics
- poetics of artifice
- poetics of naturality
- poetics of scandal
- poetry
- Poetry
- poetry archive
- poetry book
- poetry collection
- poetry editing
- poetry reading
- point of view
- poison
- policy
- political commitment
- political theatre
- politics
- Politics
- pollinization
- polychromy
- polyglossia
- polyphony
- popular culture
- popular novels
- pornography
- portrait
- positions
- positive destruction
- possession
- Possession
- post-
- post-dramatic theatre
- post-modernism
- post-modernity
- Post-War American Poetry
- postcapitalism
- postcolonial literature
- postcolonial reinterpretation
- postcolonial studies
- posthuman
- posthumanism
- Posthumanism
- postmemory
- postmodern
- postmodernism
- postponement
- postscript
- poststructuralism
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Postures
- potentia absoluta
- Pound (Ezra)
- power
- praxis
- precariousness
- precision
- pregnancy
- preliteracy
- preparation
- presence
- Presence
- present
- print culture
- print-on-demand publishing
- prints
- privacy
- problem play
- procedural poetry
- production and direction
- proliferation
- promise
- propaganda
- propositions
- Prosody
- prosody
- prosthetic body
- prostitute
- Protestant
- Proust
- providentialism
- Psalter
- psychiatry
- psycho-analysis
- psychoanalysis
- psychoanalysis and art
- psychopoetics
- public executions
- public life
- publishing
- Punch
- Punchdrunk
- punctuation
- punning
- puppet
- puritanism
- Puritans
- Puttenham (George)
- Pygmalion
- Pynchon (Thomas)
- R. Lowell
- R.W. Emerson
- Rabbit White (Rachel)
- race
- Rachel
- Rachel O’Mahony
- Rachel Whiteread
- radical innocence
- Rae Armantrout
- raking light
- Ralph Eugene Meatyard
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Rancière
- Rankine (Claudia)
- rape
- rapidity
- Raymond Williams
- re-membrance
- re-reading
- reader
- reader-response theory
- readership
- Reading
- reading
- reading experience
- realia
- realism
- realistic literature
- reality
- reality/fiction
- reason
- rebirth
- reception
- reception aesthetics
- reception studies
- reception theory
- Recollections of Scott Forbes
- recycling
- redemption
- redivision
- redundance
- reflexivity
- refugee
- refugee performance
- regicide
- Region of Unlikeness
- Regnault
- regulation
- relation to nature
- relationship
- relics
- religion
- remediation
- remembering
- remembrance
- remix
- Renaissance
- renewal
- reparation
- repetition
- Repetition
- Representation
- representation
- representing violence
- representing war
- repression
- reputation
- research-creation
- reserve
- residual translation
- resistance
- respect
- response
- responses of art
- responsibility
- restoration
- resurrection
- reticence
- retranslation
- return of the Dead
- revelation
- revenge
- revenge comedy
- reversed canvas
- reversibility
- reversible spectral
- review
- revolt
- rewriting
- rhapsody
- rhetoric
- rhetorical failure
- rhizome
- rhythm
- rhythms of exposure
- Richard II
- Richard III
- Richard McGuire
- Richard Strauss
- riddle
- rip
- rite
- Robert Ashley
- Robert Coover
- Robert Duncan
- Robert Frank
- Robert Glück
- Robert Hass
- Robert Louis Stevenson
- Robert Smithson
- Robert Wilson
- Rock music
- Roger
- Roland Barthes
- Roman Jakobson
- roman noir
- roman policier
- romance.
- Romantic poetry
- Romanticism
- rope-tricks
- Rory Mullarkey
- Rosalind Krauss
- roundabout means
- roundel
- Royal Shakespeare Company
- Ruefle (Mary)
- ruin
- rule of law
- rural England
- Rushdie
- Ruskin (John)
- Russian school of translation
- S. et C. Botella
- sacred
- sacrificial stage
- sadism
- sal
- Salomé
- salvation
- Samuel Adamson
- Samuel Beckett
- Samuel Delany
- Sara Paretsky
- Sarah Kane
- Sarrazac
- sartorial
- satire
- scale
- scandal
- Scena Mundi Theatre Company
- scenario
- scene / un-seen
- scenography
- schematism
- schizophrenia
- science
- scientific discourse
- Scott (William)
- Scottish literature
- scream
- screen
- sculpture
- Sebastian Nübling
- Second World War
- secret
- secularised revelation
- seduction
- self
- self-censorship
- self-fashioning
- self-portrait
- Self-Portrait with Aleph
- Self-Portraits
- self-referential
- self-reflexive
- self-reliance
- semantic mutations
- semantics
- semiotics
- Semiramis
- sensorial reconfiguration
- sensory art
- sensory reading
- sequence
- serial creation
- serial poem
- seriality
- Sermon
- sermons
- set of paintings
- seventeenth-century French literature
- sexism
- sexuality
- shadow
- Shadow Painting
- shadows
- Shakespeare
- Shakespeare (William)
- shame
- Shelley (Percy Bysshe)
- Shoah
- short stories
- short-story
- Sidley Park
- Sigismundo Malatesta
- Sigmund Freud
- sign
- signature
- significant
- silence
- silhouette
- Sillages Critiques
- simian figure
- Simon Schama
- Simon Stephens
- simulation
- sin
- Sinclair (May)
- singing
- single set
- Sir Philip Sidney
- site
- site-specific performances
- site-specificity
- sites of memory
- sketch
- slander
- slant
- slavery
- Slavoj Žižek
- slowness
- social criticism
- social media
- social vulnerability
- somatic
- somatophobia
- sonnet
- sonnet.
- Sorbonne
- Søren Kierkegaard
- sound
- South Africa
- sovereignty
- space
- space and time
- space as signifier
- spectacular
- Spectacular
- spectator
- specter
- spectral
- spectrality
- spectre
- speculative theatre
- speech
- Spenser (Edmund)
- spiral
- Spiral Jetty
- spirit
- spirituality
- splitting
- spoken word poetry
- stage
- stage poetry
- stage prop
- stages of knowledge
- stage experimentation
- Stanley Kubrick
- Stein
- Stendhal
- Stephens (Simon)
- stereotype
- Steve Tomasula
- Stevenson
- stigmatization
- Stillstellung
- stimulus
- Stoppard
- Stoppard (Tom)
- story
- straight photography
- Stratford-Upon-Avon
- strip
- Stückemarkt speech
- Stylistic devices
- stylistics
- suave
- sub-stage
- subject
- subjective vision
- sublimation
- sublime
- substitution
- subtext
- subversion
- subversion of codes
- suffering
- Sulfur
- Sun
- superhero
- supernatural
- supplementarity
- Surrealism
- surveillance
- survivance
- Suzan-Lori Parks
- Svengali
- Swan Theatre
- syllepsis
- symbol
- symbolic form
- symbolic space
- symbolization
- symmetry
- synaesthesia
- syncope
- Synge
- synopticon
- systems novel
- T.S. Eliot
- Tacitus
- tactile language
- tactile qualities
- tailor
- Take Me Out To The Ball Game
- Taking Care of Baby
- taking place
- Taking place
- talk-poem
- Tall tale
- Talmud
- Taming of the Shrew
- tearing up the page
- technique
- technocapitalism
- technology
- teleology
- television
- Tempest (Kae)
- Tempestuous
- temporality
- temptation
- terror
- Terry (Ellen)
- testimony
- Tetro
- Text
- text and image
- text and image relation
- text-image relationship
- text/image
- textual studies
- textuality
- the American Civil War
- the Anthropocene
- The Atlas
- The Author
- The Ballad of Reading Gaol
- The Book of Portraiture
- the canonical v. the exploratory
- The Canonization
- The Children of Men
- The Comedian at the letter C
- The Confidential Clerk
- the contemporary
- the demonic
- The Diary of a Body 1969-1973
- The Duchess of Malfi
- The Earthenware Head
- The Ecstasy
- The Egoist
- the event
- The Gigli Concert
- The Goat
- The Golden Apples
- The Good Soldier
- the Gothic
- The H.D. Book
- The Jungle
- The Landleaguers
- The Lavender Scare
- the monstrous feminine
- the new
- The New American Poetry
- The New Arcadia
- The New Biography
- The Old Arcadia
- The open
- The Orient
- the Renaissance
- The Shadowy Waters
- the Shelton Laurel Massacre
- The Shepheardes Calender
- The Spoils
- The Steerage
- the sublime
- The Three Birds
- The Thrill of It All
- The Tragedy of Sir John van Olden Barnevelt
- The Triumph of Time
- the Uncanny
- the undead
- the unreal
- the unsaid
- The Waste Land
- The Water Cure
- The Web and the Rock
- The Winter’s Tale
- The Zoo Story
- theater
- theatre
- Theatre
- theatre and dance
- theatre and history
- Theatre of the Absurd
- theatre of the mind
- theatre studies
- theatricality
- Theatrum Mundi
- theatrum mundi
- Theodor Adorno
- theology of desire
- Theories of Forgetting
- theory
- There Will Be More
- Thirteenth Night
- This article concerns Faulkner
- This Last Pain
- Thomas Adams
- Thomas Middleton
- Three Kingdoms
- thriller
- Through the Looking Glass
- Tim Crouch
- Tim Etchells
- time
- time structure
- Timothy O’Sullivan
- Tina Howe
- Titian
- To Be Sung
- Tom Stoppard
- tongue of flame
- Toni Morrison
- topical drama
- topical theatre
- torture
- totalization
- trace
- traces
- traducson
- tragedy
- Tragedy
- tragic dramaturgy
- transdramatic space
- transfiguration
- transgenerational transmission
- transgression
- translating poetry
- translation
- translator
- transmission
- transparency
- transposition
- transtextuality
- trap
- trauma
- Trauma
- trauma fiction
- Trauma in literature
- trauma theory
- traumatic experience
- Traumatic repetitions
- treatment
- Trickery
- Trilby
- trompe-l’œil
- tropes
- troubadour
- truth and fiction
- truth and narrative
- TS Eliot
- twentieth century
- twentieth-century British fiction
- Twentieth-Century British Poetry
- twentieth-century literature
- twenty-first century
- twin
- two deaths
- Typee
- typographical variation
- typography
- tyranny
- V.
- V.I. Warshawski
- vacillement
- vanitas
- vanity
- Vaudou/Voodoo
- veil
- verbatim theatre
- Verifax Collages
- vernacular
- vernacular literature
- Verse Drama
- vêtement
- Victorian
- Victorian age
- Victorian literature
- Victorian painting
- Victorian theatre
- videopoems
- Vienna
- Vietnam War
- Vincentio
- violence
- Violence
- Virginia Woolf
- visibility
- visual arts
- Visual Arts
- visual culture
- visual studies
- Vito Acconci
- Vladimir Nabokov
- vocabulary
- voice
- Voice
- voice and writing
- voice of the shuttle
- voice range
- voice training
- voiceprint
- voices
- voices of absence
- void
- Void Story
- voyeurism
- vulnerability
- W. B. Yeats
- W.G. Sebald
- W.J.T. Mitchell
- Waiting for the Barbarians
- Wallace (David Foster)
- Wallace Berman
- Wallace Stevens
- Walt Whitman
- Walter Benjamin
- Walter Pater
- war
- War Horse
- war photography
- War Plays
- war porn
- Warbeck (Perkin)
- Ward (Mary)
- wax
- We3
- weakness
- Welfare State
- White Disaster I
- Whitefield (George)
- whodunit
- whodunnit
- Wideman
- Wilde
- Wilde (Oscar)
- Wilkie
- William Beckford
- William Carlos Williams
- William Empson
- William Gass
- William Holman
- William Shakespeare
- William T. Vollmann
- William Wordsworth
- Williams (William Carlos)
- Willow Song
- Wilson (Kabe)
- window
- Winnicott
- Winterson
- wit
- witness testimony
- Wittgenstein
- Wlliam Empson
- Wole Soyinka
- Wolfe (Thomas)
- woman controversy
- womb
- women
- women’s writing
- wonder
- woodcuts
- Woolf (Virginia)
- Wooster Group
- word
- word association test
- word/image dualism
- word/image parallax
- wound
- writer
- writing
- writing workshops
- written speech
- written voice
- Wyndham Lewis