La rencontre de Verdi et de Shakespeare : le traitement de la voix
Shakespeare was regarded as a model of life and thought by Verdi throughout his career, even so the composer wrote only three operas based on themes taken from Shakespeare’s plays. As regards voice, he has exerted indirect but real influence : every time Verdi sets out to create a Shakespearian character transcending the norms of lyrical theater, he is thereby led to create an original vocal style. The most striking examples are Lady Macbeth, a somber evil character whose voice has to express her personality, and Othello, the prototype of the heroic operatic tenor, to whose undoing the play is designed to result in, and the character’s voice must bear witness to this destruction process.
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Bibliographical reference
Gilles de Van, “La rencontre de Verdi et de Shakespeare : le traitement de la voix”, Actes des congrès de la Société française Shakespeare, 17 | 1999, 109-118.
Electronic reference
Gilles de Van, “La rencontre de Verdi et de Shakespeare : le traitement de la voix”, Actes des congrès de la Société française Shakespeare [Online], 17 | 1999, Online since 01 November 2007, connection on 17 February 2025. URL:; DOI:
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