Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords
- A Trick to Catch the Old One
- abdication
- Abject feminine
- academic drama
- accent
- acoustics
- Acting
- acting
- Acting edition
- acting tradition
- actor
- actor training
- actors
- Actors
- adaptation
- Adaptation
- aesthetic
- Aesthetic
- aesthetics
- affective individualism
- agency
- Akimov Nikolai
- Alain de Lille
- alchemy
- alien
- alien phenomenology
- allegory
- Alleyn Edward
- All’s Well That Ends Well
- Almereyda Michael
- Althusser Louis
- ambiguity
- amplification
- anagram
- androgyny
- animal body
- animal imagery
- animal rights
- animal studies
- animal symbolism
- animality
- annominatio
- Anthologies
- anthology
- Anthony and Cleopatra
- Anthropophagic Manifesto
- anti-Petrarchanism
- antimasque
- Antonio and Mellida
- Antonio’s Revenge
- Antony and Cleopatra
- Anxiety
- anxiety
- Apollo
- appearance
- apprentices
- apprenticeship
- appropriation
- Aragon
- architecture
- Aristizza Romanescu
- aristocracy
- art
- Artaud Antonin
- artefacts
- Arthur
- artist’s book
- As You Like It
- Asian cinema
- Asian Shakespeare
- Asian theatre
- assault
- Athens
- atomism
- audience
- Augustine (St)
- Author-character Shakespeare
- authorship
- avant-pulp
- Babylonian sonnets
- bad quartos
- bad Quarto
- Baffle
- bagpipes
- Bale John
- Barbary
- Barbary horse
- bardolatry
- baroque
- Baroque
- Basel
- Battle of Alcazar (The)
- Baudelaire Charles
- beauty
- Beauvoir Simone de
- Ben Jonson
- Bergner Elisabeth
- Berlin Theatre
- bestiary
- Bibliothèque municipale de Douai
- bilingualism
- binary acting
- Birmingham Shakespeare Memorial Library
- black
- black ram
- Bloody Banquet (The)
- Blount Edward
- Bobigny
- Bodleian First Folio
- Bogost Ian
- Bollywood
- Bond Edward
- book history
- Book of Homage to Shakespeare (A)
- Bornila Chatterjee’s The Hungry (2017)
- Boulanger Louis
- boy actors
- boy-actors
- boyhood
- Bradamante
- Branagh Kenneth
- bravery
- Brazilian telenovelas
- Brome Richard
- Brook Peter
- Bruno Giordano
- Buchowetski Dmitri
- buffoon
- Burbage Richard
- Caine Uri
- camera obscura
- cancel culture
- Candle Wasters (The)
- Candy
- canon
- canon formation
- Cardenio
- career
- Carl Schmitt
- Carlyle
- carnival
- Carracci academy
- Case is Altered (The)
- Castiglione
- Castiglione Baldassare
- catechism
- catharsis
- Caxton
- celebration
- censorship
- Cervantes
- Chamberlain’s Men
- chanchada
- chaos
- Chapman George
- characterization
- charity
- charivari
- Chassériau Théodore
- Chastisement
- Chaucer Geoffrey
- Children of the Revels
- children’s literature
- children’s Shakespeare
- Chimes at Midnight
- China
- chivalry
- Christianism
- chronicles
- Churchyard Thomas
- Cicero
- cinema
- Citizen
- city
- Clarence
- classical model
- Claude Chabrol’s Ophélia (1963)
- Cleaver Elridge
- climate
- clinical psychology
- co-creation
- Coetzee J.M.
- coherence
- Coke Edward
- collaboration
- collective authorship
- colour
- Comédie-Française
- comedy
- comic strips
- commedia dell’arte
- commemoration
- commentaries
- common law
- commonplacing
- companionate marriage
- comparative literature
- complaint
- complete works
- conscience
- conscious fictions
- conservationism
- Conspiracy and Tragedy of Byron (The)
- Cony
- cooking
- Copeau Jacques
- Corbery Loïc
- Coriolanus
- Corrozet
- cosmopolitanism
- cosmos
- costumes
- couple
- courtois
- courtship
- COVID-19
- Craig Edward Gordon
- Cranach Press
- creativity
- critical debate
- criticism
- cross-dressing
- crown paper
- cruelty
- cue script
- cultural literacy
- cultural transactions
- curriculum development
- curtains
- custom
- cyberpunk
- Cymbeline
- Cynthia’s Revels
- Daborne Robert
- Daguerre Louis
- Dale Nicola
- dance
- Daniel Samuel
- Danielewski Mark Z.
- darkness
- dash
- Day John
- De Leuven Adolphe
- De remediis utriusque fortunae
- death
- death scenes
- debt
- dedication
- Dekker Thomas
- Delacroix Eugène
- Deleuze Gilles
- democracy
- deposition
- Derrida Jacques
- Desenne Alexandre
- desire
- Desire
- Destin Daniel Cretton’s Shang-Chi and The Legend of The Ten Rings (2021)
- deterritorialization
- Deveria Achille
- Devil
- devil
- dialect
- dialogue
- Dido Queen of Carthage
- differance
- digital humanities
- Directors
- disability
- disaster
- Discourse
- discourse analysis
- dismemberment
- Don Quijote
- Douai University
- double-access texts
- doublet
- doubling
- dramaturgy
- drawing
- Drayton Michael
- dream
- drowning
- drugs
- dubbing
- Ducis Jean-François
- duel
- Dullin Charles
- Dumas Alexandre
- early modern drama
- early modern natural history
- early modern printers
- early modern publishers
- early modern publishing
- early modern race studies
- early modern schooling
- early readers
- early Shakespeare
- ecophobia
- editing
- Editing
- edition
- editorial reception
- editorial strategies
- education
- Edward II
- Edwards Richard
- Eisenstein Sergei
- ellipse
- ellipsis
- embedded narratives
- emblem
- emblem books
- emblematics
- embodied cognition
- embodiment
- Emerson
- Emilia
- England
- English Catholics
- English College in Douai
- Englishness
- engraving
- Entente cordiale
- environment
- ephemeral production
- epic poetry
- Epicœne
- epistemology
- equity
- Erasmus
- Eribon Didier
- Ernesto Rossi
- Eros
- eroticism
- error
- essay
- ethics
- ethnotype
- Evil
- excess
- Exclusion Crisis
- experimentation
- Faerie Queen (The)
- Faerie Queene
- fair use
- fairies
- fairness
- Falstaff
- Faustus (Dr.)
- Fear
- fear
- felix culpa
- female characters
- female complaint
- femininity
- feminism
- festive traditions
- fiction
- fight choreography
- fight director
- film
- First Folio
- first folio
- Fletcher John
- flooding
- foil
- Folger Digital Texts
- Folger Shakespeare Library
- folly
- food
- Ford John
- foreign
- forgetfulness
- forgiveness
- Forman Simon
- Fortune
- fortune
- Fortune’s wheel
- Foucault Michel
- Fouilloux Jacques du
- France
- Fright
- Furnivall F.J.
- gardens
- Garrick David
- Gascoigne George
- gastronomy
- gender
- gender fluidity
- gender norms
- gender theory
- gendered discourses
- genius
- Genre
- genre
- geography
- George Dawson
- German Hamlet productions
- Gesta Greyorum
- gesture
- ghosts
- gift-giving
- girlhood
- girls
- global studies
- Globe Theatre
- Gloucester Richard
- Gollancz Israel
- Golub Paul
- Gorgon
- grammar
- graphic novel
- greed
- Greenaway Peter
- Greene Robert
- Greville Fulke
- grotesque
- Guattari Félix
- Gunpowder Plot
- Hall Edward
- Hamlet
- Hamlet parody
- handpress
- harmony
- Harrison Tony
- Hegel Friedrich
- Heliogabalus
- Henricpetri Sebastian
- Henry IV
- Henry IV 1 and 2
- Henry IV Part One
- Henry V
- Henry VI
- Henry VI Part 1
- Henry VI Part 2
- Henry VI Part 3
- Henslowe Philip
- heraldry
- Hercules
- heresy
- hermaphrodite
- hermeticism
- hero
- heroism
- Hesione
- Heywood Thomas
- Hiffernan Paul
- Histories
- historiography
- history
- history plays
- Holinshed Raphael
- homosocial
- horns
- hospitality
- House of Leaves
- household
- Hugo Victor
- humanism
- humanities
- Hunting
- Huon de Bordeaux
- hybridity
- hydra
- hyperbole
- Ibsen Hendryk
- Icke
- iconoclasm
- iconography
- Iconography of Fortune
- identity
- ideology
- ignorance
- illusion
- images
- imagination
- Immigration
- in-folio
- incidental music
- inclusivity
- incompletion
- infolding
- injustice
- Inns of Court
- insult
- intelligence
- intention
- interactivity
- intercultural theatre
- interlude
- intermedia
- interpretation
- interruption
- intersemioticity
- intertextuality
- intertheatricality
- interview
- invisibility
- Italian opera
- Italian Renaissance
- Italy
- Ivan the Terrible
- Lamb Charles
- Lamb Charles and Mary
- Lamb Mary
- landscape
- Lang Andrew
- language
- late plays
- Launcelot Gobbo
- law
- law of God
- learning
- legendary animals
- Leino Eino
- Liber sine nomine
- Liberal Democracy
- lieu de mémoire
- life skills
- light
- liminality
- linguistics
- literary continuation
- literary criticism
- lithography
- Loncraine Richard
- London
- Longworth de Chambrun Clara
- Lope de Vega
- loss
- lost play
- love
- Love’s Labour Lost
- Love’s Labour’s Lost
- Love’s Labour’s Won
- Lowin John
- Lucrece
- Lucretius
- Lugné-Poe
- Luhrmann Baz
- Luminary
- Lydgate
- Lyly John
- Macbeth
- Machiavelli
- Macready William Charles
- madness
- magic
- Mahmoud Sabbagh’s Barakah Meets Barakah (2016)
- Main Plot
- male bonding
- Malta
- Manchester
- Mandeville sir John
- manga
- manhood
- Mannerism
- mannerism
- Marcadé
- Marchand de Venise
- marginalia
- Marian Cult
- Marlowe Christopher
- Marriage A-la-Mode
- Marston John
- masculinity
- masks
- masque
- Massinger Philip
- materialism
- materiality
- materiality of the text
- mathematics
- Measure for Measure
- meditation
- Mediterranean Sea
- Memorization
- memory
- Memory
- men
- Merchant Capitalism
- Merchant of Venice
- Merchant of Venice (The)
- Meres Francis
- mermaid
- Merry England
- Merry Wives of Windsor
- metamorphosis
- metaphor
- metatheatre
- metatheatricality
- meteorology
- Methodism
- Meurice Paul
- Meyerhold Vsevolod
- middle ages
- Middleton
- Middleton Thomas
- Midsummer Night’s Dream
- Midsummer Night’s Dream (A)
- Miguel Sapochnik’s Finch (2021)
- Milton John
- minstrel
- mirabilia
- Mirror for Magistrates (A)
- mnemotechnics
- model
- monster
- monsters
- monstrosity
- monuments
- moral education
- moral imagination
- morality plays
- More Thomas
- mors bona
- Moscow Art Theatre
- motherhood
- Mouawad Wajdi
- Mounet-Sully
- mountebank
- Much Ado About Nothing
- mud
- multilingualism
- Muscovite
- muse
- music
- music history
- musical iconography
- myth
- Myth of Stalin and Hamlet
- mythology
- Oberon
- objects
- obligation
- Old Wife’s Tale (The)
- Olivier Laurence
- online multimedia
- onomastics
- ontology
- opera
- Opera omnia
- opera seria
- opéra-comique
- Ophelia
- Ophelia and Juliet and theatrical representation of femininity
- optics
- orality
- Orient
- Original practices
- Orpheus
- Ostermeier Thomas.
- Othello
- outcome
- Ovid
- Pacino Al
- painting
- panpipes
- paradox
- paratext
- paratexts
- Paris
- Parker Oliver
- parody
- parts of animals
- passions
- Pasternak Boris
- pastimes
- pastoral
- patriarchy
- Pavier Thomas
- Peace
- Peacham
- Peacham Henry
- pedagogy
- Peele George
- Pembroke (Countess of)
- perception
- Percy Charles
- Pérez Antonio
- Performance
- performance
- performance history
- performance studies
- performativity
- Pericles
- periergia
- Persian
- Petrarch
- Petrarchism
- photography
- place
- plague
- play within the play
- playing companies
- Plebs
- Pliny
- Poetaster
- poetic art
- poetics
- Poetomachia
- poetry
- Poland
- Polanski Roman
- politics
- polyphony
- polysemanticity
- Popish Plot
- popular culture
- Popular culture Shakespeare
- portraits
- postcolonial literature
- Poulterer
- power
- practice-as-research
- Pragglejaz group
- praise
- pride of place
- printing
- printing press
- Priscian
- prison
- prison theatre
- privilege
- prodigality
- progressivism
- projection
- promptbook
- promptbooks
- prophecy
- props
- Prospero’s Books
- prosumers
- Protestantism
- proverb
- proverbs
- pun
- punctuation
- Punishment
- Puttenham George
- Rabbit
- race
- Rancière Jacques
- rape
- Rape of Lucrece (The)
- rapier
- Rasmussen Eric
- Ravenscroft Edward
- reader’s marks
- reality
- reappropriation
- reason
- Rebellion
- rebellion
- reception
- reception studies
- Recusants
- Reformation
- Refugees
- rehabilitation
- rehearsal
- Reinhardt Max
- religion
- Religious Fear
- renaming
- repertory
- representation
- reputation
- Restoration
- resurrection
- retelling Shakespeare’s plays
- retelling the classics
- reverberation
- rhapsode
- rhetoric
- rhetorical treatises
- rhizome
- rhythm
- Richard II
- Richard III
- Richard Lion Heart
- Ricœur Paul
- ritual
- Roaring girl
- Roaring Girl (The)
- Robert Appelbaum
- Robert Merle
- Rolli Paolo
- Romano Giulio
- Romanticism
- romanticism
- romantics
- Rome
- Romeo and Juliet
- Ronsard
- Rose Theatre
- Rosier Joseph Bernard
- rote learning
- Rowley William
- Royal Shakespeare Company
- Royal Shakespeare Company’s Dream (2021)
- royalty
- Ruf Éric
- Ruf Jean-Yves
- Ruiz Raoul
- Russian translations
- sacrifice
- sadomasochism
- Sambasivan
- Sambucus
- satire
- scenography
- scepticism
- Schoch Richard
- School
- schooling
- science
- sculpture
- Scylla
- sea
- seduction
- Seide Stuart
- self-love
- self-portrait
- semiology
- sententiae
- sequel
- Sequel
- seriality
- sex
- sex/sexuality
- sexuality
- Shakespeare
- Shakespeare adaptations
- Shakespeare and film
- Shakespeare and social media
- Shakespeare and the visual arts
- Shakespeare and TV
- Shakespeare and young people
- Shakespeare First Folio
- Shakespeare in Australia
- Shakespeare in Bits
- Shakespeare in Finland
- Shakespeare in France
- Shakespeare in India
- Shakespeare in Love
- Shakespeare in performance
- Shakespeare in Quarto Archive
- Shakespeare in the Soviet Union
- Shakespeare Thefts
- Shakespeare William
- Shakespeare – Heinrich Heine – intertextuality – Judaism – tolerance – emancipation
- Shakespearean criticism
- Shakespeare’s Globe
- Shakespeare’s reception in France
- Shattuck Charles H.
- Sherlock Martin
- shiftiness
- Shirley Anthony
- Shirley Robert
- Shostakovich Dmitri
- shrew stories
- Shylock
- Sidney Mary
- Sidney Philip
- sight
- silence
- Silenus
- sky
- slave trade
- sleep
- smell
- Sobel Bernard
- social historians
- society
- sociology
- Something Rotten
- song
- sonnet sequences
- sonnets
- Sonnets (The)
- Sophonisbe
- Sophy (Persian king)
- sound
- South Korean
- Soviet Shakespearology
- Soviet theatre
- space
- Spain
- Spanish Tragedy (The)
- spatialization
- spectacle
- spectator
- Spenser Edmund
- Spenser.
- spreadability
- St. German Christopher
- stage
- stage fight
- stage history
- stage properties
- staging
- stalking
- star
- stationers
- stereotype
- Stern Tiffany
- stickiness
- striding
- strutting
- subjectivity
- sublime
- subversion
- Sully
- Summer’s Last Will and Testament
- supernatural
- superstition
- sword
- Symbolism
- symmetry
- table
- Talma François-Joseph
- Tamburlaine
- Taming of the Shrew
- Taming of the Shrew (The)
- Tartar
- tavern
- Taylor John
- Taylor Joseph
- teaching
- Tempest (The)
- teratology
- terrorism
- Tesauro Emanuele
- Testart Alain
- text
- Textbooks
- textual editing
- textual history
- textual riddles
- textual studies
- the gaze
- The Rose Theatre
- The Taming of the Shrew
- The Tempest
- The Woman in the Moon
- theater
- theatre
- theatricality
- theatrum mundi
- theriophily
- Thomas Ambroise
- Throne of Blood
- Tibetan
- time
- Timon of Athens
- Tis Pity She’s a Whore
- Titus Andronicus
- toning
- topography
- Topsell Edward
- tradaptation
- trade
- tragedy
- tragicomedy
- transfiction
- transformative principle
- transgender
- transgression
- translation
- translation studies
- transubstantiation.
- transvaluation of values
- transvestite
- Treason
- treasure.
- trivium
- Troilus and Cressida
- Troy
- truth
- tuck
- Turberville George
- Turk
- Turkey
- tutors
- Twelfth Night
- typography
- tyranny
- war
- War
- Warlikowski Krzysztof
- watermark twins
- watermarks
- weapons
- Web 2.0
- webcomic
- Webster John
- Weimar Republic
- Welles Orson
- What You Will
- white
- Whitney
- Wilkins George
- William Shakespeare
- Winstanley William
- Winter’s Tale
- Winter’s Tale (The)
- wit
- Wit and Science
- witchcraft
- Wither George
- women
- women as teachers
- women’s speech
- wordplay
- World War I
- World War I
- World War II