About the journal
Haut de pageHistory of the journal
The journal RREF (Recherches et Ressources en Éducation et Formation / Research and Resources in Education and Training) has been created in 2007 by lecturers and researchers in Didactics of the IUFM (Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres / Teacher Training Institute) of Guadeloupe. It was a printed journal, annually published by the CRDP (Centre Régional de Documentation Pédagogique or Pedagogical Documentation Center) of Guadeloupe. In 2014, the title and the editorial format changed, and the journal became the biannual online Education Sciences journal Contextes et Didactiques, available on OpenEdition here.
With the authorization of the CRDP of Guadeloupe (now Atelier CANOPÉ 971), the three issues of RREF are fully available on OpenEdition.
Editorial policy
The journal RREF welcomes contributions focused on researches, innovative practices, teaching tools, didactic devices, resources, courses and applications, question reviews, theoretical reflections related to education and training. The journal pays attention to works related to the contextualization of teaching, especially in the geographic, socio-cultural or linguistic environment in Creole and Francophone environments in the Caribbean. The journal is open to contributions of scientific interest and dealing with didactics, education and training issues in bi/plurilingual and multicultural contexts. The journal has an editorial board and a scientific committee who ensure the quality of the articles published.
Types of contributions
The RREF journal publishes:
empirical researches and original results;
literature reviews and theoretical approaches;
educational innovations;
reports of scientific books;
presentations of theses, conferences and scientific events.
The RREF journal is aimed at a wide audience: researchers, trainers, teachers, students, education professionals.
Sale point of the paper version
CRDP de Guadeloupe, Route de la Documentation, Lotissement Petit Acajou, BP 385, 97183 Abymes Cedex, Guadeloupe.