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Procedure for the selection of texts

Two parallel procedures are envisaged for the selection of texts, one for the thematic section, the other for the varia section of each issue, which deal with more diverse topics.

An annual meeting is convened for the programming of the thematic sections of the journal in September. For these specific sections, each editor solicits the collaboration necessary to write the issues of the journal for which he or she is responsible. In this way, with the advice of the scientific committee, he or she forms a team that is identified for each issue project. The editor centralises the contributions, which he or she then submits to the director.

Exchanges within the editorial team and between the members of the editorial board and the members of the scientific council are carried out by mail, e-mail and via dropbox (shared deposit box).

Apart from the thematic section, for the varia section, potential contributors send their article proposals directly to the director. The director asks the members of the editorial committee and, if necessary, the scientific committee for two assessments of each text. She then collects the opinions: in the event of convergent opinions, she informs the authors either of the rejection or of the unconditional acceptance (rare), or of the acceptance with non-substantial modifications. In more contentious cases, the author is given two months to rework the article, or a third expert opinion is requested, which usually means that publication is postponed to a later issue.

In both submission procedures, the publication director checks the conformity of the final version with the requests made by the committees, as well as the respect of the style sheet. She prepares the manuscript of the volume which is sent to PULM six months before the publication date. She proofreads two sets of proofs and signs the proofs of the volume and the cover.

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