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The Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres is a comparative, multidisciplinary, French-language journal dedicated to education policies and pedagogical practice around the world. It has been published since 1994 by France Éducation International (formerly CIEP).

The Journal publishes 3 thematic issues a year, in print and open access digital formats, for an audience of education policymakers and practitioners, academics and researchers from various disciplines with an interest in education. It aims to create a space to bring together education research, practice and policies. Since its creation, the Journal has published more than 1,400 authors from 130 countries.

The Journal relies on an International Advisory Board and an Editorial Board, which convene at regular intervals.

Each issue proposes a thematic Dossier consisting of a series of case studies, covering all the major regions of the world, followed by an analytical bibliography. Other sections provide recent information on education systems and policies, as well as documentary resources.

The Journal periodically organises international conferences to reflect upon major ongoing developments in the field of education across the world. These conferences are used to produce a special issue of the Journal.

I often say that comparison leads to understanding, because you can only fully understand your own education system if you have had the opportunity to work with others. That’s why the DNA of the Journal is fundamentally comparative.
Jean-Marie De Ketele, University of Louvain, Editor-in-Chief

Editorial line

The Journal publishes original articles on current issues in education. The articles cover all regions of the world and are written by authors from the contexts studied.

Its approach draws on a wide range of disciplines: education, sociology, economics, anthropology, history, geography, political science, psychology, literature, languages, mathematics, etc.

The Journal proceeds mainly by invitation. It may also publish spontaneous submissions, provided that they are in line with the terms of reference of the Dossier or the editorial line of the other sections.

Each issue comprises two sections: i) “Actualité internationale” [Current trends in education]; ii) a Thematic Dossier.

The Journal does not publish varia.

Actualité internationale [Current trends in education]

“Actualité internationale” comprises five sub-sections:

  • Actualité documentaire: a selection of recent documentary resources;

  • Ressources en ligne: an international selection of online resources on a topical educational issue;

  • Le point sur l’actualité internationale en éducation: short, factual articles on ongoing reforms in education systems, implementation difficulties, or notable events.

  • Repères sur les systèmes éducatifs étrangers: these articles present the organisation of education systems and the main challenges facing education policy in the countries studied;

  • Notes de lecture: original reviews of recent books, whatever the language of publication.

Thematic Dossier

Each Dossier offers a comparative perspective through a collection of around ten case studies, drawn from Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia and Oceania. Each article should provide contextual information as well as an analysis of the challenges being met in this specific context, in line with the Journal’s terms of reference.

The Guest Editors of the Dossier are experts of the topic under study. In collaboration with the Editorial Board, they draw up the terms of reference of the Dossier, review and edit the articles. They write the introductory article to each Dossier.

See Submitting an article.

International conferences

The Journal regularly organises international conferences to reflect upon major ongoing developments in the field of education across the world. They bring together researchers, academics and experts from different countries, authors of the Journal, as well as policy-makers from European and international education systems.

Contributions are published online in French and, when applicable, in English. These conferences are used to produce a special issue of the Journal.

The theme of the next conference will be “Educating in an uncertain world”. It will take place in Sèvres (France) from 2 to 4 July 2025.

See previous conferences and associated issues:

France Éducation International

The Revue internationale d’éducation de Sèvres has been published since 1994 by France Éducation International (FEI), formerly the Centre international d’études pédagogiques (CIEP). It followed upon the Bulletin des amis de Sèvres (1945-1955) and Éducation et pédagogies (1989-1993).

As a key public operator of the French Ministry of Education, FEI supports international cooperation in education, drawing on a network of national and international experts and partners, and on a team of 250 people.

Learn more about FEI:

The Laboratory for innovation and resources in education (LIRE)

In each issue, FEI’s Laboratoire d’innovation et de ressources en éducation (LIRE) writes the “Actualité documentaire” and “Ressources en ligne” articles, as well as the analytical bibliographies for the thematic dossiers.

The LIRE has a large collection of documents on education and language policies throughout the world (over 20,000 references). Its LISÉO portal provides access to the catalogue and selections of resources in FEI’s three areas of expertise: cooperation in education, promotion of the French language around the world, and international mobility.

It also produces publications on current education policies around the world: annotated bibliographies, documentary studies, and newsletters.

For further information: (in French)

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