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About the journal

Editorial line

The cultural history that the journal intends to promote takes shape in the 1980s and develops at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The creation of the ADHC in 1999 bears witness to this. On the one hand, it is the daughter of the history of mentalities and heir to the total history of the Annales in that, like them, it is interested in the collective, gives full importance to representations and imaginary, and tracks down recurrences. It is also linked to the tradition of British cultural studies of the 1960s. Finally, it stems from the paradigm shifts that took place in the last decades of the 20th century, which led to an emphasis on the role of individuals, the place of politics or the influence of the symbolic. It therefore gives full importance to contingencies, events and singular situations.

Conceived as all-encompassing, it constitutes a field that circumscribes objects, practices and groups based as much on ideals, beliefs, ways of being or behaving as on socio-economic affiliations. It is also a look at perceptions and imaginations, embodied in concrete expressions and uses. A few major features characterise this cultural history that we intend to promote: the concern for systems of classification, appreciation and qualification; the analysis of the interplay of norms and values; the study of the formation, existence, rise and even dissolution of social groups of varying nature (geographical, demographic, religious...); the attention paid to spaces, circulations and the play of scales; the attachment to the phenomena and processes of creation but also, and even more so, to the diffusion, transmission and modes of communication; the analysis of circulations and appropriations. This history-crossroads is rooted in the historical discipline through the attention paid to the diachronic, to the event, to temporal variations, to the play and replay of memories, in a contemporary history understood in the broad sense, from the 18th to the 21st century. Above all attached to the temporal dimension of phenomena, it intends to establish a fruitful dialogue with the disciplines of the human and social sciences as well as with the "hard" sciences and more technical approaches. At a time when research issues are becoming increasingly international, the journal intends to be an ideal place to debate and establish scientific relations with researchers from all over the world. The perspective of the journal is transnational, whether in terms of the authors, the themes or the research perspectives addressed. Thus, the publication will host articles in French and in other languages.

Open Access

The Revue d’histoire culturelle is an open access journal. There are no publication fees for its authors. The consultation of the articles in full text is also free for its readers.

From the fourth issue onwards, the texts are placed under a Creative Commons "Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works CC BY-NC-ND" license. The texts remain the property of their authors and may be freely used by them in subsequent publications, specifying that they have been previously published in the journal with the corresponding references.

The journal recommends that its authors who deposit their scientific productions on an open archive (e.g. HAL-SHS) be satisfied with a simple bibliographic reference of the published articles by adding the URL of the latter.

Text selection procedures


The journal publishes reflective articles on the state of this branch of historical research, constituting as many avenues to explore and debates to provoke within a section entitled "epistemology under debate".

It is nourished by "thematic issues" that reflect the diversity of approaches: the history of cultural institutions; the history of artistic forms and productions; the history of collective practices; the history of gender; the cultural history of politics (symbolic policies, events); the history of the imaginary and of perceptions; the history of emotions, etc.

It includes "varia".

In a section entitled "fictions", the aim is to offer a historical perspective on the issues of writing, representation and reception of historical fiction, whether or not it is French-speaking.

A section entitled "research workshop" will be dedicated to the research of young researchers, from masters to doctorates in progress.

A section entitled "media and the writing of history" focuses on the use of audiovisual and digital documents in storytelling.

"News" follows current events in research.

Reviews of books, audiovisual documentaries, films, comics and exhibitions are regularly published.

Each section has one or more editors to whom submissions can be sent. These should also be sent to the journal's address:


The editorial board reviews thematic issues and varia articles after a double-blind evaluation. They may be written in French or English. They may be subject to requests for changes in form and content. The authors will validate the final draft of their text, for which they will be considered responsible. The members of the different sections and the editorial board will examine the other texts, with possible recourse to external experts.

Contributions should follow the French references system and may be supplemented by a short bibliography at the end of the article. Abstract in French and in English as well as key words are requested (see "instructions to authors"). Illustrations are welcome; they must be free of copyright.

Proposals should be sent to the following address: that of the section head(s) with a copy to the journal's e-mail address:


Please send your proposals and articles to the section editors and to the journal address: revuedeladhc[at]

Epistemology under debate

Regularly invoked, often borrowed and sometimes criticised, cultural history gives the appearance of a vast field of research that is now well identified, defined around a common denominator, a social history of representations. Although cultural historians claim a common approach, their work shows a great diversity of approaches, objects and practices. The "Epistemology under debate" section aims to be a framework open to all researchers in the social sciences, by offering readers confrontations of points of view, around emerging themes, epistemological or historiographical questions that will shed light on the dynamics underway. Rather than giving the illusion of a unified and univocal history, the aim is to highlight the diversity of the avenues open to reflection with the aim, not of drawing up an inventory, but rather of enriching the historical questionnaire.

Please send your proposals to the people in charge of the section, explicitly indicating the name of the section in the subject line of the e-mail: guignard-l[at]; jean-francois.bonhoure[at]; gmalandain[at] with a copy to the journal's e-mail address (revuedeladhc[at]

Thematic issues

Each issue, coordinated by one or more editors, contains a section of about ten articles focusing on a specific topic. The topics covered can be varied, without being exclusive. They reflect the diversity of approaches mentioned in the journal's editorial. The main thing is to take up the topic with a culturalist outlook.

For each issue, we launch a call for papers. The articles are between 30 and 45,000 characters long. They must highlight sources, take into account the historiography of the question, and evoke the underlying controversies. They may cover different geographical areas from local to global.

Please send your proposals to the person in charge of the dossier, indicating explicitly the name of the dossier, with a copy to the journal's e-mail address (revuedeladhc[at]


The journal welcomes articles on a wide range of subjects, in French or English, provided they are related to cultural history in the period between the 18th and 21st centuries. These articles may deal with objects, practices or cultural fields; they may also favour a culturalist approach to social, political, intellectual, economic or technical history. All scales can be considered, from local to global, all spaces as well as the circulations between these spaces can be taken into account in an international as well as transnational perspective. The main point is that these articles show an original approach to cultural history. The expected papers can be of various sizes, from 25,000 to 50,000 characters, including spaces.

Please send proposals to the persons in charge of the section laurent.martin[at] ; fabienarchambault[at] ; conord.fabien[at] ; f.taliano[at], indicating explicitly the name of the section with a copy to the journal's e-mail address (revuedeladhc[at]

Research workshop

Published within the journal, the "Atelier de la recherche" is a section dedicated to works by young researchers who have had little or no opportunity to publish in scientific journals. This section, which has no set theme, is intended to become a privileged place for publications from masters or doctoral studies in the field of cultural history.

Each issue will include three to five articles of 30,000 characters (all included), which will be solicited after a selection process. The proposals will be based on the field of cultural history. They will be presented in the form of a text of no more than two pages. They should explain the subject, the chosen problem and the methodology used. They should also present the sources and archives used, the historiographic field in which they are situated, and mention a preliminary reference bibliography (books or articles). Finally, it is advisable to announce a draft plan.

The section provides specific support, both before and after the double-blind evaluation process. Selected authors will have two to three months to submit a first draft of their paper. The section editors will review this and a second draft will be produced for double-blind review. After this evaluation, the selected texts can be reworked with the section managers to produce a final version.

Please send proposals to the section editors, indicating the name of the section in the subject line: raphaele.bertho[at]; lguilbert[at]; myriam.juan[at]; with a copy to the journal's e-mail address (revuedeladhc[at]

Media and the writing of history

The section aims to question the way in which the media, and particularly the new media, participate in renewing the scientific writing of history as well as its dissemination to an academic or non-specialised public. Thus, museographic and sitographic writing, photography, documentaries, video games, virtual or augmented reality experiences, and sonification proposals as part of the historical enquiry will be among the territories explored. These tools and media may be studied on their own or through their integration into broader historical scenarios.

The digital turn taken by a part of historiography will also be critically examined: its implications in terms of interdisciplinarity, the challenges of a dialogue with Digital Studies or with the information and communication sciences, the proposals for visualisation, modelling and cartography.

The section will welcome feedback from researchers involved in the dialogue between the arts and sciences, as well as from those involved in digital cultural history projects. Understood as a heuristic challenge, these new writings of history will also lead to an analysis of the relationship to the archive (textual, iconographic, audiovisual, digitised).

Contributions may take various forms: reflective articles that may include sound or visual extracts free of rights, short articles or filmed interviews in a more open format.

Please send proposals to the people in charge of the section, indicating the name of the section in the subject line: elisacapdevila[at]; v.figini[at]; jeansebastien_noel[at]; with a copy to the journal's e-mail address (revuedeladhc[at]


This section aims to report on current research in cultural history: research projects, seminars, study days and conferences. It takes the form of short texts of 5 to 10 pages (7,000 to 15,000 characters).

Please send proposals to the people in charge of the section, indicating the name of the section in the subject line: ppoirrie[at]; blandin[at]; f.taliano[at]; with a copy to the journal's e-mail address (revuedeladhc[at]

Historical fictions

Through reviews and debates on one or more works of fiction (films, television series, plays, novels, comics, radio dramas, etc.), the section aims to provide a space for reflection on the links between historical narrative and fictional narrative. While following current events as closely as possible, the aim is to offer a historical perspective on the issues of writing, representation and reception of works of historical fiction, whether French-speaking or not.

Please send proposals to the two people in charge of the section, indicating the name of the section in the subject line: caroline.moine[at] ; jan.geslot[at] ; revuedeladhc[at] Authors can normally receive the works via the journal, by making a direct request to us.

Book reviews

Nature of review: printed books, magazines, comics etc., audio and audio-visual documentaries, exhibitions and catalogues, theatre and opera.

Selection: temporality of the books reviewed: three years after their publication. The author of the review will be given three months to write the review.

N. B.: The Committee draws up a list of books and documentaries for review. The Committee personally solicits reviewers by standard mail. Unsolicited proposals will be considered favourably. Every year or two, the Committee may decide on a number of priorities and select the type of works to be listed.

Format: 5,000 to 10,000 characters, in two sizes (medium, long). Standard norms are sent to the author.

Evaluation: the Committee proofreads the submitted texts. The editor proposes to correct linguistically inadequate formulations. Problems of tone and content are discussed on a case-by-case basis by the committee, based on the principle of extreme freedom left to the reviewers.

Relations with publishers, producers and distributors: a standard letter is sent to the press services of publishers, producers and distributors, with references to the item surveyed and the addresses (postal and/or e-mail) of the surveyor, for sending the paper works, digital files or links.

Please send proposals to benjamin.caraco[at]; with a copy to the journal's e-mail address (revuedeladhc[at]

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