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196 | 2016
Apprendre à lire et à écrire au cours préparatoire : enseignements d’une recherche collective

Learning to read and write in first grade: The lessons of a collective research project

Roland Goigoux directed a large-scale research to study the influence of teaching practices in reading and writing on the quality of learning in the first year of primary school. 2,500 students in 131 classrooms participated in the study. In addition to the final report published online, five original contributions are presented in this issue of the Revue française de pédagogie. In the first, Annette Jarlégan, Céline Piquée, Valérie Fontanieu and Roland Goigoux present the general framework of the survey before analysing the effects of the context class in terms of efficiency and equity. In the second, Céline Piquée and Caroline Viriot-Goeldel analyse the effects of the distribution of time devoted to the teaching of reading-writing and the presence of the teacher on the performance of pupils, in particular those who were weakest upon entering the first year of primary school. In the third contribution, Jérôme Riou and Valérie Fontanieu study the influence of educational planning in the first quarter of the school year. In the fourth contribution, Roland Goigoux, Sylvie Cèbe and Julie Pironom show that student performance in reading comprehension at the end of the year depends on two main factors: decoding skills and reading comprehension skills. In the fifth contribution, Catherine Brissaud, Laurence Pasa, Serge Ragano and Corinne Totereau study the teaching practices of writing.

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