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The journal, Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée (REMMM) is a publication focused on the human and social sciences and presenting, by thematic treatment, studies of the Muslim world. REMMM, founded in 1966, has, from the beginning, published a broad mix of anthropology and history pertaining to the Maghreb and medieval Andalusia. In 1988, the Editorial Board decided to extend the review and cover issues relevant to the Middle East. In 1997 the original journal was re-named the Revue des mondes musulmans et de la Méditerranée to better reflect the common thread: Islamic studies. The REMMM publishes two thematic issues of about 320 pages each year, in two categories: “History” and “Contemporary world”. Thus, while providing a forum for the social sciences (history, political science, anthropology, sociology, geography...), the journal maintains its perspective as a historical review and observatory of modernity.

Successive editions of the journal have presented invited specialists of the Islamic world, whether of India, Iran, the Ottoman Empire, the Balkans or Africa, as well as the journal’s regular contributors on Maghreb and Mashriq, opportunities to present their research. For each issue a guest editor presents a short précis and introduction of the chosen theme, noting the various authors’ contributions to structural issues or theoretical discontinuities. In addition to the main theme, each volume offers space for author commentary, critical summaries of publications of interest to the REMMM (readings), bibliographical notices and on-line resources. (Bibenligne).

Peer Review

Hosted by IREMAM, REMMM maintains a number of independent scientific conferences, so that projects and issues are systematically submitted to an international network of researchers and specialists for review. All papers submitted to the REMMM are reviewed, whether they are solicited contributions or spontaneous proposals for publication as authors’ commentaries. Reviews are conducted anonymously by readers not involved with the REMMM Editorial Board. Reviews are conducted strictly in accordance with international standards recognized by the evaluation agency for research and higher education (AERES) and by the CNRS who rank the journal “A” for its confirmed scientific approach. The Journal has been published by the University of Provence since early 2008.

Remmm Online

The digital version of the review is available, unabridged, via one or the other of two portals: OpenEdition Journals or Publication contents are searchable either through the table of contents or via full-text search engine. Volumes 1 through 85/86 are available on, and volumes 87 forward are available on OpenEdition Journals. REMMM subscribes to the OpenEdition “Freemium” program: while our articles are freely available in HTML format without restriction, other formats including PDF and ePub may be downloaded without reference to digital rights management (DRM) and without limit to the number of copies only via libraries and institutions subscribed to OpenEdition Freemium.


The review is available by subscription or by issue through any bookstore. The publication is of primary interest to national and international specialists of the Arab and Muslim world, but also to an educated audience seeking a deeper understanding of the geographic area and who wish to avoid reductionist views.

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