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11 | 1er semestre / Spring 2012
Les capitalismes en Amérique latine. De l'économique au politique

Capitalisms in Latin America. From Economics to Politics
Edited by Robert Boyer

The present issue of the Revue de la Régulation. Régulation Review marks a new step in the long history of the ties between Regulationist researchers and Latin America, and at the same time, a new step for the journal itself.

The crises and their multiplicity of forms over time and space, along with the surprisingly diverse reconfigurations taking place in Latin America, allow us to discover the great variety of capitalisms as well as the power of social and political compromises in the emergence of national regulation processes. The economies of these countries are far from resembling a variant of Fordism. Nor are they making their ways towards a single model, because the patterns of industrialisation and development are often quite original; indeed, some display certain features of a rentier regime exporting raw materials. (...)

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