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About the Journal

The RCCS Annual Review, edited by the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra (Portugal) between 2009 and 2015, was an annual publication in English, available online, which included a selection of texts published in Portuguese or in Spanish in the journal Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais (RCCS) during the previous year.
After 2015, the Executive Editorial Board of RCCS decided to publish articles also in English, concluding that the best option would be to discontinue the publication of the journal RCCS Annual Review. In this website remain available all the issues of this publication in open access.
In case you are interested in accessing other articles in the areas of the social sciences and the humanities, or in submitting texts related to those areas, please check the website of RCCS at
The journal ceased publishing at Issue 7 of 2015.

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