Call for papers “Portuguese Colonialism and the Indian Ocean: Reviewing the nineteenth century”– deadline for submission 15 December 2017
Call for Papers “Portuguese Colonialism and the Indian Ocean: Reviewing the nineteenth century”
Editors: Walter Rossa, Rochelle Pinto, Sidh Losa Mendiratta
Deadline for submission of manuscripts: 15 December 2017
The nineteenth century within the historiography of the Portuguese Estado da India has acquired a more dynamic presence in the last decade. This has specific reference to those areas that were seen to be of diminishing economic and political significance for the Metropolis. Recent research has helped define distinctive and even contesting attributes that highlight characteristic features of the nineteenth century. These have emerged in the areas of visual and spatial culture, law, landscape studies, print and literary production, the history of medicine, anthropology, agricultural policy, and political history. Methodologies that explore aspects of public and private life have produced histories that extend beyond statist perspectives. The exploration of relationships between different spaces of empire exceeds the national boundaries retrospectively applied to their history.
This range of work draws on colonial patterns in Dutch, French or English territories. In particular, British imperial ascendancy relegated Portugal and its colonial territories to an arguably subaltern position. British hegemony in the Indian Ocean led to the development and implementation of positivist racial hierarchies, with lasting effects over colonial societies.
This thematic dossier of Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais seeks to bring together writing that has developed aspects and questions around the history of nineteenth century in the sphere of the Estado da India and the Indian Ocean, for instance, the impact of nationalist discourses emerging in Goa and India during this period. When did the nineteenth century, from the perspective of each field, begin, or end; what processes emerged as significant, or were a continuation of attributes we associate with prior periods? Preference will be given to proposals delivering a comprehensive view, opening new perspectives based on comparative and/or interdisciplinary approaches.
Texts must follow the guidelines for publication available online and be sent through the platform available here. For that purpose, you will need to register on the platform (if you are not already registered) and, during the submission process, add the title “Reviewing the nineteenth century” in the “Comments for the Editor” field. If you are not able to register, please contact
The journal accepts manuscripts in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.
All submissions will be subjected to evaluation through a peer-review process as described in the guidelines for publication.