Call for papers “Religion, genre et citoyenneté sexuelle” – date limite d’envoi 30 juillet 2015
Call for Papers “Religion, Gender, and Sexual Citizenship”
Editors: Ana Cristina Santos, Teresa Toldy, Alberta Giorgi
Deadline for submission of manuscripts: 30 July 2015
Religion plays an important role in contemporary societies and in different geographical contexts. Debates on bioethics, gender relations, sexual and reproductive rights, among others, show the centrality of the religious position, which is in dialogue with, or opposed to, human rights and intimate citizenship issues.
At the crossroad of these perspectives, in recent years many controversial topics came to the fore: control over women’s body, regulation of sex-workers, debates on reproduction and scientific and medical procedures, recognition of same-sex marriages and homoparenthood. These issues, among others, sparked huge controversies in both the private and the public sphere. This special issue aims to focus on the intersections between religious and political debates concerning family models and their regulation, sexuality, reproduction, and gender relations.
This call for papers aims to bring together relevant, original, and interdisciplinary contribution to the topic.
Texts must follow the guidelines for publication available online and sent by email to, with explicit indication of “Religion, Gender, and Sexual Citizenship” in the subject of the message. Although the journal favours publication in Portuguese, it accepts manuscripts in other languages (English, French, Spanish, and Italian).
All submissions will be subjected to evaluation through a peer-review process as described in the guidelines for publication.