Call for papers “Cultures musicales contemporaines” – date limite d’envoi 21 juillet 2015
Call for papers “Contemporary Musical Cultures”
Editors: Paula Abreu and Paula Guerra
Deadline for submission of manuscripts: 21 July 2015
The aim of this special issue is to discuss the new challenges faced by contemporary musical cultures and the way these challenges threaten or stimulate their potential for resistance, distinction and innovation in the context of popular and cultural mainstream trends and movements, which are influenced by technology and by the (new) spirit of capitalism.
One of these challenges concerns the relation of contemporary culture with its past. In this context, concepts like memory, heritage and tradition are relevant and represent a potential for developing research in the field of the social sciences.
Recently, the production and distribution of music, as well as the consumption of culture and art, have been marked by new discourses related to retromania and nostalgia. How does the retro/nostalgic approach influence contemporary artistic production? How does it influence work processes and the management of artistic careers? And consumption? Which production techniques and modes are in use again?
We also want to analyze the importance of digital media in contemporary cultures. What kind of influence do they have in music creation and production processes? Have they been promoting new aesthetic languages or new musical tools and instruments? Are these digital/virtual mechanisms altering the role of creativity, changing the relations between authorship and production? What is the importance of digital networks? What relationships are being established between new and “old”media in contemporary artistic production? How do musicians make the most of digital media when managing their careers? What changed in the control of these processes?
The increasing technological advances and the generalized access to new information and communication technologies, as well as their application in the music worlds, have led to a multiplication of musical formats and dissemination services: MP3, Sofar Sounds, Facebook, Bandcamp, Spotify... This diversity of formats and services also deserves special attention, as well as their impact on musical creation and appropriation. Also important is the debate on the reconfiguration of the recording industry, where large publishing companies still prevail, coexisting not only with local, regional, and alternative publishers, but also with small publishers, virtual publishers, and especially new forms of music publishing and distribution, that are still establishing themselves.
Texts must follow the guidelines for publication available online and sent by email to, with explicit indication of “Contemporary Musical Cultures” in the subject of the message. Although the journal favours publication in Portuguese, it accepts manuscripts in other languages (English, French, Spanish, and Italian).
All submissions will be subjected to evaluation through a peer-review process as described in the guidelines for publication.