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Call for papers “Along the Margins of the 25th of April: The Futures of the Past” – NEW DEADLINE July 31, 2023

Editors: Executive Editorial Board of RCCS

NEW DEADLINE for contributions: July 31, 2023

The revolutionary process set into motion by the events of April 25th, 1974 emerged within a context of a country worn-out and a society exhausted from 48 years of dictatorship and 13 years of colonial wars. In the period spanning April 25th, 1974 to the ratification of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic in April of 1976, the Estado Novo was dismantled, making it possible to guarantee individual liberties, to put an end to the colonial wars, and to create a new country and a new society built upon the vestiges of the former dictatorial regime. The April Revolution and the Constitution of ’76 allowed for the establishment of a political consensus that helped to consolidate Portuguese democracy.

To comprehend democratic Portugal today, it is essential to (re)think the April Revolution and its promises of a democratic nation, one that is more just, more open and more free. On the eve of the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the April Revolution, we must reflect critically on the abyssal lines created, on the permanence and the change, on those voices that have been echoed or silenced, on the promises fulfilled and those delayed, and on social injustices both old and new. In this regard, this thematic issue of Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais is calling for contributions from the Social Sciences and Humanities that promote a critical reflection that articulates, illustrates and problematizes the tensions and complexities brought about by April 25th, 1974, with preference to those perspectives on the future of the past and present lived experiences of April. Some of the following themes may be included and elaborated:

  • Democracy and Human Rights;

  • Citizenship, political, social and economic rights;

  • Territorial Planning;

  • Memory and culture;

  • Gender equality and rights of the LGBTQIA+ community;

  • Environmental protection and the rights of nature;

  • Racism and pluriculturality;

  • The Revolution of April 25th in the context of other revolutions.

The articles must be proposed in accordance with the guidelines available online at and sent electronically to with “Along the Margins of the 25th of April: The Futures of the Past” specifically mentioned in the email’s subject heading. All articles must be original work and submitted in their complete version, in either Portuguese, English, or Spanish. Their length may be up to 50,000 characters with spaces, including an abstract, the text itself, footnotes, and bibliographical references.

The proposed articles will be evaluated based on a peer-review system as described in the guidelines for publication.

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