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Call for papers “COVID-19: new sociabilities, sociopolitical configurations, dilemmas, and responses” – date limite d’envoi 9 janvier, 2022

Editors: Executive Editorial Board of RCCS

Deadline for submission: January 9, 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an indelible impact on the world’s sociopolitical systems, transforming what was initially assumed as a public health crisis into a mechanism generating new architectures of social control, of North/South inequalities, of the politics of truth, and forms of reconfiguration of global capitalism. The COVID-19 pandemic confirms the primacy of life and biopolitics as structuring metanarratives of Western societies, transforming bodies, movements, and molecularities into targets of a multiplicity of socio-political investments which include lockdowns, vaccines, PCR tests, and digital certifications.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also contributed to the emergence of new abyssal lines: geopolitical (with glaring inequalities with respect to access to vaccines), social (the vaccinated/unvaccinated; the infected and those testing negative), and in the media (in which the attempt towards normalization via “Fact Checkers” is undergoing increasing polarization).

Recognizing the role of the pandemic as an agent that may promote new social, political, and subjective configurations, what is urgently called for is a critical reflection that articulates, illustrates, and problematizes the tensions and complexities of this emergent epoch. This special thematic issue of RCCS is thus seeking contributions from the Social Sciences and Humanities which provide a reflection on the sociopolitical dimensions of the COVID-19 pandemic and may include some of the following themes:

  • the COVID-19 pandemic and biopolitics;

  • the pandemic, global capitalism, social inequalities, North/South inequalities;

  • the health crisis, democracy and human rights;

  • the pandemic, (dis)information and the fragmentation of the public space;

  • the COVID-19 pandemic and social theory;

  • the health crisis and the role of science and technology;

  • literary and artistic representations of the pandemic;

  • the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of past pandemics;

  • COVID-19 and the ethics of care-giving.

The articles must be submitted in accordance with the guidelines available online at and sent electronically to with “Thematic Issue – COVID-19” specifically mentioned in the email’s subject heading. All articles must be original work and submitted in their complete version, in either Portuguese, English, or Spanish. Their length may be up to 50,000 characters with spaces, including an abstract, the text itself, footnotes, and bibliographical references.

The submitted articles will be examined in a process of scientific peer review as described in the guidelines for publication.

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