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3 | 2021
Histoires-monde de la photographie

World Histories of photography

The third issue of the journal Photographica, “Histoires-monde de la photographie” (World Histories of Photography) presents a dossier dedicated to the history of both the networks of photographic exchange and circulation as well as its geography with a particular focus on “photography’s other histories,” outside of Europe and North America (but often in relation to them). What are the global/globalized histories of the photographic phenomenon? In what ways can micro-histories or investigations on the scale of an individual photographer, a city, a publication, etc. - thus on a reduced scale – “connect worlds” and allow us to better understand the production and circulation of photographs outside of the most commonly identified geographical areas in the history of the medium?

Against the backdrop of these methodological and historiographical questions, this issue opens with an original and hitherto unpublished translation of a seminal text by anthropologist Deborah Poole on the notion of the economy of images, taken from Vision, Race and Modernity (Princeton University Press, 1997). It then offers four revealing case studies: a spatialized history essay by Alexandra de Heering on studios in the Indian city of Coimbatore, a text by Annabelle Lacour on the photographic practices of rulers in late nineteenth-century Asia, a contribution by Ece Zerman on the circulation of a photographic model in the illustrated press of the Ottoman Empire, and an article by Margaux Lavernhe on the photographer James Barnor as a "transmitter of color" between Ghana and Europe. This thematic dossier is completed and enriched by a brief study of a portrait of the Chinese empress Cixi in “An Issue, An Image,” a contribution on the quadrilingual journal Camera Obscura in the “Source” section, as well as an interview with Nicole Starosielski, an historian in charge of a project on the history of submarine networks and cables.

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