Our publishing standards
Haut de pageSubmitting a paper
How to submit
There are two ways you can submit a paper to Photographica:
You can answer one of our biannual calls for papers;
Or you can send us proposals outside of that process.
Each piece should be between 25.000 and 35.000 signs long (including footnotes and spaces but not including the sources at the end).
Proposals can be submitted to photographica.revue[at]gmail.com.
Handing in a fully finalized proposal
1 anonymous file with your paper:
Name it “shortenedpapertitle” (lower case, no space, no accent, NO UPPER CASE)
Send it as a .doc or .docx file
title; subheading (both in French and English) ;
summary (in French and English, 1.000 signs each including spaces);
keywords (in French and English, 5-10 each, lower case, singular except for the names of people and places)
Your paper – please note that each graph, chart, and so on should be represented by a mention in its designated place (format: [Fig.1], [Fig.2], etc.)
Your sources (see below)
A numbered list of all graphs with a legend for each
1 author(s) file containing:
The last name, first name, email address, title and institution (university, laboratory, etc.) of each author where concerned
A short bio and list of published works in French (500 signs max. including spaces)
Each picture used must support the point instead of merely illustrating the piece. They must also be commented on or analysed within the paper. No additional or explanatory caption will be added to them outside the text. The journal may decide not to include any picture not complying with these guidelines.
You may submit up to 15 pictures, each with its caption and source.
Each picture must be sent in a separate file:
.jpg format; if possible HD (300 dpi, 24 x 19 cm format – if not at least 150 dpi, same size)
each picture file will be named as follows: “shortenedpapertitle_fig1”; “shortenedpapertitle_fig2”; etc.
Should the author not own HD pictures and the reproduction rights to them, they should make precise, well-sourced proposals (location, collection, call number and if possible, the name and email address of the person or department to contact in order to request said pictures and rights).
The journal will handle ordering the pictures from the relevant people and institutions.
Any fees and rights will be paid for by the journal.
Each picture used will be described in the list at the end of the submission file with captions mentioning all the following elements if possible:
original picture-maker’s full name,
title or caption in italic typeface (should you come up with your own title based on a description, you should then use the roman typeface, and put it [in square brackets]),
technique used,
location and call number,
information of every person in charge of the collection or in possession of the relevant rights.
Caption examples
Fig.1 Ferrier père, fils & Soulier, Cérémonie de la bénédiction le jour de Pâques, Rome (no de catalogue 599), vers 1859, d’après un négatif à l’albumine sur verre attribué à Claude-Marie Ferrier, 1854-1859. Vue stéréoscopique tirée à l’albumine sur verre, légendée et créditée au tirage, fixée sous verre, 8,5 × 17,4 cm. Paris, Collection Serge Kakou.
Fig.2 Jules Raudnitz, [Le montage des vues stéréoscopiques dans un studio photographique], 1865. Vue stéréoscopique tirée sur papier albuminé, montée sur carte, 8,5 × 17 cm. Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, EK-5 (RAUDNITZ, JULES). © Bibliothèque nationale de France.
Fig.7 Mohammad-Rezâ Khâvari, [Commandants Fâtemyoun préparant une offensive], 2014. Photographie réalisée au téléphone portable. Archive de Mohammad-Rezâ Khâvari. © Mohammad-Rezâ Khâvari.
How to prepare your file
Presentation: as simple as possible;
Font: preferably Times New Roman;
Insert titles: for papers between 25 and 35.000 signs, use only one level of insert titles. Otherwise make sure their order is very clear (either with numbers that will be removed when publishing or with a different font or typeface);
Pagination: number each page using the automated function (Insert > Page number);
Footnote references: always put them before punctuation;
Foreign languages: translate them into our publishing language (French) in the text. Make a footnote indicating it’s the author’s translation and reference the source, without quoting the original version;
Quotes: in French (original version or translation), always with the sources in a footnote and presented as follows:
Short quotes (less than 4 lines): leave them as is in the text with quotation marks;
Long quotes (4 lines and longer): put them in a separate paragraph and introduce them with a colon. Use a smaller font and a wider left indent than the text.
Quotation marks and apostrophes: use French marks: « and ». English marks “and” (without spaces) should only be used to indicate a quote within another quote;
Double punctuation: ; : ? ! and « » are preceded (or followed in the case of the opening quotation mark) by an unbreakable space;
Abbreviations: fully spell out the word when you first use it (only the first letter should be in upper case), then give the abbreviation in upper case, without any period, between brackets, then use only the abbreviation in the rest of the paper (for ex: “Musée national d’art moderne (MNAM)”, then “MNAM”; not “Musée National d’Art Moderne (M.N.A.M.)”, then “M.N.A.M.”);
Numbers: write them in full except for money, page numbers, ages and years. When using Arabic numerals, write them in groups of three with an unbreakable space between each group and between the number and the item being counted (for ex: “3 579 pages”; “300 579 euros”);
Centuries: Roman numerals, small caps, unbreakable space before the word siècle (for ex: “xixe siècle”);
Dates: write them in full (for ex: “les années 1960”, not “les années 60”).
For issue numbers, use a lower case “o” instead of “°” and add an unbreakable space (for ex: “Photographica no 5”).
Remember to use accented capital letters when relevant.
Submitting a report
The journal also publishes reports on books, exhibits (and/or their catalogue), symposiums and conferences. Their length should be no more than:
6.000 signs (including spaces and footnotes) for a report regarding only one book, exhibit, etc.;
8.000 signs (including spaces and footnotes) for a report regarding more than just one book, exhibit, etc.
They should include:
A title: name of the book (in compliance with our “Sourcing standards” guidelines) or event (academic piece format) reported on;
A signature: name and affiliation of the author (no bio or list of published works required).
Sources in reports should:
Be in endnotes;
Comply with the current presentation in use in France:
Author’s full name, book title in italic typeface or paper title « in quotation marks », place of publishing: publisher, date, pagination.
Sourcing standards
Photographica is using a modified version of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association’s guidelines for its papers:
Footnotes: author and date;
Sources at the end of the paper: APA system.
General rules
Footnotes should only contain sources, no comments, additional information, quotes or biographical elements.
General thanks will be placed at the beginning of the paper, not in the footnotes. In the paper issue, they should be in an unnumbered small paragraph, before the footnotes, but in the same space. In the online issue, they will form a paragraph at the beginning of the paper. See:
« Les usages de la photographie par Casino durant l’entre-deux-guerres » by Anne-Céline Callens.
« Le chercheur-photographe et ses images de terrain » by Marie Durand and Anaïs Mauuarin.
Use the “author date” system for all sources: Author date, pagination when relevant (written p. and followed by an unbreakable space).
“Name date, pagination”.
“Name and Name”/“Name, Name and Name date, pagination”.
When there are more than three authors: “Name et al. date, pagination”.
“Name (dir.)”; or “Name and Name (dir.)”; or “Name, Name and Name (dir.)”; or “Name et al. (dir.) date, pagination”.
“Name (ed)”; or “Name and Name (eds)”; or “Name, Name and Name (eds)”; or “Name et al. (eds) date, pagination”.
For ex:
Durand 2015, p. 42.
Janand et Longin 2019.
Artières et Laé (dir.) 2011, p. 6.
Delpuech, Laurière et Peltier-Caroff (dir.) 2017.
Edwards et Morton (eds) 2015.
Alkazi et al. 2013.
In case of an unnamed author, write: “Anonyme date, pagination” (when relevant).
For ex:
Anonyme 1936, p. 45.
Anonyme 1856, p. 195.
Un expert [Anonyme] 1893, p. 145-146.
Should you cite several texts from one author that were published the same year, add “a”, “b”, etc. after the date in the footnotes, if possible in publishing order. Use the same system in the sources.
For ex:
Aubert de la Rüe 1935a.
Aubert de la Rüe 1935b.
Which in the sources translates into:
Aubert de la Rüe, Edgar
1935a. « Erromango, l’île martyre », Le Monde colonial illustré, vol. XII, no 138, janvier, p. 7-11.
1935b. « La Nature et l’Homme aux Nouvelles Hébrides », Le Monde colonial illustré, vol. XII, no 145, août, p. 158-159.
Should you cite the same source twice in a row, use the abbreviation Ibid.; otherwise keep using the “author date” system.
Clearly indicate secondary sources as follows: “Rosemblum 1984, citée par Naggar 2014, p. 10”.
When citing a website, give the URL without https://www., between angle brackets, and add the date you visited it between brackets.
For ex: “<eastman.org/node/5929> (consulté le 15 novembre 2021)”.
Sourcing archived documents
Archived documents will only be referenced in the footnotes, not in the sources at the end of the paper. They should therefore be detailed as follows:
City, institution, department (if relevant), name of the fund/collection, file, title, viewing/reproduction code.
For ex:
Paris, Bibl. nat. de France, EST, AD 1514.
Paris, Bibl. nat. de France, rés., PHOTO KC-81-4.
Paris, Bibl. nat. de France, Mss, Fr 24987, fos 177 ro-178 vo.
New York, Condé Nast Archives, Condé Nast Papers, Box 3, Folder 16 Horst, Horst P. (Bohrmann) – 1932-1942.
Paris, musée du quai Branly – Jacques-Chirac, Fonds Aubert de la Rüe, 2AP45, Lettre de Madame Delmas à Edgar Aubert de la Rüe, 12 mars 1934.
For signed letters (lettres autographes signées), write the phrase in full the first time you reference one (e.g. “lettre autographe signée”), and add the abbreviation in brackets: “(L.A.S.)”, so: “Lettre autographe signée (L.A.S.)”. You may then use only the abbreviation “(L.A.S.)”.
For ex:
Voir la lettre autographe signée (L.A.S.) d’une responsable de la fondation Vallée [signature illisible] à l’Administration générale de l’Assistance publique, « Liquidation du Musée Bourneville », s. l., 20 juillet 1929. Bicêtre, Musée de l’Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (ci-après AP-HP), Archives musée Bourneville, non inventorié.
L.A.S. du Dr Bourneville au secrétaire général de l’Assistance publique, Bicêtre, le 17 avril 1878. Paris, Archives de l’AP-HP, 646FOSS29.
List of sources at the end of your paper
A full list of all sources cited, including any writing used as such, should appear at the end of the paper, arranged in alphabetical order according to each author’s name.
Citing a book
General rules
Give each author’s last, then first name (up to three authors, otherwise only the first one and “et al”) in small caps. Add “and” before the last one.
Use the copyright date (or at least the publication date).
Should you have no information in that regard, write « s. d. » (e.g. “sans date”, “no date”) or « s. l. n. d. » (e.g. “sans lieu ni date”, “neither place nor date”).
Book titles should be written in italic typeface, chapter and paper titles « in French quotation marks ».
Publication details
Indicate the city the source was published in, followed by a colon. For ex: “Boston :”.
For United States cities, use the abbreviated state name in brackets instead of USA. For ex: “(CA)”.
Books by the same author
first name, last name
Date. Title. City : publication details.
For ex:
steichen, edward
1963. A Life in Photography. New York (N. Y.) : Doubleday & Co.
Should you cite several books by one author, no need to repeat his full name. Simply go down a line and list the books in order of publication.
For ex:
aubert de la rüe, edgar
1931. « Le voyage de M. et Mme Aubert de la Rue à travers les dépendances australes de Madagascar », Le Monde colonial illustré, vol. VIII, no 96, août, p. 188-189.
1935a. « Erromango, l’île martyre », Le Monde colonial illustré, vol. XII, no 138, janvier, p. 7-11.
1935b. « La Nature et l’Homme aux Nouvelles Hébrides », Le Monde colonial illustré, vol. XII, no 145, août, p. 158-159.
1937a. « Impression de Nouvelle-Zélande », Sciences et Voyages, no 20, p. 103-110.
1937b. « L’intérêt touristique des îles Saint-Pierre et Miquelon », Colonies autonomes, décembre, p. 3-10.
1938. « Quelques aspects insoupçonnés de la Côte des Somalis. 2 500 km d’itinéraires dans l’arrière-pays », Le Monde colonial illustré, vol. XVI, no 184, octobre, p. 190.
Books written, edited or published by several people
last name, first name (dir. or éd); or last name, first name et last name, first name (dir. or éds); or last name, first name, last name, first name et last name, first name (dir. or éds); or last name, first name et al. (dir. or éds)
Date. Title. City : publication details.
For ex:
blanckaert, claude (dir.)
2015. Le Musée de l’Homme. Histoire d’un musée laboratoire. Paris : Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle/Éditions Artlys.
méaux, danièle et mourès-dancer, martine (dir.)
2014. Les Photographes et la commande industrielle. Autour des Éditions Paul-Martial. Saint-Étienne : Musée d’art moderne et contemporain de Saint-Étienne Métropole.
edwards, elisabeth et morton, christopher (éds)
2015. Photographs, Museums, Collections : Between Art and Information. Londres et New York (N. Y.) : Bloomsbury.
delpuech, andré, laurière, christine et peltier-caroff, carine (dir.)
2017. Les Années folles de l’ethnographie. Trocadéro 28-37. Paris : Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle.
alkazi, ebrahim et al. (éds)
2013. Allegory & Illusion : Early Portrait Photography from South Asia. New Delhi : Mapin Pub. and Alkazi Collection of Photography.
Book chapters
For ex:
braudel, fernand
1996 [1969]. « Histoire et temps présent », dans id., Écrits sur l’histoire. Paris : Flammarion, p. 239-314.
Exhibit catalogues
To cite an exhibit catalogue, follow the previously described general rules, but add “cat. exp.” after the title, then the city, location and dates of the exhibit in brackets (“day-month-year” format).
last name, first name
Date. Title, “cat. exp.” (exhibit city, location and dates). City : Publisher.
For ex:
janand, marie-caroline (dir.)
2019. Vendre de tout, être partout : Casino, cat. exp. (Saint-Étienne, Musée d’art et d’industrie, 21 mars 2019-6 janvier 2020). Milan : Silvana editoriale.
Citing a paper
General rules
Author and date
Follow the previously described general rules (see “Citing a book” section).
It should not be in italic typeface, but rather « in French quotation marks ».
Publication details
Indicate the journal’s name, followed by a comma, then the tome number in Roman numerals with an unbreakable space. Then add the issue number if relevant. Use a lower case “o” instead of “°” and add an unbreakable space: “no x”.
last name, first name
Date. « Paper title », Journal name, vol.(unbreakable space)x, no(unbreakable space)x, pagination.
For ex:
coffey, barbara
1974. « Art and Film in Truffaut’s Jules and Jim and Two English Girls », Film Heritage, vol. IX, no 3, p. 1-11.
christensen, christian
2008. « Uploading Dissonance: YouTube and the US Occupation of Iraq », Media, War & Conflict, vol. I, no 2, p. 155-175.
To cite an entire issue:
last name, first name (dir. or éd); or last name, first name et last name, first name (dir. or éds); or last name, first name, last name, first name et last name, first name (dir. or éds); or last name, first name et al. (dir. or éds)
Date. Title [numéro thématique], Journal name, vol. (unbreakable space)x, no(unbreakable space)x, pagination.
For ex:
delaunay, léonor, poirson, martial et yon, jean-claude (dir.)
2020. « Histoire(s) de travail » [numéro thématique], Revue d’histoire du théâtre, no 285.
Online sources
Give the DOI instead of the URL if you have it and make sure the link is clickable. Add the date you visited the website (day-month-year format).
last name, first name
Date. « Title ». Publication details: <URL> or <DOI> (consulté le day month year).
For ex:
jolly, éric
2014. « Démasquer la société dogon. Sahara-Soudan, janvier-avril 1935 ». Paris : Bérose, Encyclopédie internationale des histoires de l’anthropologie, Les Carnets de Bérose, no 4 : <10670/1.aosl4u> (consulté le 20 novembre 2021).
about, ilsen
2015. « Les photographes ambulants. Conditions et pratiques professionnelles d’un métier itinérant, des années 1880 aux années 1930 », Techniques & Culture, no 64 : <doi.org/10.4000/tc.7611> (consulté le 15 mars 2021).
Citing a research thesis (PhD, Masters, etc.)
Mention the type of thesis in brackets after the title (master, postgraduate certificate, 1st or 2nd year of Masters’ program or PhD thesis) followed by a comma, the university or school’s full name, then the state’s full name for theses presented in the USA.
first name, last name
Date [presentation year]. « Title » (university or school name)
For ex:
hughes, stephen p.
1996. « Is There Anyone out There ? Exhibition and the Formation of Silent Film Audiences in South India » (thèse de doctorat, Université de Chicago, Illinois).
vettier, elsa
2014. « Les photographies d’Edgar Aubert de la Rüe, un corpus en archipel » (mémoire de master en muséologie, École du Louvre).
Audio and video sources
Accessed online
first name, last name
Date. Title [Content type “en ligne”], <URL> or <DOI> (consulté le day-month-year).
DVD or tape
first name, last name
Date. Title [Content type], “lieu de production” : movie studio or company.
Review and follow-up process
Updated 24/10/2022
Review of and report on submitted pieces
Submitted pieces are put through a review process in compliance with the criteria established by the Institut National des Sciences Humaines et Sociales (INSHS, the French National Institute for Social and Human Sciences).
Each submission, be it spontaneous or following a call for papers, is made anonymous, then reviewed in a double-blind process performed by the journal’s team or outside experts on the journal’s request.
The review assesses whether the submission fits with the journal’s themes and complies with criteria listed in the review notice below.
According to this, the papers are then either:
accepted without changes,
accepted with slight changes,
accepted on the condition that substantial changes be made and vetted through a second review,
Follow-ups before publishing
Papers accepted with changes are followed-up on. This can be done either by two members of the journal’s team or by one member and one outside expert.
These follow-ups are meant to help the author finalise their paper and bring it up to the journal’s standards, as well as making sure it complies with the journal’s guidelines regarding pictures.
Wait times
Submissions are reviewed within 6 months.
After being reviewed and vetted, they are published within 12 months.