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The editorial process

Patrimoines du sud is published by the Occitanie Region.

For further information, contact Alice de la Taille and Alexandra Guéguen, chief editor,

Patrimoines du sud operates with a scientific advisory board. This body gives advice on editorial organisation, the academic programme, the key themes for each issue, and the journal’s distribution, promotion and reach.

The editorial board, made up of heritage professionals, changes according to the topics published in each issue; it is the operational and collaborative driving force of Patrimoines du sud.

Increasingly, each issue features a special theme and makes calls for contributions. However, it is always possible to propose articles on a range of topics, called varia, that can be included at the end of each issue.

To submit an article

Submit the proposal, written on no more than one page, by e-mail.

For an article to be accepted, it must correspond to the journals editorial policy, enhance our knowledge, and include content that is appropriate for all interested publics.

Once the proposal has been accepted, the article may be written in accordance with the guidelines sent to the authors. The article is then submitted to a peer review system for final acceptance.

All photos must be of excellent quality and royalty-free. It may be possible to purchase images if all other solutions have been exhausted.


In-depth articles, no limit to the number of characters,

Shorter articles: reading notes on recent publications, showcasing a discovery, updates on topics that could be of interest to other scholars, commented texts on archived documents, study of a monument or an object.

All articles in Patrimoines du sud are subject to unrestricted access and can be downloaded free of charge.

Scientific Advisory Board

The present scientific advisory board is composed of university faculty and members of the administrations heritage department:

- Laure Barthet, musée Saint-Raymond, Toulouse.

- Monique Bourin, university of Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne.

- Esteban Castaňer Muňoz, university of Perpignan-Via Domitia.

- Ariane Dor, DRAC Occitanie.

- Isabelle Duhau, ministry of Culture, Paris.

- Géraldine Mallet, Paul-Valéry Montpellier III university, CEMM laboratory.

- Sylvain Olivier, Nîmes university.

- Anne Perrin-Khelissa, university of Toulouse Jean Jaurès.

- Nicolas Pierrot, Ile-de-France region.

- Emilie Roffidal, CNRS, Framespa laboratory, Toulouse.

- Sylvie Sagnes, CNRS, Héritages laboratory, ethnopole Garae, Carcassonne.

- Fabienne Sartre, Paul-Valéry Montpellier III university.

- Laurent Schneider, CNRS and EHESS, CIHAM laboratory, Lyon.

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