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Recommendations to authors

Articles must be submitted in two separate formats :

  • the text file with cross-reference to the figures in the text (fig. x)

  • the images

Everything must be submitted to the editor of the journal: or +33 (0)4 7 22 86 98.

In a digital journal there is no limit to the number of characters or the number of illustrations. However, you should carefully consider the balance between text and images.


The text must be written in verdana 10; notes must be in verdana 9 and must come at the end of the article (not at the bottom of the page).

The text must be clearly structured with the use of titles and sub-titles (no more than 3 levels of titles).

Citations are to be presented in normal font with quotation marks. A citation must always be followed by a note indicating its source.


Quality: the quality of the images (framing, jpeg file images of 300 dpi, size 1000 x 1500 px ) is extremely important for Patrimoines du sud. The author is responsible for ensuring that all images submitted are royalty-free and copyright must be indicated.

If it is not possible to obtain good quality images, let the editorial board know as soon as possible once the proposal has been validated.

If a photo needs to be purchased, the author should also discuss this with the editorial board, which could potentially buy it.

Naming images: the name of the image is the same as the number of the figure.

Presentation of captions:

Fig. X

Municipality (department), building with its full name; caption of the image

Name of the photographer © institution

If the photo is private: © name of photo

Drawings and maps

We may be able to give authors some help in creating plans, maps and sketches. Authors should let us know if they need any help when the proposal is validated.


It lists the works used to write the article. Bibliographical citations appear in abbreviated version in the notes.

ISO 690 is the standard used to present the bibliographies.

Examples :


Two authors : RENOUARD, Amédée et THOMAS, Armelle. Histoire de La Haye-Comtesse. Toulouse, Privat, 2007.

Abbreviated version in note : RENOUARD, 2007, p. 24.

DURAND, Auguste (Abbé). Histoire de la ville de Clermont l’Hérault. Paris : Seghers, 1837.

More than three authors : SCHNEIDER, Laurent, BOURIN, Monique, CHATELET, Catherine, et al.

In the abbreviated version, only state one name (unless risk of confusion).

For a name with particle: FARCY, Louis (de).

Author group ; mention of collection

Région Occitanie. Inventaire général du patrimoine culturel. Aux sources du canal du Midi, son système d’alimentation. Réd. Adeline Béa, Jérôme Bonhôte, Émile Collet, et al. Toulouse : conseil régional d’Occitanie, 2018, (Focus patrimoine ; 11).

Article in a journal

VIDAL, Marie-Thérèse. “L’industrie des draps à Lodève dans la période contemporaine”. Bulletin de la Société Languedocienne de géographie, 1934, t. V, p. 44.

Contribution to a monograph

MARQUIÉ, Claude. “En Languedoc: des manufactures aux usines (1666-1954)”. In Du moulin à l’usine, implantations industrielles du Xe au XXe siècle, Toulouse, éditions Privat, 2005, p. 129-146.

Contribution to symposium proceedings

COULET, Noël. La naissance de la bastide provençale. In [colloque, Bazas, 1979] Géographie historique du village et de la maison rurale. Paris : CNRS, 1980.

Exhibition catalogue

[Exposition. Paris, Musée Galliera, 2005]. Modes en miroir, la France et la Hollande au temps des Lumières. Réd. Françoise Vittu. Paris : Paris musées, 2005, 248 p.

In the abbreviated version : Modes en miroir, p. 15.

Article in exhibition catalogue

BORDES, François. La naissance de la ville et des archives. In [Exposition. Toulouse, archives municipales, 2005-2006]. Toulouse, parcelle de mémoire. 2000 ans d’histoire urbaine au regard de 8 siècles d’archives municipales. Toulouse : archives municipales, 2005, p. 93.

In the abbreviated version : BORDES, 2005, p. 93

Editing and translation of an old document

ROUQUETTE, Julien et VILLEMAGNE, Augustin (éd.). Cartulaire de Maguelone. t. 1, Montpellier, 1912.

Digital publications

COMET, Anaïs. Les établissements thermaux d’Ax-les-Thermes (Ariège). Patrimoines du Sud [en ligne], mars 2019, [consulté le 26 juin 2019]. Disponible sur le Web ˂˃.

In the abbreviated version : COMET, 2019, § 6.

If part of a bibliographic reference is missing, the BNF catalogue ( provides extremely comprehensive bibliographic records.

Presentation of archive documents

For departmental archives: AD + name of the department.

E.g.: AD Gard

For municipal archives: AC + name of the municipality.

Example of presentation of an archive source:

AD Hérault. 142 EDT 78. Lodève, matrice du compoix, 1696.

Creation of hyperlinks

In open edition journals, adding website links (e.g., Persée, Gallica, Mérimée and Palissy databases…) offers practical advantages and substantially enhances the text. Authors are requested to provide links in expanded format.

The creation of hyperlinks allows readers to view images that are subject to copyright.

Prefer permalinks and URI, which are lasting links.

Abstract for English translation

When you submit your article, we also need a short abstract (no more than 1500 characters) in French (or in English if you are able to translate it).

Identification of the author

Indicate the title and affiliation that you wish to see following your name.

Key words

List the key words that best characterize your article, keeping in mind locations, authors, historic periods, styles, fields of art, etc.

Take care not to use too many capital letters

For example, avoid using capitals for emphasis and check that any capitals strictly correspond to standard use.


Do not use Roman numerals for centuries if you are writing in English, instead use the ordinal number or spell out the number in full: e.g. 5th century, fifth century.

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