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Haut de page
Stat., Silv. 3, 3, 89-90: Quicquid fossis / ab auriferis eiectat Hiberia fossis/ Dalmatico quod monte nitet, quod messibus Afris. See Dušanić, 1977, p. 93 ; Hirt, 2010, p. 124.
AE, 1908, 233 ; IRCPacen 121 (Hispania Epigrafica, no 23530): Be[ry]llo, Aug(usti) lib(erto), proc(uratori) diligen/tissimo et amantissimo, ra/tio[naliu]m vicar(io), homini op/timo et iu[sti]ssimo, restitu/tori metallo[r]um, / coloni Au[g(usti)?] [d(omini)?] n(ostri) metalli Vipas/censis / statuam cum basi de suo / libenter posuerunt ii, / qui infra scripti sunt, / dedicante ipso. [---] / T(itus) Iunius [---]/. D[ed]icata [---] / Cn(aeo) Claudio [---]. With the praenomen and nomen of one consul preserved, it is possible to date the inscription to three years: 146, 173 or 235. See Degrassi, 1952, p. 41-42, 48, 65. However, the date of the Mauri raid into southern Spain and Beryllus’ title of restitutor are both arguments for the year 173. See Edmondson, 1987, p. 46, 56 ; Christol, Demougin, 1990, p. 194-195 ; Domergue, 1990, p. 296, 300-301 ; Eich, 2005, p. 167-168 and cf. Mrozek, 1968, 53. Unless indicated otherwise, all dates in the present work are AD.
See Le Roux, 1985, p. 228 ; Domergue, 1990, p. 292-294 ; Christol, Demougin, 1990, p. 187-190.
Thouvenot, 1940, 154 ; Le Roux, 1982, p. 373-376 ; Domergue, 1990, p. 300. Lastly, see Bernard, 2009, p. 357-375
HA, Marc. 21, 1 ; Domergue, 1990, p. 300 ; Lazzarini, 2001, p. 105 ; Hirt, 2010, p. 124.
Christol, Demougin, 1990, p. 192, 196 ; Domergue, 1990, p. 301, 364 ; Christol, 1999, p. 243 ; Eich, 2005, p. 167-168 ; Martins, 2008, p. 92.
Christol, Demougin, 1990, p. 196 ; Christol, 1999, p. 243 ; cf. Eich, 2005, p. 168. Under the principate the title vicarius referred primarily to personal slaves of slaves or freedmen, Weaver, 1964, p. 117-128 ; Weaver, 1972, p. 200-206. For more on servi vicarii, see Erman, 1896 ; Buckland, 1908, 239-249 ; Reduzzi Merola, 1990.
Hirschfeld, 1905, p. 31 ; Pflaum, 1950, p. 81 ; Pflaum, 1960-61, p. 395 no 163. It is not certain the office of summae rationes was created by Marcus Aurelius (Eich, Petzl, 2000, p. 193 ; Eich, 2005, p. 162. Cf. Demougin, 1976, p. 135-145 ; Christol, Demougin, 1990, p. 200-201), but the first procurator summarum rationum known to us is confirmed during his reign. L. Aurelius Nicomedes (PIR2 N 89 ; Pflaum, 1960-61, p. 393-396 no 163), originally an imperial freedman who acted as L. Aelius Caesar’s a cubiculo and Lucius Verus’ nutritor ; later as a member of the equestrian order he held a series of appropriate positions. See CIL VI, 1598 (ILS, 1740).
See e. g. Pflaum, 1950, p. 74 ; Weaver, 1972, p. 265 ; Christol, Demougin, 1990, 192-194 ; Herrmann, 1997, p. 117 ; Lazzarini, 2001, p. 105-106.
Weaver, 1972, p. 264-265 ; Pflaum, 1974, p. 65 ; Christol, Demougin, 1990, p. 194 ; Domergue, 1990, p. 300 ; Herrmann, 1997, p. 117 n. 27 ; Eck, 1998, p. 84-85, 92 ; Eich, 2005, p. 162 and 168-169 ; Hirt, 2010, p. 124 ; Moore, 2012, p. 221 n. 3.
Pflaum, 1975, p. 14 ; Christol, Demougin, 1990, p. 192-194 ; Eich, 2005, p. 162, 168-169 ; Eich, 2015, p. 106 ; Bruun, 2015, p. 488. Cf. CIL VI, 1585b (ILS, 5920) ; IG XIV, 1480=IGUR, 424.
CIL XIV, 2008a = XV, 7740 ; CIL XIV, 1979, CIL XV, 7741 ; CIL XV, 7742a ; CIL XV, 7744 ; CIL XV, 7745 ; NSA, 1953, 158, n.9 ; CIL XV, 7746 ; CIL XV, 7747 ; CIL XIV, 5309, 21 ; CIL XIV, 5309, 22 ; CIL XIV, 5309, 26. See Boulvert, 1970, p. 267-268 ; Christol, Demougin, 1990, p. 193-194 ; Delmaire, 1989a, p. 25 n. 1. There is a chronological table of fifteen example Ostian fistulae with imperial officials listed on them in Bruun, 2002, p. 170-171.
Hirschfeld, 1905, p. 34 n. 2 ; Liebenam, 1914, p. 264. See also Reintjes, 1961, p. 81 ; Christol, Demougin, 1990, p. 193-194, 201 ; Bruun, 1991, p. 293-294.
CIL XIV, 2008a = XV, 7740. Bruun considered also the imperial freedman T. Aelius Proculus, written on a fistula (CIL XIV, 5309, 23 et 28) from halfway through the 2nd century a possible a rationibus. The context of that inscription (which lacks imperial nomenclature or the sub cura formula) it unclear but we can assume that this official was a subordinate in the officium or a freedman assistant of an equestrian procurator. Cf. Bruun, 2002, p. 184-185.
(1) CIL V, 867 (ILS, 1339) = InscrAqu. I, 486b ; (2) (AE, 1934, 232) ; InscrAqu. I, 486a ; PIR2 C 1015. So Pflaum, 1960-61, p. 264 no 109 ; Sablayrolles, 1996, p. 552 no 14 ; and Zaccaria, 2008, p. 423 ; cf. Schmall, 2011, p. 541 n. 1813. Interestingly, on Roman figlinae Ti. Claudius Secundinus was styled an officinator, that is, one who rented officinae, or manufacturing enterprises which made bricks on the estates belonging to a number of domini: Lucilla Veri (CIL XV, 1082, 1), Caes(ar) n(oster) (CIL XV, 718,1) and Faustina Aug(usta) (CIL XV, 728,1). That eques, also sometimes identified with Ti. Claudius Secundinus L. Statius Macedo, was probably active in the fifties of the 2nd century. See Helen, 1975, p. 111, 142.
Bruun, 1991, p. 294. See also Bruun, 2002, p. 184.
Cf. Schmall, 2011, p. 541 n. 1813.
For more on the subject see Bruun, 1991, p. 257-259 ; Bruun, 2005, p. 21. We are not certain whether proc. C. Iulius Rufus (BCAR 1906, 113) was the main procurator patrimonii around the year 147, as believed by Pflaum, 1960-61, p. 1025. It is possible that he worked at that office as a freedman procurator or a lower-ranking clerk. Cf. Bruun, 2005, p. 22-24.
See Bruun, 1991, p. 298-303.
Bruun, 1991, p. 266 ; Bruun, 2002, p. 183-185.
Presumably those freedman procurators were subordinate to the rationales and also acted as part of the fiscus administration. Bruun, 1991, p. 303 even believes them to have been freedman procuratores a rationibus, while according to Pflaum they were procuratores portus utriusque. See Bruun, 2002, p. 169 n. 44, 184.
Bruun, 1991, p. 296. Cf. Christol, Demougin, 1990, p. 194.
Only an eques of high rank in the administrative hierarchy could hold the title of vir perfectissimus. See Mennen, 2011, p. 158-159 ; Demougin, 2015, p. 65-66. It has been suggested that one of the anonymous rationales from Ostia was L. Septimius Antonius Agathonicus (PIR2 S 436), who held the office of v. p. a rat. in 211 (and was referred to as fisci agens on 26 March 211). See CIL XV, 7747 ; EE IX, 695 ; CIL VI, 10233. See Pflaum, 1960-61, p. 1019. Cf. Christol, Demougin, 1990, p. 194 n. 186 ; Illuminati, 1993, p. 232 n. 2. Agathonicus is the first known a rationibus to hold the title vir perfectissimus. Under Septimius Severus it was attained to by a praefectus annonae, an a cognitionibus and an a declamationibus Latinis. See Pflaum, 1960-61, 624 n. 10 ; Christol, Demougin, 1990, p. 194 n. 185. In the 3rd century, and especially beginning with the reign of Alexander Severus, a rationalis would usually be termed a v. p. ; see e. g. CIL XIV, 5309, 22 et 26 ; Delmaire, 1989b, p. 11 ; Bruun, 1991, p. 294 ; and Eich, 2005, p. 162, and cf. Jones 1950, p. 29 ; Eck, Groß-Albenhausen, 2001, p. 784.
CIL XIV, 5309, 23 et 28. See Bruun, 1991, p. 296 ; Bruun, 2002, p. 184-185. Ultimately the formula sub cura rationalis/rationalium can referred to an equestrian procurator a rationibus and his freedman assistant or a subordinate clerk (e.g. adiutor or proximus), but this possibility is less likely.
Millar, 1999, p. 99: “Both the functions of, and the relevant vocabulary (Latin or Greek) for, the major financial post, or posts, at the emperor’s side are highly unclear”. Cf. Eich, Petzl, 2000, p. 190-194 ; Christol, Demougin, 1990, p. 199-201. As an example we could use the career or an outstanding jurist, eques and later senator, M. Cn. Licinius Rufinus (PIR² L 236), listed as part of an inscription in Thyateira (Herrmann, 1997, p. 111 (AE, 1997, 1425)), which quite shone before 238: consiliarius Augusti, ab epistulis Graecis, a studiis Augusti, rationalis (a rationibus or summarum rationum?), a libellis (or a responsis), (adlectus inter aedilicios/tribunicios), praetor, legatus provinciae Norici, consul suffectus (or adlectus inter consulares), sodalis Titii, vigintivir, amicus Caesaris ; cf. Herrmann, 1997, p. 114-118 ; Millar, 1999, p. 98-99 ; Eck, 2006, 72, n. 29 ; Mennen, 2011, 153 ; Okoń, 2017, p. 162 no 642. The chronology of his career is uncertain but we can assume that he was cos. suff. between 220-230 and vigintivir in 238. See Herrmann, 1997, p. 120-121. It is not quite clear whether the central financial office mentioned in the inscription as ἐπὶ τῶν καθόλου λόγων was in fact a rationibus or procurator summarum rationum. The rank of the equestrian offices held by Rufinus and the order in which they are listed cannot be decisive here, because a studiis (ducenarius) is mentioned after ab epistulis Graecis (trecenarius). Thus it is possible that the next post our jurist attained to was that of summae rationes (rationalis), which was also ducenarius ; so Pflaum, 1974, p. 39-40, and cf. Herrmann, 1997, p. 117-118 ; Millar, 1999, p. 99. Similar doubt surrounds the interpretation of the title καθολικός, found in the inscription (SEG 54, 1659) from Hippos (Sussita), dated to 238.
Eich, Petzl, 2000, p. 191-193. Cf. Magie, 1905, p. 106-107 ; Christol, Demougin, 1990, p. 201. The Latin title procurator summarum rationum had no other Greek equivalent either: Eich, Petzl, 2000, p. 192. The title of M. Cn. Licinius Rufinus could be the only exception, see note 25.
CIL III, 7126 = I.Ephesos, 651 ; Eck, 1977, p. 230 (AE, 1976, 676) ; Herrmann, 1997, p. 111 (AE, 1997, 1425) ; Euseb., Hist. eccl. 7, 10, 5. One inseperable element of the Greek titulature referring to the a rationibus officials is the preposition ἐπὶ used in numerous ways: Lim, 1993, p. 159.
I.Ephesos, 2061 (I-II) = (AE 1913, 143a-b) ; I.Ephesos, 3046 = (AE ,1924, 81); I.Ephesos, 736.
Cass. Dio 79, 21.
AE, 1952, 6.
Eich, Petzl, 2000, p. 190 (AE 2000, 1382) ; I.Selge, 13.
I.Selge, 13. Ti. Claudius Vibianus Tertullus (PIR2 C 1049 ; PIR2 V 528) was in a bilingual inscription also called ἐπὶ τῶν καθόλου λόγων (CIL III, 7126 = I.Ephesos, 651). Cf. Eich, Petzl, 2000, p. 193.
Magie, 1905, p. 106.
Eich, Petzl, 2000, p. 193-194.
Pflaum, 1960-61, p. 395.
CIL IX, 2438 = FIRA I2, 61. See Passerini, 1939, p. 251 ; Laffi, 1965, p. 177-192 ; Corbier, 1983, p. 126-131 ; Lo Cascio, 2000, p. 151-161 ; Corbier, 2006, p. 225-232 ; Eck, 2015, p. 190-191.
PIR2 C 1535.
PIR2 L 229. See also Appendix I (no 13).
Only individual titles of the highest officials, a rationibus and summarum rationum, are written in the cursus inscriptions. See Appendix I and II. Cf. Christol, Demougin, 1990, p. 199-201.
In a few cases the dating of the inscriptions is uncertain, but in the inscription from Rome (CIL VI, 8420) dated to 183, the imperial freedman Eutychianus was listed as an adiut(or) a rat(ionibus). Another inscription (CIL VI, 1115), this one from Carinus’ reign (283-285), attests to a tabularium summarum rationum being active then. Cf. Wachtel, 1966, p. 119-121 ; Boulvert, 1970, p. 98 n. 38 ; Weaver, 1972, p. 252-258 ; Eck, 1986, p. 280-281.
That those officials are not confirmed after the reign of Severi need not be connected to any administrative changes ; rather, it can result from the disappearance of the custom (the ‘epigraphic habit’) of erecting inscriptions in the 3rd century, which are our primary source of information on institutions. Lastly, see Beltrán Lloris, 2015, p. 141-145.
Weaver, 1972, p. 255: “The term ‘rationalium’ has distinctly late second- and third- century associations” ; Eck, Groß-Albenhausen, 2001, p. 403: “Late in the 2nd cent., the term rationalis began to occur ; it became more widespread in the 3rd cent.”.
His first stay in Rome as emperor is dated to 9 June-9 July 193. See Cass. Dio, 75, 1, 3-5 ; Herodian 2, 14, 1-2 ; HA, Sep. Sev. 7 ; Kienast, 1990, p. 156. Having to suddenly pay a large and loyal army, which demanded a remuneration for its victory (HA, Sep. Sev. 7, 6-7), and collecting the funds for the campaign against Pescennius Niger meant that from the beginning of Septimius Severus’ stay in Rome efficiency of the central financial administration was a priority. As an active administrator, a former advocatus fisci (Eutropius, Breviarium 8, 18, 2 ; HA, Geta 2, 4), Severus was quite familiar with imperial finances. Cf. Zwalwe, 2003, p. 166. Certainly he was fast, because as early as August of 193 one of his closest and most trusted equestrian financial officials, Aquilius Felix (see note 60), was responsible for public works (opera publica) in Rome, CIL VI, 1585b (ILS, 5920).
CIL VI, 1585a ; CIL VI, 1585b (ILS, 5920). All those inscriptions have been widely commented upon. For more information see Daguet-Gagey, 1998, p. 893-915 ; Eich, 2005, p. 168-171 ; Moore, 2012, p. 221-229 ; Eck, 2015, p. 185-200. The dating of the inscription CIL VI, 1585b (ILS, 5920) is somewhat controversial, but Adrastus’ social status, conclusive here (Augg(ustorum) nn(ostrorum) lib(ertum) (l. 6)), indicates the beginning of Septimius Severus’ and Caracalla’s joint reign (since 197), rather than the co-regency of Septimius Severus and Clodius Albinus (193-195). For more on the subject, see Moore, 2012, p. 224-225 ; Strasser, 2017, p. 743.
Daguet-Gagey, 1998, p. 893-915. In the context of, as Boulvert, 1970, p. 303-304 put it, the “transformation du bureau a rationibus”, CIL VI, 1585a-b are a peculiar illustration for how rationales functioned side by side. See also Pflaum, 1958, p. 194-195.
CIL VI, 1585b (ILS, 5920). It used to be believe that this inscription lists two (so Mommsen and Hirschfeld) or even three persons (so Dessau and Stein) in the nominative. See Boulvert, 1970, p. 304, and cf. Masi, 1971, p. 21-22.
About the location of the columna divi Marci in Rome see Chausson, 2001, p. 362-378 ; La Rocca, 2004, p. 231 ; Beckmann, 2011, p. 51-52 ; Strasser, 2017, p. 737-738.
Pflaum, 1950, p. 74 ; Pflaum, 1960-1961, p. 517 ; Pflaum, 1974, p. 65 ; Pflaum, 1975, p. 14. Already O. Hirschfeld (1905: 34-35) had no doubt that the aforementioned rationales (of whom he believed to have been two) were procuratores: a rationibus and summarum rationum.
CIL VIII, 23395 (ILS, 5966) ; M’Charek, 1999, p. 152 ; AE 1999, 1770 (Hr Abd es-Selam) ; cf. Eich, 2005, p. 167 n. 1 ; Delmaire, 1989a, p. 180 n. 23.
P. Oxy. XLII 3046-50 ; P. Mil. Vogl. II 97 ; Eich, 2005, p. 171-173. Cf. Parsons, 1967, p. 134-141.
PIR2 S 221.
I.Pergamon VIII, 2 no. 44 = SEG 40, 1133.
See Christol, Demougin, 1990, p. 206-211.
Cf. Eich, 2005, p. 172.
Christol, Demougin, 1990, p. 206: “[...] officium des rationales, associés en collège”.
See CIL VIII, 23395 ; CIL XI, 1214 ; CIL VI, 1587 ; CIL V, 858 ; CIL VIII, 7043 ; SEG 54, 1659 ; MAMA VI, 376 ; Hirschfeld, 1905, p. 34 ; Pflaum, 1960-61, p. 1019-1020 ; Christol, Demougin, 1990, p. 202 ; M’Charek, 1999, p. 152 ; Eich, 2005, p. 172. The Latin form a rationibus does reappear in inscriptions after a long break around the turn of the 3rd and 4th century (CIL VI, 1120a ; CIL VI, 31384), but in those cases we most likely see it resurface as an archaism, which by then meant the central official v. p. rationalis as he was during the Tetrarchy. See Delmaire, 1989b, p. 15.
Lo Cascio, 2005, p. 150-153 ; Eich, 2013, p. 96-98. Cf. Hammond, 1959, p. 457-459. Some changes to the financial administration were also caused by the growth of the imperial property resulting from confiscating the properties of Pescennius Niger and Clodius Albinus, and later of Plautianus. See Lo Cascio, 2005, p. 150-151 ; Lo Cascio, 2015, p. 66-67. Cf. Masi, 1971, p. 55-56. The property of the former praefectus praetorio was managed by a special official, the procurator ad bona Plautiani (CIL III, 1464 (ILS, 1370)). See Pflaum, 1950, p. 90 ; Lewicki, Kotula, 1986, p. 263-264. From the rule of the Severi on there was also the procurator ad bona damnatorum (CIL VI, 1634 (ILS, 1423)).
HA, Pertinax 7, 6.
PIR2 A 988.
CIL X, 6657 (ILS 1387) ; AE 1945, 80 ; Oliver, 1946, p. 311-319 ; Pflaum, 1960-61, p. 598-601 no. 225. It is to Aquilius Felix that the rationales addressed one of their letters, applying the very courteous formula of petimus dari iubeas, CIL VI, 1585b (l. 36-37). Elio Lo Cascio, 2005, p. 151 supposes Aquilius Felix was responsible for turning the ratio privata into the res privata. The inscription published recently by D. Nonnis introduces a new procurator rationis privatae (the imperial freedman M. Ulpius Epaphroditus) from the times of Trajan. See Nonnis (2014: 189-203).
Cass. Dio 74, 2.
Osier, 1974, p. 27-31.
A rationibus, procurator rationis privatae, a declamationibus Latinis, a declamationibus Graecis, a cognitionibus, a libellis, a censibus, ab epistulis Latinis, ab epistulis Graecis, rationalis Aegypti. See Pflaum 1950, p. 82 ; Pflaum, 1974, p. 34 ; Alföldy, 1979, p. 261. According to Pflaum, 1974, p. 34, the office of a cubiculo was raised to trecenarius rank as well, but that seems incorrect, as towards the end of the 2nd century a cubiculo, just like a memoria, was still a post held by imperial freedmen, not equites. See Demougin, 2003, p. 397-416.
Pflaum, 1974, p. 33-38 ; Lo Cascio, 2005, p. 149.
Guey, 1962, p. 86-90 ; Lo Cascio, 2005, p. 154-155.
See e. g. IG XIV, 1480 = IGUR, 424.
IG XIV, 1480 = IGUR, 424.
PIR2 A 1559.
I.Ephesos, 627. See Pflaum, 1960-61, p. 529-530 no 193, p. 1020 ; Christol, Demougin, 1990, p. 203-204.
Schmall, 2011, p. 502.
IG XIV, 1480 = IGUR, 424. See Hirschfeld, 1905, p. 31 ; Pflaum, 1960-61, p. 697 no 160 ; Lo Cascio, 2000, p. 147 ; Eich, 2005, p. 162. Cf. Birley, 1992, p. 54. It cannot be proven beyond all doubt that he was then the head of the college of rationales, although it does seem rather likely. See Eich, 2015, p. 106.
Pflaum, 1950, p. 74 ; Pflaum, 1960-61, p. 697 no 160 ; Pflaum, 1974, p. 25, 28, 63 ; Eck, 1998, p. 85 ; Lo Cascio, 2000, p. 147 ; Eich, 2005, p. 162 ; Kłodziński, 2016, p. 119 n. 3. Cf. Birley, 1992, p. 54.
IG XIV, 1480 = IGUR, 424 (early 3rd century).
Even before Pflaum such a course of procuratorial career of a rationibus officials was defined by Hans Zwicky (1944, p. 39).
Pflaum, 1950, p. 74. See also Zwicky, 1944, p. 39 ; Reintjes, 1961, p. 81.
See CIL VI, 1564 (ILS, 1452): [C(aio?) Quint?]ilio C(ai) fil(io) [---] / [adlecto in amplissimum] ordinem inter praetorios iudici[o Imp(eratoris) M(arci) Aureli Antonini Aug(usti)?] / [a rationibus Aug(usti)?, ab epist]ulis Latinis, procuratori summarum ratio[num ---] / [procuratori provinciae A]siae, iuridico Alexandreae, ab epistulis [Graecis ---] / [procuratori provinciae] Macedoniae, ab commentariis Corneli Re[pentini pr(aefecti) pr(aetorio) ---]. Reconstructing the lacuna as a rationibus Aug(usti?) is purely hypothetical. We do not really know of this particular official did hold that particular office. That was ruled out even by Pflaum, who did not include him in his fasti a rationibus. See Pflaum, 1960-61, p. 448 no 178 ; p. 1019.
I only cite those inscriptions which list the Latin title of a rationibus (or its Greek equivalent) and the basic literature (PIR2 ; H.-G. Pflaum, Les carrières procuratoriennes équestres sous le Haut-Empire Romain, vol. 1-3, Paris 1960-1961=CP ; Pflaum, Les carrières procuratoriennes équestres sous le Haut-Empire Romain. Supplément, Paris 1982=SCP ; H. Devijver, Prosopographia Militiarum Equestrium quae fuerunt ab Augusto ad Gallienum, Leuven 1976-1980=PME).
PIR2 L 167 ; CP, 156-158 no. 66 ; PME, 864-865 no 97.
PIR2 L 167 ; CP, 156-158 no. 66 ; PME, 864-865 no 97.
PIR2 P 617 ; CP, 188-189 no. 89.
PIR2 S 838 ; CP, 289-292 no. 119 ; PME, 751-752 no. 69.
SCP, 38-40 no. 119a ; PME, 909-910 no. 33 bis.
PIR2 I 753 ; CP, 320-322 no. 134 ; PME, 498 no. 144.
PIR2 V 178 ; CP, 274-279 no. 113 ; PME, 825-826 no. 29.
PIR2 P 281 ; CP, 283-286 no. 117 ; PME, 634-636 no. 24.
PIR2 C 1015 ; CP, 262-264 no. 109.
Camodeca, 2012, p. 307 note 7.
PIR2 F 584 ; CP, 326-331 no. 139 ; PME, 391-392 no. 100.
PIR2 B 131 ; CP, 304-313 no. 126 ; PME, 178-179 no. 14.
PIR2 B 69 ; CP, 389-393 no. 162.
PIR2 L 229.
PIR2 C 1049 ; PIR2 V 528 ; CP, 683-684 no. 252.
PIR2 S 173 ; CP, 1002-1007 no. 178 bis.
PIR2 I 615 ; CP, 456-464 no. 180 ; PME, 492-493 no. 136 ; Filippini, Gregori 2014, p. 85-120.
Camodeca, 2012, p. 310.
PIR2 I 235 ; CP, 468.
Camodeca, 2012, p. 305-321 ; Filippini, Gregori 2014, p. 85-120.
PIR2 A 1503 ; CP, 696-697 no. 260 ; PME, 149 no. 226.
PIR2 A 1537.
PIR2 S 436 ; Illuminati (1993: 231-232).
PIR2 M 231 ; CP, 719-725 no. 271 ; SCP, 58 ; Christol (1991: 165-186).
PIR2 A 1499.
PIR2 N 89 ; CP, 393-396 no 163.
PIR2 A 1559 ; Pflaum, 1960-61, p. 523-531 no 193.
PIR2 C 958 ; CP, 515-517 no 191.
PIR2 S 201 ; CP, 1020.
PIR² L 236. See. note 25.
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