Index | Keywords
- Abri Blanchard
- Abri Castanet
- Abri Pataud
- accessibility
- Accidental mortality
- accumulation of blocs
- Achelean
- Acheulean
- Acheulean mousterian tradition
- Acheulian
- actualism
- adornment
- adult.
- Aegean
- Africa
- age estimation
- ageing
- Ahmarian
- Alcelaphus buselaphus
- Algeria
- Allier
- Alpine ibex
- Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota)
- AMS 14C chronology
- AMS C14 date
- analytic recording
- anatomical identification
- anatomically modern fossil humans
- Anatomically Modern humans
- anatomically modern humans
- ancient DNA
- animal exploitation
- animal head
- animals
- animism
- anthracology
- Anthropology
- anthropology
- anthropology of images
- anthropomorph
- Antilopinae
- antler
- antler knapping
- antlers knapping
- anvil
- anvil percussion
- anvil stones
- Apodemus
- apprenticeship
- Apulia
- aquatic ressource
- Aquitaine
- Aquitaine basin
- archaeo-ichthyology
- archaeological sequence
- archaeological taphonomy
- Archaeology
- archaeology of decorated caves
- archaeomacology
- archaeomalacology
- archaeostratigraphic units
- archaeostratigraphy
- archaeozoology
- archaic period
- archeometry
- archeostratigraphic units
- archeostratigraphy
- Arctic Hare
- Arcy-sur-Cure
- Ardèche
- armature of Auvours
- armatures
- art
- artifact density
- artist
- artistic schools
- Arudy
- Arvicolinae
- asymmetry
- Atlantic coastline
- Atlantic Morocco
- Atlantic Pyrenees
- Attritional mortality
- Aurignacian
- Aurochs
- Australia
- authenticity
- Auvergne
- Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
- Aveyron valley
- avian predators
- axes
- Azilian
- backed blades/bladelets
- backed microbladelet
- backed pieces
- backed tools
- Badegoule
- Badegoulian
- Baden-Württemberg
- Bailleau
- Balkans
- ball-shaped hoof
- Bassaler burin
- Basse-Normandie
- Bayacian
- Bayacien
- bead
- beads
- bear
- behavioral modernity
- Bell Beaker culture
- biface
- big mammals
- Biochronology
- biochronology
- Biology
- biomechanics
- Biometry
- biometry
- biostratigraphic units
- biostratigraphy
- biozonation
- bipolar technique
- bipolar-on-anvil flaking
- bison
- Bison
- Bison priscus
- bivalves
- Black Sea
- blade-bladelet production
- bladelet
- bladelet core
- bladelet production
- bladelets cores
- blades
- blanks
- block
- body ornamentation
- bone
- Bone accumulation
- bone assemblages
- bone consumption
- bone industry
- Bone industry
- bone measurement
- bone retouchers
- bone supports
- Bone supports
- bone technology
- bone tool
- bone tools
- Bos primigenius
- Bourrouilla
- Bovidae
- bovids
- Bovinae
- branched reduction process
- Brassempouy
- Brazil
- Breuil
- Brittany
- Bronze Age
- Brown Bear
- bryozoaires flints
- Burial
- burial
- burial customs
- burial site analysis
- burials
- burin des Vachons
- burin spall
- burins
- butchery
- C14 dating
- calcaneus
- Calcaneus
- Calcite
- camelids
- camp site of hunters
- canine
- canines
- Canis
- Canis familiaris
- Canis lupus
- cannibalism
- Cantabrian Lower Magdalenian
- cantabrian region
- Cap-Blanc
- Capra hircus
- Capra ibex
- Caprinae
- Capsian
- carbon-13
- carbon-14
- carcass processing
- carinate scrapers
- Carnivora
- carnivore
- Carnivore
- carnivores
- Carnivores
- cartographical library
- carving
- carvings
- Castanet
- Castel-Merle
- Cave
- cave
- Cave Art
- cave art
- cave art organisation
- Cave bear
- cave bear
- cave floor
- Cave hyena
- cave lion
- cave of la Mairie
- cave site
- cementochronology
- Central Europe
- Central Massif
- Cervidae
- cervids
- Cervids
- Ceyssaguet site
- chaîne opératoire
- Chamois
- Champ Grand
- Chaplain-Duparc
- Charente
- Châtelperron
- Châtelperronian
- Chatelperronian
- Châtelperronien
- Chauvet cave
- Chauvet-Pont d’Arc cave
- Chauvet-Pont-d’Arc cave
- Cheek teeth
- chert
- Chézy-sur-Marne
- child
- Chondroblastoma
- chronological ties across large distances
- Chronology
- chronology
- chronology.
- chronostratigraphical framework
- chronozonation
- circulation of raw materials
- Classic Aurignacian
- classic period
- clavicle
- clavicles
- cleaver
- Cleavers
- Clisurean
- coastal environment
- collagen
- collagen peptide mass fingerprinting
- collections
- collections of Saxony
- colluvium
- Combarelles
- Combe-Cullier
- Combe-Grenal
- combustion area
- comparative anatomy
- comparative mythology
- conservation techniques
- Contemporary elk/moose
- Context
- conventions of representation
- convergence
- core
- core.
- cores
- cores on flake
- Corrèze
- cortical bone thickness
- cosmological myths
- coxal bone
- crest
- Cro-Magnon
- Crocuta
- crown dimensions
- cryosol
- Cuina Turcului
- cultural attribution
- cultural tourism
- cupule
- Curiosa
- Cussac cave
- cut marks
- cutmarks
- dart
- data model
- database
- Datation
- Dating
- dating
- DBMS (DataBase Management System)
- death
- Death profile
- deciduous tooth
- Deer
- Delporte
- demonstration
- denaturation
- Denis Peyrony
- dental morphology
- Denticulate Mousterian
- depiction
- Diagenesis
- diet
- differential sorting
- diffusion
- digestion
- digital processing
- Discoid
- Discoid lithic technocomplex
- Discoïde
- displacement
- diversity
- dog
- dog whelks
- domestic and symbolic use of the fauna
- domestication
- Dordogne
- drawing
- Dufour bladelets of Roc-de-Combe type
- duration of accumulation
- Duruthy
- dye
- E. Dupont
- Early and Middle Paleolithic
- early aurignacian
- Early Aurignacian
- Early Gravettian
- Early Mesolithic
- Early Middle Magdalenian
- Early Middle Palaeolithic
- early Middle Paleolithic
- early Neolithic
- Early Paleolithic
- Early Upper Paleolithic
- Eastern and Rhodanian Languedoc
- Eastern Carpathians
- Eastern Europe
- Eastern France
- Eastern Maghreb
- Eastern Pyrenees
- Eastern Rif
- eco-ethology
- ecology
- economic strategy
- economy
- economy of animal resources
- Édouard Piette
- Eemian
- effectiveness
- El Horno
- Elk/Moose
- enamel linear hypoplasia
- End of the Last Glacial Maximum
- endostructure
- endscraper
- Engraved block
- Engraved Bones
- engraving
- engravings
- Environment
- environment
- environments
- Epigravettian
- Epilaborian
- Epipalaeolithic
- equidae
- equids
- Equids
- equipment
- Equus caballus
- Equus mosbachensis micoquii
- Ethiopia
- ethno-archaeology
- Ethnoarchaeology
- ethnology
- Etiolles
- etymology
- Eurasia
- Europe
- eustatism
- evolution of myths
- evolutionnary process
- exaggerated lithic production
- Excavation
- excavation technique
- excavations history
- exchange
- exchange networks
- exchanges
- experimental approach
- experimental archaeology
- experimentation
- experiments
- exploitation patterns
- expression techniques
- fabric
- facies
- fauna
- Faunal Change
- Faunas
- Fauroux cave
- Felid
- female figurines
- Femur
- femur
- feud
- figurative
- figurative art
- Figurative art
- Final Magdalenian
- finger flutings
- fire place
- fire-producing means
- fish
- fish catches
- fish remains
- fishing
- flaking on resting hammer
- flaking technique
- flaking techniques
- flat ferruginous granule
- fléchette
- flint
- Flint
- flint mine
- flint nodules
- flint outcrop
- flint sites
- flint sources
- flint technology
- flint-and-pyrite fire-making methods
- flysch flint
- Font-Robert point
- Font-Robert points
- Fontirobertian
- food
- Food
- food storage
- food waste
- Forest Expansion
- formation processes
- Fossil elk/moose
- fossil pardel lynx
- fossils
- Fouvent
- fracturing by fire
- France
- France.
- François Bordes
- François Lacrampe-Cuyaubère
- Fréchet (Hautes-Pyrénées)
- french central Massif
- french northern Prealps
- Functional analysis
- functional analysis
- functional description
- funerary goods
- funerary practices
- Galeria Pesada
- Game
- Gandil
- Gard
- Gatzarria
- Genay
- geoarchaeology
- geochemical analysis
- geomorpho-archaeology
- geomorphological evolution
- geomorphology
- Germany
- Germolles
- Gers department
- Gini coefficient
- Gironde
- GIS (Geographical Information System)
- Glutton
- goat
- Goethite and hematite
- Grain de mil flint
- grain-size sorting
- Gramat causse
- Grande Limagne
- graphical stratigraphy
- grattoir Caminade
- Grava
- grave
- Gravette points
- Gravettian
- Gray Whale (Eschrichtius robustus)
- groove and splinter technique
- Grotte de La Verpillière I
- Grotte des Fées
- Grotte du Bison
- Grotte XIV
- Gulo gulo
- Gustave Chauvet
- habitat
- habitation
- half-round rod
- hammerstones
- handaxe
- hard direct percussion
- hard direct percussion on anvil
- Haute-Garonne
- hearth
- Hellenistic settlement
- herbivores
- hereditary ranking
- heritage
- herpetofauna
- hide-working
- hierarchy
- historiography
- History
- history
- history of prehistory
- history of sciences
- Hohle Fels Cave
- Holocene
- Homo neanderthalensis
- Homo Sapiens Sapiens
- Homo sapiens sapiens
- horns
- horse
- human
- human behaviour
- human fossils
- human remains
- Human remains
- human teeth
- human tooth
- humerus
- hunter-gatherer
- hunter/gatherers
- hunting activitie
- hunting season
- Hunting strategy
- Hunting weaponry
- hybrid collectives
- Hyena den
- Hyenid
- hyenids
- Iberia
- Iberomaurusian
- ibex
- immature individual
- incisor
- individuals
- inequality
- inferior Pleistocene
- Initial Upper Paleolithic
- interstratification
- inventory classification
- Iran
- Iron Age
- iron oxides
- island
- isotopic stage
- Isotopic stage 3 (MIS 3)
- isotopic stage 6
- Isturitz
- Isturitz type point
- Italian Alps
- Italy
- Italy - Balzi Rossi
- ivory
- ivory figurine
- La Bertonne artifacts
- La Chaise-de-Vouthon
- La Fage
- La Ferrassie
- La Madeleine
- La Micoque
- La Naulette cave
- La Quina aval
- laboratory taphonomy
- Laborian
- Laborien
- Lafaye
- lagomorphe
- laminar operating scheme
- land snails
- Languedoc
- Large flakes
- large flint blades
- Large Mammals
- large Ungulates
- Lascaux Cave
- Lascaux hill
- last glacial cycle
- last Glacial Maximum
- Last Glacial Maximum
- Last Pleniglacial
- last Pleniglacial
- Late Aurignacian
- Late glacial
- Late Glacial
- late glacial
- Late Glacial Maximum
- Late Middle Paleolithic
- Late Middle Paleolithic (LMP)
- Late Middle Pleistocene
- Late Palaeolithic
- late Pleistocene
- Late Pleistocene
- Late-Glacial.
- Later Neolithic
- Laugerian
- Laugerie-Haute
- Laugerie-Haute-Est
- Laugerie-Haute-Ouest
- laurel leaf points
- Le Colombier II
- Le Cuzoul-de-Vers
- Le Flageolet I
- Le Mas d’Azil
- Le Moustier
- Le Moustier lower rock-shelter
- Leporids
- leptolithisation
- Lepus timidus
- Les Combarelles
- Les Eyzies
- Les Eyzies museum
- Les Petits Guinards
- Les Pradelles
- Les Vachons
- Levallois
- Levant
- lifestyles
- limestone
- linear stricking surface
- lion
- Lion (Panthera leo)
- lithic
- lithic and bone industries
- lithic assemblages
- lithic industries
- lithic industry
- lithic insets
- lithic point
- lithic points
- lithic production
- lithic raw materials
- lithic taphonomy
- Lithic Technology
- Lithic technology
- lithic Technology
- lithic technology
- lithic technology.
- lithic typo-technology
- lithic typology
- lithic use-wear analysis
- Lithics
- Lithostratigraphy
- lithostratigraphy
- Lœss
- Loire
- Lortet
- Lot
- Louis Duport
- lower and middle paleolithic
- Lower Magdalenian
- lower Magdalenian
- Lower Palaeolithic
- Lower Pleistocene
- luminescence dating
- Luminescence dating
- luminescence dating.
- Lussac-Angles point
- Lynx pardinus spelaeus
- Maastrichtian
- macrofauna
- Madeleine
- Magdalenian
- Magdalenian III
- Magdalenian IV
- Magdalénien à navettes
- maghemite
- Maghreb
- magnetic susceptibility
- magnetite
- making techniques
- malacofauna
- Malaurie point
- mammalian and avian fauna
- mammalian predators
- mammoth
- Mammoth
- Mammoth hunters
- mammoth ivory
- Mammuthus columbi
- Mammuthus primigenius
- Man-sea relationships
- mandible
- manganese oxides
- map
- Marillac
- marine environment
- Marine malacofauna
- marine resource
- marine resources
- maritime archaeology
- Marmota marmota
- mass storage
- Massaliote colony
- Massif central
- massive based points
- material origin
- Mauran
- Mayenne
- Mediterranean
- mediterranean France
- Mesolithic
- mesowear
- Metatarsal
- methodology
- Methods of excavation and control
- metrics
- Micoque
- Micoquian
- microblade production
- microgravette of Vigne-Brun type
- microhistory
- microliths
- micromammals
- micromammals.
- micromorphology
- Micropalaeontology
- microscopic analysis
- Microtinae
- Microtus bifrons nov. sp.
- Microtus pyrenaicus
- microwear
- Middle and Lower Paleolithic
- Middle and Upper Pleistocene
- Middle Gravettian with Noailles burins
- Middle Magdalenian
- middle Magdalenian
- Middle palaeolithic
- middle Palaeolithic
- Middle Palaeolithic
- Middle paleolithic
- Middle Paleolithic
- middle Paleolithic
- middle Pleistocene
- Middle Pleistocene
- Middle Stone Age
- middle to upper Palaeolithic transition
- Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition
- Middle-Recent and Upper Magdalenian
- Midi toulousain
- mill-stones Industry
- Mimomys pyrenaicus nov.sp.
- mineralogy
- minority species
- mobile art
- Mobile art
- mobiliary art and rock art
- mobility
- mobility of human groups
- modelling
- modern humans
- modified faunal hard material
- molars
- Moldavia
- mollusc collection
- molluscs
- Molodovian
- Morin
- Morocco
- morphological and biometrical variability
- morphology
- morphometric variability
- morphometrical geometry
- morphometry
- Mortality Profiles
- Mousterian
- Mousterian of Acheulean Tradition type B
- Mousterian of acheulian tradition type A
- multivariate analysis
- murex
- Mustelidae
- natural pavement
- Natural trap
- naturalism
- nature
- Nawarla Gabarnmang
- Neandertal
- Neandertals
- Neanderthal
- Neanderthal femurs
- Neanderthal mandible
- Near East
- neo-taphonomy
- Neolithic
- Neotaphonomy
- neotaphonomy
- new-born
- Nieborowa site
- nitrogen-15
- Noaillian
- non-carious cervical lesion
- non-invasive analysis
- North Africa
- North African ungulates
- North of France
- North of Spain
- Northeastern Aquitain basin
- Northwest Coast
- Northwest Europe
- nosed scrapers
- notches and denticulates
- Obermaier
- OCX (OLE control)
- odontometrical index
- OIS 3
- OIS 6 to 5.3
- OIS 9
- OIS3
- Olea europaea
- Olha
- ontogeny
- ontology
- open air site
- open air sites
- open-air site
- open-air sites
- operating chain
- operating systems
- Oral traditions
- organic artefacts
- organic industry
- Orgnac 3
- Origin-of-death myth
- ornament
- ornaments
- Ornaments
- Orville artifacts
- Oryctolagus cuniculus
- os coxal
- OSL datation
- osseous industry
- Osseous industry
- osteometry
- Otic region
- Out-of-Africa
- overfishing
- Ovibos moschatus
- Ovis aries
- Pachycrocuta
- painted cave art
- painted pebbles
- painting
- Palaeoecology
- palaeoenvironment
- Palaeolithic
- Palaeolithic art
- palaeolithic art
- Palaeolithic Art
- Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers
- palaeontology
- Palaeontology
- palaeopathology
- Palaeotaphonomy
- paleoecology
- Paleoenvironment
- paleoenvironment
- paleoenvironments MIS 3
- paleogenetics
- Paleolithic
- Paleolithic art
- Paleolithic site
- paleontology
- paleothermometry
- palethnology
- Panthera (Leo) spelaea
- Panthera gombaszoegensis
- Panthera spelaea
- Papua New Guinea
- parallels
- parietal art
- particle size distribution
- Pastou cliff
- Pataud
- patella
- Pavlovian
- pebble
- Pech-de-l’Azé I
- Pech-de-l’Azé II
- pedrizas
- pelvis
- Pendant
- percussion
- perforated baton
- Périgord
- Perigord
- Perigordian
- perinate
- permanent molar
- personal adornment
- personal objects
- Personal ornaments
- personal ornaments
- perturbation assessment
- petro-archaeology
- Petroarchaeology
- petroarchaeology
- petroarcheology
- Petrography
- petrography
- Petrography Sedimentology and Micropaleontology
- Petrosal part of the temporal bone
- petrous bone
- Petrous bone
- Peyrony (Denis)
- Phalanx
- Phocid
- phylogenetic
- pièces de la Bertonne
- pièces d’Orville
- pleasure of acting
- Pleistocene
- point of the Blanchères
- Poitou
- Poland
- polisher with grooves
- polychrome paints
- polymorphism
- Pont d’Ambon
- pontinian
- Portable Art
- portable art
- Portable art
- portable X-ray fluorescence
- Portugal
- post-cranial
- post-hole
- Postglacial
- potentialities
- Pradayrol
- Prądnik
- Preboreal
- preforms and large nuclei
- prehistoric art
- prehistoric rock art
- prehistoric technology
- Prehistoric war
- Prehistory
- prehistory
- pressure flakers
- prestige
- prestige goods
- prestige items
- preventive archaeology.
- primitive war
- production lamellaire
- projectile
- projectile point
- projectile tips
- projectile weapon element
- projectile weapon elements
- Prondnik
- proportions
- Proto-Aurignacian
- Protoaurignacian
- protohistory
- Protohistory
- Protomagdalenian
- Provence
- proxy
- pseudo-tools
- Pumice
- Pyrenees
- Pyrénées
- Pyrénées occidentales
- Pyrénées-Atlantiques
- Pyrenees-Garonne region
- radiocarbon
- radiocarbon date
- radiocarbon dates
- Radiocarbon dates
- Radiocarbon dating
- radiocarbon dating
- Ramandils cave
- rañas
- raw material
- raw material deposits
- raw material economy
- raw material exploitation
- raw material transportation
- Raw materials
- Raysse burin
- Rayssian
- re-assessment of old excavations
- real-time PCR
- Recent Aurignacian
- Recent Aurignacien
- Recent Solutrean
- recording methods
- recycling
- red deer
- Red deer
- red deer canines
- red ochre
- reduction strategy.
- reference collection/assemblage
- refittings
- Regourdou
- Reindeer
- reindeer
- relational and material wealth
- relationship Man/Sea
- research methods
- Réseau Salomé
- retouchers
- retouchers on horse teeth
- retouching techniques
- Reverdit
- rhinocerotids
- rhyolite
- rib
- Rib
- Riencourt-lès-Bapaume
- river terraces
- Roc de Marsal
- Roc du Barbeau
- Roc-aux-Sorciers
- Rochefort Cave
- Rock art
- Rock Art
- rock art
- rock shelter
- Rock shelter Castanet
- rock-shelter
- Rodentia
- rodents
- Rodents
- roe deer
- Romans
- Rouffignac Cave
- Rouffignac cave
- runoff
- Rupicapra rupicapra
- Ruwar
- Saiga antelope
- Saiga tatarica
- Saint-Front
- Saint-Germain-la-Rivière
- Sainte-Colome
- Santa Maria di Agnano Cave
- Saône
- Saulges
- Saxony
- Saxony-Anhalt
- scalene bladelets
- scavenging
- schematic female figures
- schematic feminine figure (FFS)
- sea mammal
- seal
- seashore
- Season
- seasonality
- secondary burial
- sedentariness
- sedentism
- sedimentary sequence
- sedimentological analysis
- Sedimentology
- semi-sedentary occupation
- Senonian
- sequence of exploitation of animals
- seriation
- settlement
- settlement analysis
- Sex diagnosis
- shape
- shaping out
- sheep
- shell
- shell beads
- shell tools
- shells
- short-term settlements
- shouldered point horizon
- silicite
- simulation
- Site formation processes
- site formation processes
- site function
- skeletal profile
- Skeletochronology
- skeleton
- skin
- skull
- slaughter season
- slotting/splitting technique
- small game
- small vertebrates
- small-scale societies
- Snowy Owl
- social complexity
- social evolution
- social hierarchy
- social inequalities
- social ranking
- socioeconomic inequalities
- soft hammer
- solifluction
- Solutré
- Solutrean
- Solutrean chronology
- Sorcerer’s cave
- South Dakota
- South Italy
- South-East France
- south-east of France
- South-east of the Iberian Peninsula
- South-West
- South-West Europe
- South-West France
- south-western France
- South-Western France
- South-western France
- Southern Burgundy
- Southern Levant
- Southwest France
- Southwest Germany
- Southwestern France
- southwestern France
- Soyons
- spatial analysis
- spatial organization
- spearthrower
- specialization
- specialized debitage areas
- spits
- splintered pieces
- split facture
- split fracture
- splitting and wedging technique
- spur
- Spy Cave
- statigraphy
- stone industries
- storage
- stratigraphic context
- stratigraphic sequence
- stratigraphy
- strike-a-lights
- structured settlement
- style analysis
- subsistence
- Subsistence
- Subsistence Strategies
- subsistence strategies
- Suidae
- SW France
- symbol
- Symbolic
- symbolic
- symbolic behavior
- symbolic gear
- symbolism
- symmetry principle
- systematic
- Systematics
- tanged tools
- taphonomy
- Taphonomy
- Tardiglacial
- Tastet cave
- taxinomy
- Taxinomy
- Taxonomy
- taxonomy
- Taza 1
- technical gestures
- technical system
- technical traditions
- technique
- technique for age-scoring
- techno-economic approach
- techno-economy
- techno-functional unit
- techno-morpho-functional analysis
- techno-typological analysis
- techno-typology
- techno-typology and techno-economy
- technological analysis
- technological study
- technology
- Technotypology
- Tercis
- terminal Palaeolithic
- territoriality
- territory
- test-pits
- Teyjat
- The Gravettian
- The Pyrenees
- thermal alteration
- thermoluminescence
- Thuringia
- Tibia
- TL
- TL date
- TL datings
- tool
- toolkit
- tools
- tooth
- tooth endostructure
- tooth eruption
- tooth marks
- topography
- Touraine
- traceology
- tracings
- trades
- tranchet blow
- transegalitarian societies
- transition
- transport
- trophic levels
- Trou Al’Wesse
- truncated-facetted pieces
- Tunisia
- Typical Mousterian
- typology
- U-Th
- Ungulate
- Ungulates
- ungulates
- unifacial and bifacial
- United States
- univariate analysis
- Upper Cretaceous
- Upper Maastrichtian
- upper Magdalenian
- Upper Magdalenian
- Upper palaeolithic
- Upper Palaeolithic
- upper Palaeolithic
- upper palaeolithic
- upper Paleolithic
- Upper Paleolithic
- Upper Pleistocene
- Upper Pleniglacial
- Upper Villafranchian
- Uppermost Maastrichtian
- Urform
- Ursus arctos
- Ursus spelaeus
- use wear
- use-wear
- use-wear analysis
- usewear analysis