Instructions to authors
Top of pagePALEO will only accept original articles in French or English.
The published articles are the sole responsibility of the author(s).
Manuscripts will be submitted to at least two peer reviewers, one of them being a member of the PALEO editorial board or review panel, according to their recognized skills in their speciality. The publication manager will pass on to the author(s) a copy of the report and the comments made by review panel and, if necessary, by the editorial board. If revisions are required, the authors(s) will be given deadline for submitting the final version of the text. The given deadline must be respected so as to avoid postponing the publication of the article to the next issue of the journal.
Before final printing, the author (or the first author of the article) will receive, for checking, a proof from the printer that must be returned to the PALEO secretary’s office.
No transformation of the text is to be applied on the proof.
Corrections will only concern spelling, misprints and layout errors.
Manuscripts and correspondence should be sent to:
Musée national de Préhistoire
1, rue du Musée
24620 Les Eyzies, France
Telephone: 33 (0)5 53 06 45 48
To be published in the current year, submitted articles must reach PALEO secretary’s office before June 30th.
The editorial board of the journal may decide, in agreement with the author, to postpone the publication of an article to the following year if the table of content of the current issue is full at the time of manuscript submission.
The text
After the title, the text should include, in the following order:
The first and last names of the authors, followed by their administrative attachment and their email address, written in lower case letters.
A long abstract of maximum 7, 000 characters (including spaces) in English or French as appropriate will be requested from the authors.
Key-words in French and English (8 to 10 maximum)
The body of the text
Acknowledgements (if applicable)
and lastly the illustrations captions (figures, plates, tables) in French and English. The entire manuscript should not exceed 100,000 characters, including spaces and illustrations (a full-page figure or plate being equivalent to 5,500 characters).
Printed text
The double-spaced text should include a 2.5 to 3 cm wide margin on all four edges. The text, written in Helvetica or Arial, will be paginated.
Microsoft Word word-processing software must be used for typing the text. Manual hyphenation, indented lines or tabulations are prohibited. A blank line will be left to differentiate paragraphs. For punctuation, the standards are the following: a space after (.), (,), (;), (:), (?) and (!). Mathematical characters should be preceded and followed by a space.
Generally, the used standards are those of the French National Print (see Lexique des règles typographiques en usage à l’imprimerie Nationale -ISBN : 2–11–081075–0).
Page numbering
Page numbering will include the title page. It should be continuous without bis, ter, etc.
Each reference should be formulated in a suitable presentation of the Z44-005, December 1984, ISO 690 standard and drawn from the title page of the document and not its cover. Abbreviations may be used, if listed at the beginning of the bibliography. If a DOI (digital object identifier), an identification code assigned to digital resources, has been assigned to a bibliographic reference cited by the author, the author must mention it at the end of this reference.
For a book
DAUVOIS M. 1976 – Précis de dessin dynamique et structural des industries lithiques préhistoriques. Périgueux : Fanlac, 236p. ill. -
For a journal article
BORDES F. 1968 – Emplacements de tentes du Périgordien supérieur évolué à Corbiac (près Bergerac) Dordogne. Quartar, 19, p. 251-262, fig. tabl. pl. -
For a thesis
GENESTE J.-M. 1985 – Analyse lithique d’industries moustériennes du Périgord : une approche technologique du comportement des groupes humains au Paléolithique moyen. Bordeaux : Université de Bordeaux I, 1985. 2t., X +572 p. ill. Thèse N.D. : Sc. : Bordeaux I ; 2. -
For a conference article
MOSS E.H. 1983 – The functions of burins and tanged points from Tell Abu Hureyra (Syria). In : M.-C. Cauvin (Ed.), Traces d’utilisation sur les outils néolthiques du Proche-Orient. Table Ronde CNRS à Lyon (8-12 juin 1982). Lyon, Maison de l’Orient méditerranéen, p. 143-161, (Travaux de la Maison de l’Orient, n° 5).
References cited in the text
In the text, the mention of the bibliographic references will follow the method of the first element and the date in brackets (Moss 1983). Where appropriate, relevant pages can be specified: (Geneste 1985 – p. 170-177). If there are several references in the same year for an author, add a, b, c, etc., after the date, both in the mention and in the bibliography: (Bordes 1968a). When at least three authors have signed the text, use the name of the first author followed by et al.: (Peyrony et al. 1949). If several different references are mentioned, use a semicolon to separate them: (Breuil, 1951, 1954; Peyrony 1949).
Footnotes must remain exceptional and as short as possible. They must be treated as such in the word file and must not be inserted into the text.
All illustrations, including photographs, must be included into the first sending of the article.
The required publication size should be indicated: half page width (80 mm), full page width (130 mm), and justification width (170 mm). Requirement for vertical insertions (270 mm) must be clearly specified (but should remain exceptional). The texts on the illustrations will be in Helvetica or Arial.
Photographs and illustrations
They should be submitted as separate digital files as JPG, Tiff, AI or PDF formats.
When creating your document, please select the CMJN (8bits) color mode. Any RVB file will have to be converted and may suffer color quality loss, especially for bright colors. Do not use direct tones, they might not print.
All files will be in a 300 dpi minimum resolution in the final publication sizes.
For photographs: JPG or Tiff, CMJN files, 300 dpi in the inserting sizes
For graphs: AI format files, texts 100% in black, thickness of threads 0.3 points minimum
› Or conversion into PDF files, “press” quality, without compression and without color conversion. Be careful to integrate all fonts. Keep the illustrator functions in case of a possible intervention by the graphic designer.
Also, be careful of the good resolution and good color of a photograph when inserting it into a graph.
For the tables: the journal does not do the layout of the tables. They will have to be provided as “press” quality Pdf files, grayscale, with the integration of all the fonts. Make sure to choose Arial or Helvetica fonts, to use a homogeneous and aesthetical character size in all the document. All threads and contours will be at least 0.5 points thick in the inserting format.
› 300 dpi maximal quality CMJN colors or grayscales in publication size.
› Vectorized file EPS/AI texts. All threads and contours will have a minimal thickness of 0.5 points at publication size. Color intensity greater than 20%.
For any precision about these “digital” documents, get in touch with the layout artist.
Authors must indicate the precise location where they want the illustrations, drawings, photographs and table into the text.
Captions and citing figures
The captions of all the figures and tables will be grouped at the end of the text after the references (see above). They will be translated into English of French as appropriate. The author(s) should give particular attention to the quality of the captions. Indeed, illustrations and captions are often the first contact of the reader with a paper.
In the text, illustrations citations will be in Arabic numerals and formulated as follow: (fig. 1), (tabl. 2), (pl.3 - fig. 4), etc. Photographs will be called figures.
As often as possible, a life-size representation will be sought. When reducing is necessary, the author(s) should take care to provide a constant reducing scale for similar categories of remains. For each map or plan, the author will give a graphic scale and the direction of the north. For objects drawn or photographed, a scale, if possible constant, will go with each object or group of objects.
Publication of symposium proceedings and other scientific meetings
The same rules apply to the publication of symposium proceedings and other scientific meetings.
Online journal
PALEO’s issues 1 to 23 of are available online on the Persée website : or that of :
Future issues will be automatically posted online on the (see above) site. In addition, as stated above, the accepted papers will be translated into English and distributed via the same site. Authors who do not wish their paper to be posted online must always let us know when sending their manuscript.