About the journal
Haut de pageFocus and Scope
Oltreoceano is the Journal of CILM (Centro Internazionale Letterature Migranti, University of Udine, Italy). It publishes essays in French, English, Italian, and Spanish on literary, linguistic, and cultural production of migrants in the Americas.
Selection and Peer Review Processes
Collaboration is subject to the invitation of the editorial board.
All submitted articles go through incontestable double-blind peer review. The editorial board first evaluates whether the submitted article fits the fields of knowledge and scientific standard required by the journal. Specific anti-plagiarism software like CrossCheck and SafeAssign are also used.
The manuscripts are anonymously sent to two knowledgeable peer reviewers who will provide their report within 3 weeks. In case of disagreement between the two reviewers, the manuscript is sent to a third reviewer. According to the reviewers’ reports, the manuscript is either refused, accepted or accepted with revisions.
The reviewers provide their report anonymously following a Protocol which includes: the term within which to send the report; a final evaluation (accept without revision; accept with minor revisions; invite to resubmit; refuse); an evaluation regarding: pertinence of the manuscript to the scientific field, originality and pertinence of the research results, coherence of the critical language used, methodological rigor and argumentation, consistent and updated bibliography, formal correctness and clarity, and brief comments.
The final date of acceptance is communicated by the Journal Committee.
Open Access Norms
This Journal provides open access to all its contents, so as to grant the public free access to research and thereby enhance global exchange of knowledge.
License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0: Creative Commons, Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike 4.0 International (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/).
Data Preservation
The data are stored on PKP-PN (https://pkp.sfu.ca/pkp-pn/) and on the OAI-PMH Protocol (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting).
Rights Policy
The authors undertake to comply with the following conditions, which are considered accepted at the time of submission for the printing of their contributions.
The sending of a text implies that it is unpublished and not submitted to be published elsewhere.
If accepted, the author shall confer on the publisher the right to publish and distribute it both in paper form and in the online electronic edition. The published articles will be downloadable and made available in open access. -
Provided that it correctly indicates that the first publication took place in the journal Oltreoceano. Rivista sulle migrazioni the author has the right to: a) reproduce the article in separate extracts or collected in a volume; b) publish the article on their personal website or teaching site provided that these sites are of non-commercial nature; c) deposit the article in online archives of non-commercial nature, linked to the institution they belong to or as part of projects for non-commercial dissemination and open access of scientific works.
The use of contributions by third parties, for commercial or otherwise unauthorized purposes, is not allowed. The publisher declines all responsibility for unauthorized use of the material published in the journal.
Publishing Ethics
Oltreoceano adopts Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement (based on Elsevier recommendations and COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors).
History of the Journal
Oltreoceano is a multilingual yearly journal which was first published in 2006 as the official journal of the International Centre for Migrant Literatures, the first research centre of its kind in Italy.
The journal’s main focus are the Americas (North, Central and South), as well as other overseas territories which host Italian migrant communities that communicate in Italian (and its dialects), French, English, Spanish and Portuguese.
The main topics are inspired by Rosi Braidotti’s concept of “nomadic consciousness” and include: emigration and immigration, exaltation of physical space, travel, identity and nationhood, politics and institutions, marginality and assimilation, intercultural subjectivity, emotional language, self-referential discursive practices (soliloquy, letter writing, colloquialisms etc.), female traditions, post-colonial studies, and subaltern studies. By contributing ongoing original interpretations, these interdisciplinary studies offer new thematic and morphological elements which can create a more systematic picture of migrant literatures as well as enhance the still incomplete methodological and theoretical framework.
Over the years, the journal has contributed to exegetical advancement and became a reference point for studies in this field. Through multifaceted literary expressions, it explores well-defined cultural models which are however differentiated according to the specific geographical areas. This hybridism is reflected in the multiple souls of the American continent which is the result of racial and ideological interbreeding and which mirrors – through its combinations and mutations – all the elements of a culture that is osmotically exchanging different languages and cultural codes. Based on dialogic growth, this culture is nourished by the ongoing appropriation and transformation of external messages.
With its multiple declinations – travel, initiation, exile, politics – the topic of migration has become a fertile breeding ground for international cooperation. The journal has been able to enhance a network of dynamic and interesting research relations. By penetrating the fragmented realm of works and theories, the studies have been able to get evermore closer to the meaning (both intrinsic and related) which lies at the heart of the ambiguous and undefined genre of migrant literature.
Indexing and Referencing
Indexes and databases in which Oltreoceano is present: ACNP (Catalogo Italiano dei Periodici), BASE, Biblioteca virtual Miguel de Cervantes, CIRC (Clasificación Integrada de Revistas Científicas), DIALNET, ERIH PLUS, GOOGLE SCHOLAR, MLA (Modern Language Association), PLEIADI (Portale per la Letteratura scientifica Elettronica Italiana su Archivi aperti e Depositi Istituzionali), OPEN EDITION, Portal del Hispanismo, REBIUN, REDIAL- Red Europea de Información de América Latina, REBIUN, ROAD (Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources), SUDOC, SWISSCOVERY [UZH Hauptbibliothek / Zentralbibliothek Zürich + Portail suisse des périodiques (PSP)], Torrossa Editoria Italiana Online (EIO) of the Casalini Digital Division, WORLDCAT, ZDB / EZB (Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek), WorldCat.