Information for authors
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Articles should be submitted on the online submission platform Manuscrits : (see appended tutorial below).
In the process of submitting, you will be asked to provide several pieces of information including an abstract and a list of bibliographic references.
If the submission is co-authored, it is supposed that the author is submitting with the agreement of all his/her co-authors and that he/she his acting on their behalf.
It is a condition for the whole process of expertise that authors sign a publishing agreement when they submit the article, enabling the publisher Association Œconomia to ensure full copyright protection.
Use MSWord or LaTeX
Œconomia accepts submissions prepared with MSWord or LaTeX.
LaTeX uses are asked to provide their manuscript in pdf format (if accepted, they will also provide the .tex file and other relevant files such .bib, and images) using a plain article class. For referencing, we highly recommend the use of BibTeX with the Natbib package.
In this case, one can use the OEconomia_EN_2.bst style file which has been designed to respect the rules exemplified bellow. To ensure proper output of your references, please stick to the three following BibTeX entry types: articles, books, and inproceedings (for everything else, using the 'note' field if required.)
The French parts of the texts (abstract and keywords) should be coded in French with proper French quotation marks (\og \fg).
Articles containing only few equations and mathematical symbols will be submitted preferably in MSWord format, to allow their publishing in open access format HTML. Equations can be prepared with MSWord equation editor and mathematical symbols using Unicode encoding (with mathematical variables in italic, such as a, i, x, …),.
Ensure blind reviewing
To ensure anonymity of authorship, authors must blind their manuscript by performing the following simple alterations:
Authors' names and affiliations must not appear on the title page or elsewhere in the paper.
Funding source(s) must not be acknowledged on the title page or elsewhere in the paper.
All personal acknowledgments should be omitted. Research group members or other colleagues or collaborators must not be acknowledged anywhere in the paper. There should also be no acknowledgment section in the paper.
Despite the anonymity requirements, authors should still include relevant prior published work of their own in the references (omitting them could potentially reveal your identity by negation).
Layout of papers
Submissions (except LaTeX pdf) should be double-spaced (or with wide margins) and written in academic English. The layout of papers should conform to the style evidenced in the journal. Section and subsections are numbered according to the international standards (1., 1.1., 1.2, 1.3, etc). Authors are requested to avoid using any other style to make the production process easier.
Tables, figures, photos, appendixes and copyright
Tables, figures and photos, including appendixes, can be submitted as a separate file. We highly recommend that you provide only high resolutions images of at least 1500 pixels wide (in 300 dpi) in one of the following formats: .png, .jpg. They must have a title and a caption indicating the source and copyright information if necessary. Each author has to make sure that he has obtained the right to reproduce documents with a copyright.
Layout of bibliographic references
In the text, the usual presentation conforms the following example:
Ezekiel (1927) made one of the first statistical investigations into complementarity. Yet, in 1933, he could still regret that “no one appears as yet to have attempted to formulate clearly the exact way in which they enter into the demand situation.” (Ezekiel, 1933, 173)
Journal article in print or online
American Economic Association. 1960. Program of the Seventy-Second Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association. American Economic Review, 50(2): ix-xi.
Ball, Laurence. 1999. Aggregate Demand and Long-Run Unemployment. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 30(2): 189-236.
Hoover, Kevin D. 2013. The Role of Hypothesis Testing in the Molding of Econometric Models. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 6(2): 43-65.
Burns, Arthur F. and Paul A. Samuelson. 1967. Full Employment, Guide-posts and Economic Stability. Number 3 in Rational Debate Seminars Sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute. Washington: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research.
Committee on the Working of the Monetary System. 1959. Report: Presented to Parliament by the Chancellor of the Exchequer by Command of Her Majesty, August 1959. London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.
Tugan-Baranovskij, Mikhail Ivanovich. 1894. Promyshlennye krizisy v sovremennoj Anglii, ikh prichiny i blizhajshie vlijanija na narodnuju zhizn’ [Industrial crises in contemporary England, their causes and immediate influence upon the people]. Saint-Petersburg: Skorokhodov.
Chapter in a collective book
Blanchard, Olivier J. and Lawrence H. Summers. 1986. Hysteresis and the European Unemployment Problem. In Stanley Fischer (ed.), NBER Macroeconomics Annual. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, volume 1, 15-78.
Friedman, Milton. [1975] 2003. Unemployment versus Inflation? An Evaluation of the Phillips Curve. In Milton Friedman and Charles A. E. Goodhart (eds), Money, Inflation and the Constitutional Position of the Central Bank. London: Institute of Economic Affairs, 41-63. First published 1975 as Occasional Paper 44. London: Institute of Economic Affairs.
Ackley, Gardner. 1966. The Contribution of Guidelines. In George P. Shultz and Robert Z. Aliber (eds), Guidelines, Informal Controls, and the Market Place: Policy Choices in a Full Employment Economy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 67-78.
Walras, Léon. [1859] 2001. De la propriété intellectuelle. Position de la question économique. Journal des économistes, 24(12): 392-407. In Walras et Walras (1987-2005), vol. V : L’économie politique et la justice, 513-529.
Walras, Auguste and Léon Walras. 1987-2005. Œuvres économiques complètes. Paris: Economica.
PhD dissertation
Allisson, François. 2012. Value and Prices in Russian Economic Thought. PhD dissertation, Université de Lausanne.
Refereeing process
Our policy towards authors is to ensure a quick and anonymous peer-review process. The editors will do their best to give a decision to authors within a delay of three months. Œconomia – History/Methodology/Philosophy operates a strictly double-blind peer review process.
All manuscripts are reviewed initially by the associate editors, to make sure that they meet the editorial and scientific standards of the journal. Selected manuscripts are then under the responsibility of an editor, who is in charge of following the referee process and to give his/her own appraisal of the article. At this step, the editor is likely to ask the author to amend his/her submission and to resubmit. Each submission is reviewed by at least two referees and the editor is in charge of writing a synthetic comment on the reports and to make a decision for the associate editors. The reports and the editor synthesis and comment are notified to the author as well as the decision of the associate editors.
Production process after acceptation
Accepted papers are prepared for publication by the team of managing editors of Œconomia. During this process, authors may be asked to furnish additional information. They are also requested to correct proofs quickly without author’s remorse. Corrections should be kept to a minimum.
Authors will then receive an “author’s pdf version” that can be used freely for the author’s personal use, notably for institutional archiving. An HTML version is published in open access on the journal website. A pdf version is available for individual and institutional subscribers.
Copyright and licensing
Oeconomia is an Open Access journal, which means that articles (research articles, reviews, or other) are available to the public on its website without any embargo period. As a consequence, the authors retain copyright on their work. As publisher, we will ask you to sign an author contract which gives us the non-exclusive right to publish the Version of Record of your article (the final proofread version) and derivatives (various formats). This author contract incorporates the Creative Commons License CC BY-NC. Others can reuse the author published article on a non-commercial basis, provided they credit the author for the original creation.
Oeconomia encourages authors to make their published work available on a public or an institutional open archive repository. In the case of articles published online in HTML format, the publisher encourage the authors to publish a pdf of the published version without page numbering. In the exceptional case of an article published in pdf format, the publisher encourages the authors to deposit the pdf version on open access or institutional repositories. This archiving policy is in agreement with the French law for a numeric Republic, October 7th 2016 (loi pour une République numérique du 7 octobre 2016), article #30
OEconomia_EN_2.bst (application/zip – 6.9k)
OEconomia_FR_2.bst (application/zip – 7.0k)
Tutorial to get access to the submission platform (application/pdf – 403k)