Archival Sources
ASF = Archivio di Stato di Firenze
Arte del Cambio 59-65.
Arte della Lana 25, 542.
Catasto 59, 76, 296, 381, 450, 466.
Corp. Rel. Sop. = Corporazioni Religiose Soppressi dal Governo Francese 78. 314, 78. 321, 78. 326.
Diplomatico, Normali, Firenze, Santa Maria della Badia
MAP = Mediceo avanti il Principato 161.
Mercanzia 7714bis, 7115, 11310, 11312, 11313.
Miscellanea Repubblicana 10.
Signori Missive I. Cancelleria 21, 24.
Modern Literature
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Ascheri 2008 = M. Acheri, La Mercanzia di Bologna. Gli statuti del 1436 e le riformagioni quattrocentesche, Bologna, 2008.
Astorri 1998 = A. Astorri, La Mercanzia a Firenze nella prima metà del Trecento. Il potere dei grandi mercanti, Florence, 1998.
Blazovich – Schmidt 2001 = L. Blazovich – J. Schmidt, Buda város jogkönyve I-II, Szeged 2001.
Bonolis 1901= G. Bonolis, La giurisdizione della Mercanzia in Firenze nel sec. XIV, Florence, 1901.
Enriques Agnoletti 1940 = A. M. Enriques Agnoletti (ed.), Statuto dell'Arte della lana di Firenze (1317-1319), Florence, 1940.
Fusaro 2014 = M. Fusaro, Politics of justice/Politics of trade: foreign merchants and the administration of justice from the records of Venice’s Giudici del Forestier, in MEFRIM, 125-1, 2014, URL
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Hoshino 1980 = H. Hoshino, L’arte della Lana in Firenze nel basso medioevo, Florence, 1980.
Kuehn 2008 = T. Kuehn, Heirs, Kin, and Creditors in Renaissance Florence, Cambridge, 2008.
Legnani 2005 = A. Legnani, La giustizia dei mercanti. L’Universitas mercatorum, campsorum et artificum di Bologna e i suoi statuti del 1400, Bologna, 2005.
Masi 1941 = G. Masi, Statuti delle colonie fiorentine all’estero, Milan, 1941.
Mályusz 1951 = E. Mályusz, Zsigmondkori oklevéltár I. (1387-1399), Budapest, 1951.
Mályusz 1956 = E. Mályusz, Zsigmondkori oklevéltár II. (1400-1410), I, Budapest, 1956.
Michelon 2010 = M. Michelon (ed.), Capitolare dei Consoli dei Mercanti (seconda metà del secolo XIV), Rome, 2010.
Mollay 1959 = K. Mollay (ed.), Das Ofner Stadtrecht. Eine deutschsprachige Rechtssammlung des 15.Jahrhunderts aus Ungarn, Budapest, 1959.
Mueller 1992 = R. C. Mueller, Mercanti e imprenditori fiorentini a Venezia nel tardo medioevo, in Società e Storia, 55, 1992, p. 29 – 60.
Pach 1975 = Zs. P. Pach, A Levante-kereskedelem erdélyi útvonala I.Lajos és Zsigmond korában, in Századok 1975, p. 3-32.
Pach 1999 = Zs. P. Pach, A harmincadvám az Anjou-korban és a 14–15. század fordulóján, in Történelmi Szemle 1999, p. 231-278.
Petti Balbi 1991 = G. Petti Balbi, Una città e il suo mare. Genova nel Medioevo, Bologna, 1991.
Petti Balbi 2007 = G. Petti Balbi, Le nationes italiane all’estero, in F. Franceschi, R. Goldthwaite, R. Mueller (ed.), Il Rinascimento e l’Europa, IV, Commercio e cultura mercantile, Vicenza 2007, p. 397- 454.
Pignatti 1981 = T. Pignatti (ed.), Le scuole di Venezia, Venice, 1981.
Prajda 2010 = K. Prajda, The Florentine Scolari Family at the Court of Sigismund of Luxemburg in Buda, in Journal of Early Modern History, 14, 2010, p. 513-533.
Prajda 2012 = K. Prajda, Unions of Interest: Florentine Marriage Ties and Business Networks in the Kingdom of Hungary during the Reign of Sigismund of Luxemburg, in J. Murray (ed.), Marriage in Premodern Europe. Italy and Beyond, Toronto, p. 147-166.
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Prajda 2015 = K. Prajda, Trade and Diplomacy in pre-Medici Florence. The Case of the Kingdom of Hungary (1349-1434), in A. Bárány, L. Pósán (ed.), Causa unionis, causa fidei, causa reformationis in capite et membri, Debrecen, 2015. (forthcoming)
Quertier 2013a = C. Quertier, La stigmatization des migrants à l’épreuve des faits. Le règlement de la faillite Aiutamicristo da Pisa davant la Mercanzia florentine (1390), in C. Quertier, R. Chilà, N. Pluchot (ed.), Arriver en ville. Les migrants en milieu urbain au Moyen Âge, Paris 2013, p. 243-259.
Quertier 2013b = C. Quertier, « Meglio e l’uomo avere buona fama in questo mondo che avere un gran tesoro: quelques éléments sur les procès pour faillite devant le tribunal de la Mercanzia florentine (1389-1395)», Hypothèses 2012, travaux de l’école doctorale d’histoire, vol. 16, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne, 2013, p. 93-103.
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Teke 1995 = Zs. Teke, Firenzei üzletemberek Magyarországon 1373-1405, in Történelmi Szemle 37, 1995, p. 129-150.
Tognetti 2004 = S. Tognetti, « Fra li compagni palesi et li ladri occulti» Banchieri senesi del Quattrocento, in Nuova Rivista Storica 88, 2004, p. 27-101.
Teke 1998 = Zs. Teke, Egy délvidéki főúr Zsigmond korában. Frangepán Miklós (1393-1432), in Péter Tusor (ed.), Várkonyi Ágnes emlékkönyv születésének 70. évfordulójára, Budapest, 1998, p. 96-105.
Weisz = B. Weisz, A szerémi és pécsi kamarák története a kezdetektől a XIV. század második feléig, in Acta Historica, 130, 2009, p. 33-54.
Haut de page
Pignatti 1981.
Petti Balbi 1991, p.151-246. Petti Balbi 2007.
Goldthwaite 2009, p. 108.
Astorri 1998, p.165. For an overview of the history of Florentine consulates see: Quertier 2014.
In Valencia, Florentine, Genoese, Lucchese and Sienese merchants belonged to the joint consulate; in Aragon only Florentines, Genoese and Venetians did. Soldani 2010, p. 61-62.
Reinhold Mueller mentions the existence of a Florentine consulate in the late 14th century. Mueller 1992, p. 1.
For Florentine cases brought before the Giudizi di Petizion see: Prajda 2016a. For the administration of justice for foreign merchants in the Republic of Venice see: Fusaro 2014.
For the statutes of the Florentine consulates in a later period see: Masi 1941.
For the dense commercial relations of Florentine merchants in Buda during the late 14th and early 15th centuries see: Prajda 2013.
Domino Johanni Seracino olim consuli latinorum in Regno Ungarie. ASF Mercanzia 11310. I wish to thank Cédric Quertier for calling my attention to this important source. For bankruptcy of Florentine companies abroad see: Quertier 2013b.
“Il giudice de taliani di Buda” is mentioned as a creditor of the Florentine merchant Bernardo di Sandro Talani, who traded in Buda. ASF Catasto 450. 254v.
Quertier has noted that in Pisa the notary (notaio-sindaco) acted as judge for Florentines but in some cases, also the consul had a role in commercial litigations. Quertier 2014.
Pach 1975. A letter addressed by the Florentine Signoria to the Hungarian king, Louis I in 1375 requested trading rights for Florentine similar to that of Genoese in the Kingdom. ASF Signori Missive I. Cancelleria 17.52v
Quertier 2014, p. 68.
However, the family name Saracini was noted in contemporary Florence; four members of the family are known from the Florentine tax survey and two of them were mentioned in the company records of the Carnesecchi-Fronte company of Buda in the 1420s. For the tax returns of Francesco and Luigi d’Andrea Saracini see: ASF Catasto 64. 356r, 76. 386r. For the entry in the Carnesecchi-Fronte company’s file see: ASF Catasto 381. 89v. Furthermore, another family member, Simone di Francesco, worked in the Florentine mint, which, as we will see later, was among the business profiles of the Saracino family in Hungary. ASF Catasto 76. 386r. Furthermore, Sergio Tognetti mentions a banker family, called Saracini in mid-15th-century Siena. Tognetti 2004, p. 65-67.
He was also mentioned as « magistro Saracheno ». Weisz 2009, p. 39-40.
Weisz 2009, p. 42.
Weisz 2009, p. 40. Giovanni Saracino worked also with another administrator of Paduan origins. Mályusz 1951, doc. 4661.
Weisz 2009, p. 45. He was mentioned in 1387, together with Bernardi as « Iohannes Sarachenus » Mályusz 1951, p.1. doc. 8.
Weisz 2009, p. 46.
For Johannes’s settlement in Buda see: Mályusz 1956, doc. 2043. Already in 1389, he used the names of Mesztegnyői or Százdi. Mályusz 1951, doc. 87, doc. 4659. He also became proprietary of noble estates in Hungary. Mályusz 1951, doc. 4762. For his death see: Mályusz 1956, doc. 1727.
Pach 1999, p. 265-266. Weisz 2009, p. 46.
Teke 1995.
ASF Mercanzia 11310. 44r-v.
ASF Mercanzia 11310.75r.
For the German edition of the Law Book see: Mollay 1958. For the Buda Law Book about selling Italian wine in the city: Blazovich – Schmidt 2001, p.423. article 209. On commercial goods coming from Italy: Blazovich – Schmidt 2001, p. 525, article 405.
Foreign merchants were not allowed to engage in any commercial activity without the consent of the town court judges and the local merchant community, and once arriving in Buda, they were required to sell their goods there. Blazovich – Schmidt 2001, p. 348-355, articles 74-78. The city regulations also prevented domestic merchants from forming partnerships with foreign merchants. Blazovich – Schmidt 2001, p. 360.
Goldthwaite 2009, p.110.
For the statutes of the guild see: Enriques Agnoletti 1940. For the history of the guild see: Hoshino 1980.
ASF Arte della Lana 542. 13r.
ASF Arte della Lana 542. 28v. Since Maruccio, according to another source, had arrived in Hungary in early 1388 as a representative of another Florentine company, we might suspect that he was an independent agent, selling Florentine companies’ goods in Hungary and hired by Giovanni and da Carmignano for this particular business.
ASF Arte del Cambio 59-65.
For the history of the merchant court in Siena see: Ascheri 1989, 2008. For the merchant court in Bologna see: Legnani 2005. For the case of Venice see: Michelon 2010.
For the history of the Mercanzia in the 14th century see: Astorri 1998. During our period the number of councilors was six.
Goldthwaite 2009, p. 110-112.
Quertier 2013.
Other cases involving Florentine merchants in Hungary were also brought before the merchant court. For example, Matteo Scolari, Fronte di Piero di Fronte and Antonio di Santi established a company in 1406 in Buda. The liquidation of the firm was started on Fronte’s initiative, while the merchant court mediated between the parties. Fronte was also involved in another partnership with Pagolo di Berto Carnesecchi in Hungary. Since the debtors acknowledged the genuineness of the claims, the Mercanzia’s role was reduced to the mediation between the partners. ASF Mercanzia 11312. 5r-v.
ASF Mercanzia 11310.32v.
ASF Mercanzia 11310. 2r.
The priest was addressed as bishop in the letter. ASF Mercanzia 11310.75v, 43r-v, 45r.
ASF Mercanzia 11310. 75r.
For the letter addressed to « Judicibus juratis in Regno Hungarie » see: ASF Mercanzia 11310. 75v.
ASF Mercanzia 11310. 33r.
He was sent to Hungary, probably by the merchant court, in accordance with the two remaining partners for recuperating the company’s credits and for making the account books available for inspection. ASF Mercanzia 11310.35r.
ASF Mercanzia 11310.44r-v.
Agostino was a member of the Wool Guild: ASF Arte della Lana 25.2r. Maruccio was working as a textile agent in Zagreb. ASF Arte della Lana 542. 28v. For Giovanni Tosinghi’s business activity see: Prajda 2013.
In 1389, Giovanni was in charge of collecting the credits of the company run by Vieri de’Medici, Andrea Ughi and Guidone di messer Tommaso in Hungary. This happened after the previous agent, Maruccio di Paolo, Agostino Marucci’s brother, had died. ASF Signori Missive I. Cancelleria 21. 38v; 11v; 40v; 66r-v. Later, in 1394, Agostino acted as an agent of the Signoria in settling the claims of the company of Francesco Federighi, Niccolò da Uzzano and Giovanni di Tommaso. ASF Signori Missive I. Cancelleria 24. 109v; 121r; 154r.
Prajda 2015.
For the history of the Borghini, Cavalcanti and Scolari families in Hungary see Prajda 2012; Prajda 2010.
For the Count of Modrus’s participation in long distance trade between Segna (Senj, HR) and the Italian peninsula see: Teke 1998.
The document describing the case might be a short memo, prepared by/for Filippo Scolari: « Al nome sia di Dio amen. In su questo foglio faremo richordo apunto chome la chosa di Gianozzo Chavalchanti e Filippo Freschobaldi è passata di danari di Filippo Scholari che si voleano chonvertire a lloro essere. » ASF Corp. Rel. Sop. 78.321. 98r.
Matteo Scolari took textiles from Tommaso’s silk workshop and warehouse in the value of 730 florins. For the court case see: ASF Mercanzia 7114bis. 63r-v, 134v-136r.
See the contemporary extract of letters, collected for this particular case: « Copia di più lettera da Buda, le quali parlano sopra i danari 1000 s’ ànno avere dal Conte di Signa per parte di messer Filippo Spano. » ASF Corp. Rel. Sop. 78.326. 370r-v.
Lorenzo di Giovanni de’Medici married Gianozzo’s sister. See her testament in 1444: ASF MAP filza. 161. 1r.
The letter was written on June 28, 1427. ASF Corp. Rel. Sop. 78.326. 370v.
Two letters were sent, one on August 19 1427 and the other on January 16 1428. ASF Corp. Rel. Sop. 78.326. 370v.
See the decision of Sigismund, written by the royal chancellery. ASF Corp. Rel. Sop. 78. 326. 262r-v.
« …in su questo foglio faremo richordo apunto chome la chosa di Gianozzo Chavalchanti e Filippo Freschobaldi è passata de danari di Filippo Scholari che si voleano chonvertire a lloro essere. » ASF Corp. Rel. Sop. 78. 321. 98r.
« Item uno effetto publico scritto per mano di publico notaio per la quale apparisse come il serenissimo principe et signore Sigismondo imperatore de romani scrisse lettera al arcivescovo di Collocia che in quanto Gianozzo Cavalcanti predecto non vole esser dare e pagare i certi assegnamenti che esso imperatore aveva facti per denari 2000 che il decto Gianozzo aveva ricevuti dal Conte di Segna in nome di messer Pippo Scolari e per suoi facti che esso ritenesse questo, il decto Gianozzo decta partita. Et come il decto arcivescovo di Colloccia avendo auti resposta dal decto Gianozzo che la decta partita aveva distribuita e derogati come doveva lo fece pigliare e detenere e messe decto Gianozzo nelle carcere. » ASF Mercanzia 7115. 98r. Furthermore, see the copy of a letter written by Sigismund’s chancellery to Giovanni Buondelmonti in Gianozzo’s case: « …i decti danari precisamente tocchano alla nostra Maiestà… » ASF Corp. Rel. Sop. 78. 326. 262v. Furthermore see a document issued by a public notary in Florence: ASF Corp. Rel. Sop. 78. 314. 18- 19.
For the original: ASF Diplomatico, Normali, Firenze, Santa Maria della Badia 12/04/1428. For the copy of the document see: ASF Corp. Rel. Sop. 78.326.235r. Miscellanea Repubblicana 10. inserto 260. For this last copy, I wish to thank Péter E. Kovács.
They were all the Spano’s trusted men. The king also took the administration of salt mines from Filippo Scolari. Prajda 2010, p. 532.
« Io sia dinanzi alla reale Maestà a suplicare la liberatione di Giannozo di Giovanni Cavalcanti. » ASF Corp. Rel. Sop. 78.326. 337r.
For the letter written by Guicciardini to the Guild consuls on July 14 1428 see: ASF Corp. Rel. Sop. 78. 326. 337r-v.
ASF Corp. Rel. Sop. 78. 326. 242v.
« Gli infrascritti sono testimoni in decti per Filippo di Rinieri Scolari nel piato che esso à nella corte della Merchatantia in nomi che esso piato si contenghono con Gianozzo di Giovanni Chavalcanti… » ASF Corp. Rel. Sop. 78. 326. 247r-251r.
« Giovanni di Mazuolo del popolo di Sancto Michele Visdomini di Firenze testimone indecto e giurato come di sopra domandato e examinato sopra il decto fino capitolo che chomincia in parte per suo giuramento testificando disse che esso testimone udì dire da molti e molti in Varadino e altrove nelle parti d’Ungheria come lo Spano donò al decto Filippo di Rinieri Scolari e fratelli fiorini 2000 i quali è doveva avere dal Conte di Signa. Et che Gianozzo Chavalcanti gli aveva riscossi e mandati a Vinegia… » ASF Corp. Rel. Sop. 78. 326. 251r.
ASF Corp. Rel. Sop. 78.326. 370r-v.
« Nel piato mosso per Gianozzo Chavalchanti contro Filippo e Giambonino Scolari non pare Filippo in alchuna cosa essere tenuto a Gianozzo e i danari che si restano a pagare dovese dare al decto Giambonino… » ASF. Corp. Rel. Sop. 78.326. 242r-v. The documenti is without date and headline.
« Vero che per anchora del fatto di Gianozo non è concluso e che ala Merchadantia…me scrivi che l’Arte di Chalimala si doveva ragunare e farne conclusione che è cossa che molto mi piase pure sia presto… » ASF Corp. Rel. Sop. 78. 326. 354r
« Ancora pretende avere ragioni contra a Gianozzo Cavalcanti per uno scripto…Ancora pretende avere ragione contro altra compagnia di Medici ovvero a Gianozzo Cavalcanti di cierta quantità di denari di che ne differenza… » ASF Catasto 296. 160r.
The documents were written on March 5, 1428. Tommaso petition was submitted in his and his partners’ – Gianozzo di Giovanni Cavalcanti and Lorenzo di Giovanni de’Medici and company of Venice and Florence – names. ASF Mercanzia 7114bis 63v. 134v-135r.
For the original document which survived in the register of the merchant court see: ASF Mercanzia 7115. 235r-v. For the parchment version see: ASF Diplomatico, Normali, Firenze, Santa Maria della Badia, 12/04/1428.
For the lands that Tommaso Borghini received from the Scolari heirs, see the declaration submitted in 1427 in the name of Matteo Scolari’s inheritance. ASF Catasto 59. 871r.
« Denuntiamo sententiamo e dichiariamo non esser stato né esser giudice competente tra lle dette parti. Et la detta captura facta del decto Giambonino ad petitione del decto Tommaso a detti modi e nomi non esser si dovuti né potuti fare. » ASF Diplomatico, Normali, Firenze, Santa Maria della Badia, 12/04/1428.
Kuehn 2008, p. 59.
For the imprisonment of Florentines in Hungary see Prajda 2010, p. 532.
For example, the Melanesi family declared bankruptcy in Florence/Prato, their properties were taken, and Filippo di Filippo Melanesi was imprisoned, while his business partner and nephew, Tommaso Melanesi, managed to continue his life in Hungary. Prajda 2012, p. 160.
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