ABŪ AL-MAKARAM Tāriḫ ālkanā’s wa ālādiraʼ. Edited by Bishop Samuel. Cairo: 1984.
ANWAR, Mary Magdy “Des pièces représentant les insignes et les vêtements liturgiques coptes conservés dans les musées archéologiques d’Egypte”. Journal of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels 12 (2015), pp. 13-35
ATHANASIUS EL MAKARY Mʽğm ālmṣṭlḥāt ālknsiaʼ. 3 vols. Cairo: Nubar Publishing company, 2002-2011.
AWAD ALLAH, Mancarius Mnārt ālāqdās fi šrḥtqws ālknisaʼālqbṭiaʼwaālqdās. Cairo: ālmṭbʽaāltğāriaʼālḥdiṯa, 1969.
Archibishop BASILIOS – “Baptism”. in The Coptic Encyclopedia. Edited by Aziz S. Atiya, Vol. II. New York: Macmillan publishing company, 1991, pp. 339-342.
Archibishop BASILIOS “Epiphany (liturgy of)”. in The Coptic Encyclopedia. Edited by Aziz S. Atiya, Vol. III. New York: Macmillan publishing company, 1991, pp. 967-968.
BEATRICE, P. F. “Foot washing”. in Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity. Edited by Angelo Di Berardino, Vol. II. Dowhers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic, 2014, pp. 49-51.
BURMESTER, Oswald Hugh Ewart A Guide to the Monasteries of the Wadi ‘N-Natrun. Le Caire: Société d’Archéologie Copte, 1954.
BURMESTER, Oswald Hugh Ewart A Guide to the Ancient Coptic Churches of Cairo. Le Caire: Société d’Archéologie Copte, 1955.
BURMESTER, Oswald Hugh EwartThe Egyptian or Coptic Church (A detailed description of her liturgical services and the rites and ceremonies observed in the administration of her sacraments). Le Caire: Société d’Archéologie Copte, 1967.
BUTLER, Alfred The Ancient Coptic Churches in Egypt. Translated by Ibrahim Salama Ibrahim, 2 vols. Cairo: ālhiaaʼālʽmallktāb, 2001.
CAPUANI, Massimo Christian Egypt: Coptic Art and Monuments Through Two Millenia. Cairo: AUC Press, 2002.
CHEVALIER, Jean; GHEERBRANT, Alain A Dictionary of Symbols. Translated by John Buchanan-Brown. Oxford (USA): Basil Blackwell, 1994.
COQUIN, Charalambia Les Edifices chrétiens du Vieux Caire. Vol. I (Bibliographie et topographique historiques). Tome XI. Le Caire: Institut Français d’Archéologie du Caire, 1974.
CROSS, F. L. The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. Oxford: Oxford UniversityPress, 1990.
DAOUAD, Nabih; FAKHRY, Adel Tāriḫ ālmsiḥiʼ waālrhbnaʼ waʼātārhmā fi āibāršitālğizaʼ. Cairo: Saint Marc Foundation of Coptic history, 2011.
DUVAL, N. “Church buildings: baptistery”. in Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity, edited by Angelo Di Berardino, Vol. II. Dowhers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic, 2014, pp. 524-537.
EL FARAS, Robert Mbānymnbḫwr (knāʼs waādirt mṣriaʼ). Cairo: ālhiaʼālʽmāllqṣwrālṯqāfaʼ, 2012.
EL HEWMY, Youssef ālāḥtfālbʽ idālġṭāsālmğid (Epiphania) fi ktbālmwrḫinālʽrb. Alexandria-Cairo: Biblioteca Alexandrina, 2016.
EL MAQRIZI Ktāb ālmwāʽz waālʽtbār fi ḏkr ālḫṭṭ waālaʼṯār. Edited by Ayman Fouad El Saïd. London: ālfrqān institute, 2002.
EL MESKIN, Matta ālrhbnaʼ ālqbṯiaʼ fi ʼaṯr ālqdis AbwMaqār. Wadi El Natrun, Egypt: Monastery of Saint Maqar, 1972.
EL MESKIN, Matta ālmʽmwdiaʼ (ālāṣwl ālāwly llmsiḥin). Wadi El Natrun, Egypt: Monastery of Saint Maqar, 2000.
EVELYN WHITE, H. G. The Monasteries of the Wadi N-Natrun, Part III (The Architecture and Archeology). New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1973.
GARIN, Alberto – Abu Sirga: la iglesia copta de San Sergio y San Baco del Viejo Cairo: las primeras huellas del cristianismo en Egipto. Madrid: Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional, Fundación Carolina, El Viso, 2004.
GODLEWSKI, W “Baptistery (Architectural elements of churches)”. in The Coptic Encyclopedia. Edited by Aziz S. Atiya, Vol I. New York: Macmillan publishing company, 1991, pp. 197-200.
GROSSMANN, Peter “Epiphany Tanks”. in The Coptic Encyclopedia. Edited by Aziz S. Atiya. Vol. III. New York: Macmillan publishing company, 1991, p. 968.
GROSSMANN, Peter “Abu Mina”. in The Coptic Encyclopedia. Edited by Aziz S. Atiya. Vol I. New York: Macmillan publishing company, 1991, pp. 24-29.
GROSSMANN, Peter “Khūrus”. in The Coptic Encyclopedia. Edited by Aziz S. Atiya, vol. I. New York: Macmillan publishing company, 1991, pp. 212-213.
GROSSMANN, Peter “A new church at Taposiris Magna- Abusir”. Bulletin de la Société d’Archéologie Copte 31 (1992), pp. 24-30.
GROSSMANN, Peter; HAFEZ, Mohamed “Results of the 1997 excavations in the North-West church of Pelusium (Farama- west)”. Bulletin de la Société d’Archéologie Copte 40 (2001), pp. 109-116.
GROSSMANN, Peter; KOSCIUK, Jacek – “Report on the excavations at Abu Mina in spring 2000”. Bulletin de la Société d’Archéologie Copte 40 (2001), pp. 97-108.
GUIRGUIS, Habib Āsrār ālknisaʼ ālsbʽa. Cairo: El Tawfik Coptic Publisher,1934.
GUIRGUIS, Benjamin Ttbʽtāriḫy lāğrāʼāt srālmʽmwdiaʼ ālmqds ldy ālāqbā ālārṯwḏk. Cairo: Institut of Coptic studies, n.d. Master unpublished.
HABIB, George Almʽmwdiaʼ fi ālknisaʼāwāḥdh ālğmʽaʼ ālrswliaʼ. 1st book. Cambridge: 2012.
HELMY, Bishoy Knisty ālārṯksiaʼ..mā āğmlk‼ Cairo: Nubar Publishing Company, 2013.
IBN ALMOQAFFAʽ Die Ordnung des Priestertums ein altes liturgisches Handbuch der koptischen Kirche (Tartīb al-Kahanūt). II Teil. Edited by Julius Assfalg. Le Caire: Publications du Centre d’Etudes Orientales de la Custodie Franciscaine de Terre Sainte, 1955.
IBN ELSEBAʽ Ktāb ālğwhraʼ ālnfisaʼ fi ʽlm ālknisaʼ. Edited by Victor Mansur El-Francicie. Le Caire: Institut Franciscaine chrétienne orientale, 1966.
IBN IAA’S Bdāʽ ālzhwr fi wqāʽ āldhwr. Cairo: Dārālktb, 2008.
IBN KABR Msbāḥ ālzlmʼ fi āidāḫ ālḫdmʼ. Edited by Samuel El Suriany. Cairo: Dayr al-Suryan 1992.
INNEMÉE, Karel Excavations at the site of Deir Al-Baramus 2002-2005. Leiden: Leiden University, 2005.
KHALIL, Morcos – Ālqdis ālʽzim ālšhid Filwbātir Mrqūriũs ālšhir baby Sifin. Cairo: AnbaRwiyas Publisher, 1995.
KILLEN, William – The Ancient Church: Its History. Doctrine, Worship and Constitution. Alexandria: The Library of Alexandria, 2005 (Original Publishing 1859).
MALATY, Tadros – Alknisaʼ bit Allah. Alexandria: church of Saint Georges Sporting, 1979.
MARTIN, Maurice Monastères et Sites Monastiques d’Egypte. Le Caire: Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, 2015.
MOHAMED, Hagagy “āllaqān fi ālknisaʼsālāṯriaʼ mn ālGizaʼḥty Aswān”. Journal of the faculty of Arts in Tanta (n.d): pp. 819-823.
MULDER, Nicole. F. “The early Christian Pilgrimage: The Case of Abu Mena”. Essays on Coptic Art and Culture 1 (1994), pp. 18-35.
PERKINS, Ward – “The Monastery of Taposiris Magna”. Bulletin de la Société Royale d’Archéologie d’Alexandrie 36 (1944), pp. 48-53.
QASD ALLAH, Nusrat Tāṯir āsālib wa ṭrqālānšaʼʽlyāltʽbirālmʽmāry llʽmārʼ. Cairo: Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering, 2006. Master unpublished.
Bishop SAMUEL Dlilāl knās wa ālādiraʼ ālqdimh fi mṣr. Vol. I. Cairo: 2002.
SIMAIKA, Marcus A Brief Guide to the Coptic Museum and the Ancient Coptic Churches and Monasteries. 2 vols. Cairo: El Amiriaʼ publishing, 1932.
STATY, Essam Mqdmaʼ ālfwlklwr ālqbṭy. Cairo: ālhiāālmṣriaʼālʽmaʼllktāb, 2010.
TROSTYANSKIY, Sergey “Baptism”. in The Encyclopedia of Easter Orthodox Christianity. Edited by John Anthony Mcguckin, Vol I. Singapore: Wiley Blackweell, 2011, pp. 65-67.
VIAUD, Gerard La liturgie des coptes d’Egypte. Paris: Librairie d’Amérique et d’Orient, 1978.
WACE, Alan John Bayard Hermopolis Magna, Ashmunein: the Ptolemaic sanctuary and the basilica. Alexandria: Alexandria University Press, 1959.
WALTERS, Colin Christopher Monastic Archeology in Egypt. Warminster: Aris et Phillips, 1974.
WASSEF, Céres W. Pratiques rituelles et alimentaires coptes. Le Caire: Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, 1971.
YOUSSEF, Hanan Tṭwrʽm ārtālṭrāz ālbāziliky fi mṣr fi ālʽṣrālrwmāny. Tanta: Tanta University, faculty of Arts, 2008. Master unpublished.
YOUSSEF, Samer Tāṯir ālātğāht ālʽqādiaʼʽlytṣ mim ālknisa. Cairo: Helwan University, faculty of Arts, 2004-2005. Master unpublished.
YOUSSEF, Youhanna “The Book Order of the Priesthood, by Severus Ibn Al-Muqaffaʼ Bishop of Al-Ashmunein”. Bulletin de la Société d’ Archéologie Copte 45 (2006), pp. 135-145.
Topo da página
GUIRGUIS, Benjamin Ttbʽtāriḫylāğrāʼātsrālmʽmwdiaʼālmqdsldyālāqbāālārṯwḏk. Cairo: Institut of Coptic studies, n.d. Master unpublished., p.95; GUIRGUIS, Habib – Āsrārālknisaʼālsbʽa. Cairo: El Tawfik Coptic Publisher, 1934, p. 44.
TROSTYANSKIY, Sergey “Baptism”. in The Encyclopedia of Easter Orthodox Christianity. Edited by John Anthony Mcguckin, vol. I. Singapore: Wiley Blackweell, 2011, pp. 65-67.
WASSEF, Céres. W. Pratiques rituelles et alimentaires coptes. Le Caire: Institut Français de l’Archéologie Orientale, 1971, p.156.
TROSTYANSKIY, Sergey “Baptism” …, p. 66.
WASSEF, Céres. W. Pratiques rituelles …, pp. 156-157.
VIAUD, Gerard La liturgie des coptes d’Egypte. Paris: Librairie d’Amérique et d’Orient, 1978, pp. 78-79.
El MESKIN, Matta ālmʽmwdiaʼ (ālāṣwlālāwlyllmsiḥin). Wadi El Natrun, Egypt: Monastery of Saint Maqar, 2000, p.322; KILLEN, William The Ancient Church: Its History. Doctrine, Worship and Constitution. Alexandria: The Library of Alexandria, 2005, p. 306.
BASILIOS “Baptism”. in The Coptic Encyclopedia. Edited by Aziz S. Atiya, Vol. II. New York: Macmillan publishing company, 1991, pp. 339-342; BUTLER, Alfred The Ancient Coptic Churches in Egypt. Translated by Ibrahim Salama Ibrahim, vol. II. Cairo: ālhiaaʼālʽmallktāb, 2001, p. 208.
IBN EL SEBAʽ Ktābālğwhraʼālnfisaʼ fi ʽlmālknisaʼ. Edited by Victor Mansur El-Francicie. Le Caire: Institut Franciscaine chrétienne orientale, 1966, p. 78.
WASSEF, Céres W. – Pratiques rituelles …, p. 157.
BUTLER, Alfred The Ancient Coptic Churches …, vol. II, pp. 208-213; CROSS, F.L. – The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990, p.126.
DUVAL, N. “Church buildings: baptistery.” in Encyclopedia of Ancient Christianity. Edited by Angelo Di Berardino, vol. II. Dowhers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic, 2014, pp.524-537.
HABIB, Georges – Almʽmwdiaʼ fi ālknisaʼāwāḥdhālğmʽaʼālrswliaʼ. 1st book. Cambridge: 2012, p.113.
IBN EL SEBAʽ – Ktābālğwhraʼālnfisaʼ…, p. 78.
BASILIOS “Baptism” …, p. 338.
ATHANASIUS EL MAKARY – Mʽğmālmṣṭlḥātālknsiaʼ. Vol. III. Cairo: Nubar Publishing company, 2002, p. 233.
BURMESTER, Oswald Hugh Ewart A Guide to the Ancient Coptic Churches of Cairo. Le Caire: Société d’Archéologie Copte, 1955, p. 14; MALATY, Tadros Alknisaʼ bit Allah. Alexandria: church of Saint Georges Sporting, 1979, p. 402; EL FARAS, Robert Mbāny mn bḫwr (knāʼswaādirt mṣriaʼ). Cairo: ālhiaʼālʽmāllqṣwrālṯqāfaʼ, 2012, p. 39.
GODLEWSKI, W. “Baptistery (Architectural elements of churches)”. in The Coptic Encyclopedia. Edited by Aziz S. Atiya, vol. I. New York: Macmillan publishing company, 1991, pp.197-200.
ATHANASIUS EL MAKARY Mʽğm ālmṣṭlḥāt ālknsiaʼ. Vol. I. Cairo: Nubar Publishing company, 2011, p. 342.
AWAD ALLAH, Mancarius Mnārt ālāqdās fi šrḥtqws ālknisaʼālqbṭiaʼwaālqdās. Cairo: ālmṭbʽaāltğāriaʼālḥdiṯa, 1969, p. 105; QASD ALLAH, Nusrat Tāṯir āsālib wa ṭrq ālānšaʼʽlyāltʽbirālmʽmāryllʽmārʼ. Cairo: Ain Shams University, Faculty of Engineering, 2006. Master unpublished, p. 12.
DUVAL, N. “Church buildings” …, p. 534.
ATHANASIUS EL MAKARY – Mʽğm ālmṣṭlḥāt …, p.343.
WALTERS, Colin Christopher Monastic Archeology in Egypt. Warminster: Aris et Philips, 1974, p.73; BUTLER, Alfred Ancient Coptic Churches…, p. 289.
GODLEWSKI, W “Baptistery (Archeological elements of churches)” …, p. 197.
CHEVALIER, Jean; GHEERBRANT, Alain A Dictionary of Symbols. Translated by John Buchanan-Brown. Oxford (USA): Basil Blackwell, 1994, p. 397.
GUIRGUIS, Benjamin Ttbʽtāriḫy…, p. 182.
El MESKIN, Matta ālmʽmwdiaʼ (ālāṣwlālāwlyllmsiḥin). Wadi El Natrun, Egypt: Monastery of Saint Maqar, 2000, p. 329.
YOUSSEF, Samer Tāṯir ālātğāht ālʽqādiaʼʽly tṣmim ālknisa. Cairo: Helwan University, faculty of Arts, 2004-2005. Master unpublished, p. 145; GUIRGUIS, BenjaminTtbʽtāriḫy, pp. 188-189.
YOUSSEF, Hanan Tṭwrʽmārtālṭrāz ālbāziliky fi mṣr fi ālʽṣr ālrwmāny. Tanta: Tanta University, faculty of Arts, 2008. Master unpublished, p. 322.
GUIRGUIS, Benjamin – Ttbʽtāriḫy…, p. 187; HELMY, Bishoy Knisty ālārṯksiaʼ..mā āğmlk‼ Cairo: Nubar Publishing Company, 2013, p. 62.
PERKINS, Ward “The Monastery of Taposiris Magna”. Bulletin de la Société Royale d’Archéologie d’Alexandrie 36 (1944), pp. 48-53; GROSSMANN, Peter “A new church at Taposiris Magna- Abusir”. Bulletin de la Société Royale d’Archéologie d’Alexandrie 31 (1992), pp. 24-30.
MALATY, Tadros Alknisaʼ bit Allah…, p. 407; EL FARAS, Robert Mbāny mn bḫwr…, p. 40.
GODLEWSKI, W. “Baptistery” …, p. 199.
GROSSMANN, Peter “Abu Mina.” in The Coptic Encyclopedia. Edited by Aziz S. Atiya, vol. I. New York: Macmillan publishing company, 1991, pp. 24-29.
Bishop SAMUEL Dlilāl knās wa ālādiraʼ ālqdimh fi mṣr. Vol. I. Cairo: 2002, p. 37.
SIMAIKA, Marcus A Brief Guide to the Coptic Musueum and the Ancient Coptic Churches and Monasteries. 2 vols. Cairo: El Amiriaʼpublishing, 1932, p. 211; COQUIN, Charalambia Les Edifices chrétiens du Vieux Caire. Vol. I. Le Caire: Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, 1974, p. 103.
CAPUANI, Massimo Christian Egypt: Coptic Art and Monuments Through Two Millenia. Cairo: AUC Press, 2002, p.108; GARIN, Alberto – Abu Sirga: la iglesia copta de San Sergio y San Baco del Viejo Cairo: las primeras huellas del cristianismo en Egipto. Madrid: Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional, Fundación Carolina, El Viso, 2004, p. 35.
GROSSMANN, Peter; HAFEZ, Mohamed “Results of the 1997 excavations in the North-West church of Pelusium (Farama- west).” Bulletin de la Société d’Archéologie Copte 40 (2001), pp. 109-116.
El MESKIN, Matta ālmʽmwdiaʼ…, pp. 323-324.
SIMAIKA, Marcus A Brief Guide to the Coptic Museum…, p. 190; BURMESTER, Oswald Hugh Ewart A Guide do The Ancient Coptic Churches …, p. 30; BUTLER, Alfred The Ancient Coptic Churches…, p. 195.
Visit on the field.
WALTERS, Colin Christpher Monastic Archeology …, pp. 73-74.
Visit on the field.
DUVAL, N. “Church buildings” …, p. 534.
MULDER, Nicole F. “The early Christian Pilgrimage: The Case of Abu Mena”. Essays on Coptic Art and Culture 1 (1994), pp. 18-35; GROSSMANN, Peter; KOSCIUK, Jack “Report on the excavations at Abu Mina in spring 2000”. Bulletin de la Société d’Archéologie Copte 40 (2001), pp. 97-108.
YOUSSEF, Samer Tāṯir ālātğāht…, p. 141.
Visit on the field.
KHALIL, Morcos Ālqdis ālʽzim ālšhid Filwbātir Mrqūriũs ālšhir bāby Sifin. Cairo: AnbaRwiyas Publisher, 1995, p. 109.
DAOUAD, Nabih; FAKHRY, Adel Tāriḫālmsiḥiʼwaālrhbnaʼwaʼātārhmā fi āibāršitālğizaʼ. Cairo: Saint Marc Foundation of Coptic history, 2011, p.361.
MARTIN, Maurice Monastères et Sites Monastiques d’Egypte. Le Caire: Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, 2015, p. 69.
Visit on the field.
VIAUD, Gerard La liturgie des coptes…, p.76.
Khurus (greek choros) presumably derived from a row of columns, unconnected to the ceiling, that was set up in front of the opening of the apse and whose purpose was purely aesthetic, to enrich the appearance of apsidal openings that in some churches appeared small. It can be as a row in the western wall (as a type of cancelli). GROSSMANN, Peter “Khūrus”. in The Coptic Encyclopedia. Edited by Aziz S. Atiya, vol. I. New York: Macmillan publishing company, 1991, pp. 212-213.
Archibishop BASILIOS “Epiphany (liturgy of)”. in The Coptic Encyclopedia. Edited by Aziz S. Atiya, vol. III. New York: Macmillan publishing company, 1991, pp. 967-968; MOHAMED, Hagagy “āllaqān fi ālknisaʼsālāṯriaʼmn ālGizaʼḥty Aswān”. Journal of the faculty of Arts in Tanta (n.d), pp. 819-823.
Epitrichalion of the priest named sadriah is a long band that covers the chest and a small part of which descends on the back, with an interlock in the middle for the head [ANWAR, Mary Magdy “Des pieces représentant les insignes et les vêtements liturgiques coptes conservés dans les musées archéologiques d’Egypte”. Journal of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels 12 (2015), pp. 13-35].
BURMESTER, Oswald Hugh Ewart The Egyptian or Coptic Church (A detailed description of her liturgical services and the rites and ceremonies observed in the administration of her sacraments). Le Caire: Société d’archéologiecopte, 1967, pp. 256-261.
YOUSSEF, Youhanna ”The Book Order of the Priesthood, by Severus Ibn Al-Muqaffaʼ Bishop of Al-Ashmunein”. Bulletin de la Société d’Archéologie Copte 45 (2006), pp. 135-145.
IBN AL MOQAFFAʽ Die Ordnung des Priestertums ein altes liturgisches Handbuch der koptischen Kirche (Tartīb al-Kahanūt). II Teil. Edited by Julius Assfalg. Le Caire: Publications du Centre d’Etudes Orientales de la Custodie Franciscaine de Terre Sainte, 1955, p.20.
ABŪ AL-MAKARAM Tāriḫ ālkanā’s wa ālādiraʼ. Edited by Bishop Samuel, vol.1. Cairo: 1984, p. 100.
IBN EL SEBAʽ Ktāb ālğwhraʼālnfisaʼ…, p.333.
BUTLER, Alfred The Ancient Coptic Churches …, pp. 35-36.
QASD ALLAH Tāṯir āsālib…, p. 14.
Visit on the field.
YOUSSEF, Hanan Tṭwrʽmārtālṭrāz …, p. 263.
BURMESTER, Oswald Hugh Ewart A Guide to the Ancient Coptic Churches …, p. 42.
Bishop SAMUEL Dlilāl knās …, p. 26.
WACE, Alain John Bayard Hermopolis Magna, Ashmunein: the Ptolomaic sanctuary and the basilica. Alexandria: Alexandria University Press, 1959, p. 38.
EVELYN WHITE, H. G. The Monasteries of the Wadi ‘N-Natrun, Part III (The Architecture and Archeology). New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1973, p. 146; BURMESTER, Oswald Hugh Ewart A Guide to the Monasteries of the Wadi ‘N-Natrun. Le Caire: Société d’archéologiecopte, 1954, p. 26.
DAOUAD, Nabih; FAKHRY, Adel Tāriḫ ālmsiḥiʼwa ālrhbnaʼ…, p. 361.
BURMESTER, Oswald Hugh Ewart A Guide to the Ancient Coptic Churches …, p. 26.
GROSSMANN, Peter “Epiphany Tanks”. in The Coptic Encyclopedia. Edited by Aziz S. Atiya, vol. III. New York: Macmillan publishing company, 1991, p. 968; STATY, Essam Mqdmaʼ ālfwlklwr ālqbṭy. Cairo: ālhiāālmṣriaʼālʽmaʼllktāb, 2010, p. 119.
EL MAQRIZI Ktāb ālmwāʽz waālʽtbār fi ḏkr ālḫṭṭ waālaʼṯār. Edited by Ayman Fouad El Saïd, vol. I. London: ālfrqān institute, 2002, pp. 256-266; IBN IAA’S Bdāʽ ālzhwr fi wqāʽ āldhwr. Vol. I. Cairo: Dārālktb, 2008, p. 190.
WASSEF, Céres. W. Pratiques rituelles …, p. 192.
IBN AL MOQAFFAʽ Die Ordnung des Priestertums …, p. 18.
ABŪ AL-MAKARAM Tāriḫālkanā’…, p. 98.
IBN EL SEBAʽ Ktābālğwhraʼālnfisaʼ…, p. 313.
IBN KABR Msbāḥālzlmʼ fi āidāḫālḫdmʼ. Edited by Samuel El Suriany. Cairo: Dayr al-Suryan, 1992, p. 227.
BURMESTER, Oswald Hugh Ewart The Egyptian or Coptic Church…, pp. 251-252.
GROSSMANN, Peter “Epiphany Tanks”, p. 968; BURMESTER, Oswald Hugh Ewart – A Guide to the Ancient Coptic Churches…, p. 19.
Bishop SAMUEL Dlilālknās …, p. 53.
EL HEWMY, Youssef ālāḥtfālbʽidālġṭāsālmğid (Epiphania) fi ktbālmwrḫinālʽrb. Alexandria-Cairo: Biblioteca Alexandrina, 2016, p. 18.
YOUSSEF, Samer Tāṯir ālātğāht ālʽqādiaʼʽ…, p. 150.
Visit on the field.
Visit on the field.
INNEMÉE, Karel Excavations at the site of Deir Al-Baramus 2002-2005. Leiden: Leiden University, 2005, p. 4.
Visit on the field - first publication.
EVELYN WHITE, H. G. The Monasteries of the Wadi ‘N-Natrun …, p. 117; El MESKIN, Matta – ālrhbnaʼ ālqbṯiaʼ …, pp. 675-676.
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