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The National Archives, C 76/65, C 76/70, C 76/71
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Calendar of the Close Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office. A.D. 1405-1409. Ed. A. E. Stamps. London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1931.
Calendar of the Close Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office. Henry IV, vol. 5: Index volume. Ed. A. E. Stamp, with an Index by J. J. O’Reilly. London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1938.
Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office. A.D. 1381-1385. Coord. H. C. Maxwell-Lyte. London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1920.
Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office. A.D. 1396-1399. Coord. H. C. Maxwell-Lyte. London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1909.
Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office. A.D. 1399-1401. Coord. H. C. Maxwell-Lyte. London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1903.
Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office. A.D. 1401-1405. Coord. H. C. Maxwell-Lyte. London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1905.
Calendar of the Patent Rolls Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office. A.D. 1413-1416. Coord. H. C. Maxwell-Lyte. London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1910.
Chancelarias Portuguesas. D. João I. Ed. João José Alves Dias, vol. 2, tomo 1 and vol. 3, tomo 2. Lisboa: Centro de Estudos Históricos, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2005-2006.
Chronicles of the Revolution, 1397-1400: The Reign of Richard II. Ed. Chris Given-Wilson. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 1993.
The Diplomatic Correspondence of Richard II. Ed. Édouard Perroy. London: Camden Society, 1933.
FARO, Jorge – Receitas e despesas da fazenda real de 1384 a 1481 (Subsídios documentais). Lisboa: Instituto Nacional de Estatística, 1965.
Fœdera, conventiones, literæ, et cujuscunque generis acta publica, inter reges Angliæ, et alios quosvis imperatoris, reges, pontifices, principes, vel communitates … Ed. Thomas Rymer. London: A. & J. Churchill, 20 vols, 1704-1735, vol. 7.
HINGESTON-RANDOLPH, F. C. – The Register of Edmund Stafford (A.D. 1395-1419): An Index and Abstract of its Contents. London: George Bell & Sons, 1886.
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John of Gaunt’s Register, 1379-1383. Ed. Robert Somerville and Eleanor C. Lodge, vol. 2. London: Offices of the Royal Historical Society, 1937.
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KING, H. P. F. – “Prebendaries: Centum Solidorum (de prepositis)”. in LE NEVE, John (ed.) – Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae, 1300-1541. Vol. 1, Lincoln Diocese. London: Institute of Historical Research, University of London, 1962, pp. 50-52.
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Original Letters Illustrative of English History; including Numerous Royal Letters […]. Ed. Henry Ellis. London: Richard Bentley, vol. 1, 1846.
SANTA MARIA, Fr. Agostinho de – Santuario Mariano, e Historia das Imagẽs milagrosas de Nossa Senhora, e das milagrosamente apparecidas, em graça dos Prègadores, & dos devotos da mesma Senhora, vol. 2. Lisboa: Officina de Antonio Pedrozo Galraõ, 1707.
SILVA, José Soares da – Collecçam dos documentos, com que se authorizam as memorias para a vida del Rey D. João o I, escitas nos primeiros três tomos. Tomo 4. Lisboa Occidental: na Officina de Joseph Antonio da Sylva, 1734.
SILVA, José Soares da – Memorias para a História de Portugal, que comprehendem o governo del rey D. Joaõ o I., do anno de mil e trezentos e oitenta e tres, até o anno de mil e quatrocentos e trinta e três. Tomo 2. Lisboa: Joseph Antonio da Sylva, 1731.
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CONDE, Sílvio Alves – “A vila de Povos na Idade Média”. in Senhor da Boa Morte: Mitos, História e Devoção. Vila Franca de Xira: Câmara Municipal de Vila Franca de Xira, 2000, pp. 53-66.
DAUMET, Georges – Étude sur l'Alliance de la France et de la Castille au XIVe et XVe siècles. Paris: E. Bouillon, 1898.
DAVIES, R. R. – “Richard and the Principality of Chester, 1397-9”. in BOULAY, F. R. H. du; BARRON, Caroline M. (eds.) – The Reign of Richard II: essays in honour of May McKisack. London: University of London and Athlone Press, 1971, pp. 256-279.
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OLLARD, Sidney Leslie – Fasti Wyndesorienses: The Deans and Canons of Windsor. Windsor: Oxley and Son, 1950.
RIBEIRO, José Alberto – “A capela do Senhor da Boa Morte”. in Senhor da Boa Morte: Mitos, História e Devoção. Vila Franca de Xira: Câmara Municipal de Vila Franca de Xira, 2000, pp. 67-76.
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RUTLEDGE, Elizabeth – “Lawyers and Administrators: The Clerks of Late-Thirteenth-Century Norwich”. in HARPER-BILL, Christopher (ed.) – Medieval East Anglia. Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2005, pp. 83-98.
SILVA, Manuela Santos – “O casamento de D. Beatriz (filha natural de D. João I) com Thomas Fitzalan (Conde de Arundel) – paradigma documental da negociação de uma aliança”. in BRAGA, Isabel Drumond; FARIA, Ana Leal de (eds.) – Problematizar a História: Estudos de História Moderna em Homenagem a Maria do Rosário Themudo Barata. Lisboa: Caleidoscópio, 2007, pp. 77-91.
SILVA, Manuela Santos – Filipa de Lencastre: A rainha inglesa de Portugal. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores, 2012.
VENTURA, Margarida Garcês – Poder régio e liberdades eclesiasticas (1383-1450), 2 vols. Lisboa: Universidade de Lisboa, 1993. Doctoral thesis.
WALKER, Simon – The Lancastrian Affinity, 1361-1399. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990.
YEAGER, Robert F. – “Gower's Lancastrian Affinity: The Iberian Connection”. Viator 35 (2004), pp. 483-515.
Topo da página
Around 1379 or 1380, Davenport was described as “licenciatus in legibus”: The Diplomatic Correspondence of Richard II. Ed. Édouard Perroy. London: Camden Society, 1933, doc. 8, p. 5. In 1416, he was in priest’s orders: HINGESTON-RANDOLPH, F. C. – The Register of Edmund Stafford (A.D. 1395-1419); An Index and Abstract of its Contents. London: George Bell & Sons, 1886, pp. 211, 339-340.
Anglo-Norman Letters and Petitions from All Souls MS. 182. Ed. Mary Dominica Legge. Oxford: Blackwell, 1941, doc. 28, pp. 73-74.
KING, H. P. F. – “Prebendaries: Centum Solidorum (de prepositis)”. in LE NEVE, John (ed.) – Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae, 1300-1541. Vol. 1, Lincoln Diocese. London: Institute of Historical Research, University of London, 1962, pp. 50-52, p. 50; JONES, B. – “Prebendaries: Dinder”. in LE NEVE, John (ed.) – Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae, 1300-1541. Vol. 8, Bath and Wells Diocese. London: Institute of Historical Research, University of London, 1964, pp. 42-44, p. 42.
HORN, Joyce M. – “Prebendaries: Caddington Major”. in LE NEVE, John (ed.) – Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae, 1300-1541. Vol. 5, St Paul's, London. London: Institute of Historical Research, University of London, 1963, pp. 23-25, p. 23; RUSSELL, Peter E. – The English Intervention in Spain and Portugal in the Time of Edward III and Richard II. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1955, p. 542.
The Diplomatic Correspondence of Richard II, doc. 8, p. 5.
Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office. A.D. 1381-1385. Coord. H. C. Maxwell-Lyte. London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1920, p. 137.
Fœdera, conventiones, literæ, et cujuscunque generis acta publica, inter reges Angliæ, et alios quosvis imperatoris, reges, pontifices, principes, vel communitates… Ed. Thomas Rymer. London: A. & J. Churchill, 20 vols, 1704-1735, vol. 7, pp. 490-491, 499-501.
Since letters of protection remained valid for one year only, and Gaunt’s departure seems to have suffered delay, reissuing them made sure that they remained up-to-date: London (Kew), The National Archives (henceforth TNA) C 76/70, m. 19 (of 1 April) and C 76/71, m. 11 (of 28 May).
RUTLEDGE, Elizabeth – “Lawyers and Administrators: The Clerks of Late-Thirteenth-Century Norwich”. in HARPER-BILL, Christopher (ed.) – Medieval East Anglia. Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2005, pp. 83-98, p. 84. More widely, see CLANCHY, Michael T. – From Memory to Written Record: England 1066-1307. Oxford and Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013 (1979); and OEXLE, Otto Gerhard – “Perceiving Social Reality in the Early and High Middle Ages: A Contribution to a History of Social Knowledge”. in JUSSEN, Bernhard (ed.) – Ordering Medieval Society: Perspectives on Intellectual and Practical Modes of Shaping Social Relations. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001, pp. 92-143.
DAVIS, Virginia – "Clerics and the King’s Service in Late Medieval England". in BARRALIS, Christine; BOUDET, Jean-Patrice; DELIVRÉ, Fabrice; GENET, Jean-Philippe (eds.) – Église et État, Église ou État? Les clercs et la genèse de l’État moderne. Paris: Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2014, pp. 25-33, §15.
TNA C 76/70, m. 3, 11, 17, 20, 22, 26.
GOODMAN, Anthony – “England and Iberia in the Middle Ages”. in JONES, Michael; VALE, Malcolm (eds.) – England and her Neighbours, 1066–1453. Essays in Honour of Pierre Chaplais. London and Ronceverte: The Hambledon Press, 1989, pp. 73-96, encapsulates well Anglo-Iberian relations up until the mid-fourteenth century.
DAUMET, Georges – Étude sur l'Alliance de la France et de la Castille au XIVe et XVe siècles. Paris: E. Bouillon, 1898, pp. 30-31.
YEAGER, Robert F. – “Gower's Lancastrian Affinity: The Iberian Connection”. Viator 35 (2004), pp. 483-515.
GOODMAN, Anthony – John of Gaunt: The Exercise of Princely Power in Fourteenth-Century Europe. Harlow: Longman, 1992, pp. 115-116.
RUSSELL, Peter E. – The English Intervention in Spain and Portugal in the Time of Edward III and Richard II. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1955, p. 439.
All of this is described for example in COELHO, Maria Helena da Cruz – D. João I. O que re-colheu Boa Memória. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores, 2005, and SILVA, Manuela Santos – Filipa de Lencastre: A rainha inglesa de Portugal. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores, 2012.
LOPES, Fernão – Cronica del Rei Dom Joham I de boa memoria e dos Reis de Portugal o decimo. Parte Segunda. Ed. William J. Entwistle. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional, 1968, ch. 97, p. 210. Soares da Silva, drawing from original sources, was also unable to identify the chancellor: SILVA, José Soares da – Memorias para a História de Portugal, que comprehendem o governo del rey D. Joaõ o I., do anno de mil e trezentos e oitenta e tres, até o anno de mil e quatrocentos e trinta e tres, vol. 2. Lisboa: Joseph Antonio da Sylva, 1731, p. 558.
RUSSELL, Peter E. – The English Intervention in Spain and Portugal in the Time of Edward III and Richard II. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1955, p. 542 and n. 2.
Chancelarias Portuguesas. D. João I. Ed. João José Alves Dias, vol. 2, tomo 1. Lisboa: Centro de Estudos Históricos, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2005, doc. 272, p. 157.
FARELO, Mário – “O padroado régio na diocese de Lisboa durante a Idade Média: uma instituição in diminuendo”. Fragmenta Historica 1 (2013), pp. 39-107, table on p. 97 (“Santa Maria de Povos”).
CONDE, Sílvio Alves – “A vila de Povos na Idade Média”. in Senhor da Boa Morte: Mitos, História e Devoção. Vila Franca de Xira: Câmara Municipal de Vila Franca de Xira, 2000, pp. 53-66; RIBEIRO, José Alberto – “A capela do Senhor da Boa Morte”. in Senhor da Boa Morte: Mitos, História e Devoção. Vila Franca de Xira: Câmara Municipal de Vila Franca de Xira, 2000, pp. 67-76.
BOISSELLIER, Stéphane – La construction administrative d'un royaume: registres de bénéfices ecclésiastiques portugais (XIII-XIVe siècles). Lisboa: Centro de Estudos de História Religiosa, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 2012, docs. 2 and 4.
SANTA MARIA, Fr. Agostinho de – Santuario Mariano, e Historia das Imagẽs milagrosas de Nossa Senhora, e das milagrosamente apparecidas, em graça dos Prègadores, & dos devotos da mesma Senhora, vol. 2. Lisboa: Officina de Antonio Pedrozo Galraõ, 1707, p. 377: “os Parochos desta Igreja [de Santa Maria] gozavão de muytos privilegios”.
This would have been the chancellor’s fee somewhere between 1402 and 1406. See, with editorial variance: FARO, Jorge – Receitas e despesas da fazenda real de 1384 a 1481 (Subsídios documentais). Lisboa: Instituto Nacional de Estatística, 1965, pp. 22–47, at p. 42; Monumenta Henricina. Ed. António Joaquim Dias Dinis, vol. 1 (1143-1411). Coimbra: Comissão Executiva das Comemorações do V Centenário da Morte do Infante D. Henrique, 1960, pp. 280-293 (on p. 289); SILVA, José Soares da – Collecçam dos documentos, com que se authorizam as memorias para a vida del Rey D. João o I, escitas nos primeiros três tomos. Tomo 4. Lisboa Occidental: na Officina de Joseph Antonio da Sylva, 1734, pp. 214-221, on p. 218.
VENTURA, Margarida Garcês – Poder régio e liberdades eclesiasticas (1383-1450), 2 vols. Lisboa: Universidade de Lisboa, 1993. Doctoral thesis, vol. 1, p. 280.
Monumenta Henricina …, vol. 1, p. 271.
“Tomas Porte” would not be legitimised until 1 February 1415: Chancelarias Portuguesas. D. João I. Ed. João José Alves Dias, vol. 3, tomo 2. Lisboa: Centro de Estudos Históricos, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2006, doc. 756, p. 223.
London, British Library MS Royal 10 B IX, ff. 7v-8.
“[P]our tant qil nad b[ie]nfices nautre possession par q[ue] Il se purra honestement sustener sicome app[er]tient a son estat”.
Original Letters Illustrative of English History; including Numerous Royal Letters […]. Ed. Henry Ellis, vol. 1. London: Richard Bentley, 1846, letter 24, pp. 52-53. On the planning of the Anglo-Portuguese match, see especially SILVA, Manuela Santos – “O casamento de D. Beatriz (filha natural de D. João I) com Thomas Fitzalan (Conde de Arundel) – paradigma documental da negociação de uma aliança”. in BRAGA, Isabel Drumond; FARIA, Ana Leal de (eds.) – Problematizar a História: Estudos de História Moderna em Homenagem a Maria do Rosário Themudo Barata. Lisboa: Caleidoscópio, 2007, pp. 77-91.
ENTWISTLE, William J.; RUSSELL, Peter E. – “A Rainha D. Felipa e a sua Côrte”. in Congresso do Mundo Português: Publicações. Vol. II: Memórias e comunicações apresentadas ao Congresso de História Medieval (II Congresso). Lisboa: Comissão Executiva dos Centenários, 1940, pp. 319-346, at p. 346, n. 1, though failing to identify their source.
Further on Philippa of Lancaster’s English correspondents, see FARIA, Tiago Viúla de, “From Norwich to Lisbon: Factionalism, Personal Association, and Conveying the Confessio Amantis”. in SÁEZ-HIDALGO, Ana; YEAGER, Robert F. (eds.) – John Gower in England and Iberia: Manuscripts, Influences, Reception. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, 2014, pp. 131-138.
HINGESTON-RANDOLPH, F. C. – The Register of Edmund Stafford (A.D. 1395-1419); An Index and Abstract of its Contents. London: George Bell & Sons, 1886.
Unless otherwise indicated, the data on Stokenham is drawn from HINGESTON-RANDOLPH, F. C. – The Register of Edmund Stafford (A.D. 1395-1419) …, pp. 339-340.
It is not known when Davenport was admitted into the higher orders.
HINGESTON-RANDOLPH, F. C. – The Register of Edmund Stafford (A.D. 1395-1419) …, p. 211.
HINGESTON-RANDOLPH, F. C. – The Register of Edmund Stafford (A.D. 1395-1419) …, p. 340.
HINGESTON-RANDOLPH, F. C. – The Register of Edmund Stafford (A.D. 1395-1419) …, p. 340.
OLLARD, S. L. – Fasti Wyndesorienses: The Deans and Canons of Windsor. Windsor: Oxley and Son, 1950, p. 98.
COLLINS, Hugh E. – The Order of the Garter, 1348-1461: Chivalry and Politics in Late Medieval England. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 107-118.
Examples in the Calendar of the Close Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office. Henry IV, vol. 5: Index volume. Ed. A E. Stamp, with an Index by J. J. O’Reilly. London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1938, pp. 232, 235; in Portuguese, Chancelarias Portuguesas. D. João I. Ed. João José Alves Dias, vol. 2, tomo 1. Lisboa: Centro de Estudos Históricos, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2005, doc. 272, p. 157, and vol. 3, tomo 2, doc. 756, p. 223.
Consultation of the Bromley Davenport Muniments (BDM) in the University of Manchester Library, which was not possible during the preparation of this paper, might illuminate Adam Davenport’s putative links with the family.
DAVIES, R. R. – “Richard and the Principality of Chester, 1397-9”. in BOULAY, F. R. H. du; BARRON, Caroline M. (eds.) – The Reign of Richard II: essays in honour os Mary McKisak. London: University of London and Athlone Press, 1971, pp. 256-279, p. 260.
DAVIES, R. R. – “Richard and the Principality of Chester, 1397-9” …, pp. 256-279, p. 269.
Chronicles of the Revolution, 1397-1400: The Reign of Richard II. Ed. Chris Given-Wilson. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 1993, pp. 170-173.
Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office. A.D. 1396-1399. Coord. H. C. Maxwell-Lyte. London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1909, p. 544 (23 April 1399).
John of Gaunt’s Register, 1379-1383. Ed. Robert Somerville and Eleanor C. Lodge, vol. 2. London: Offices of the Royal Historical Society, 1937, p. xxvii, doc. 900 (p. 283).
WALKER, Simon – The Lancastrian Affinity, 1361-1399. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990, p. 122, n. 28. No Davenports, however, are found among Gaunt’s retainers, annuitants (Appendix 1, pp. 262-284), and officials (Appendix 2, pp. 285-291).
TNA C 76/65, m. 7.
Calendar of the Patent Rolls… A.D. 1399-1401 …, pp. 410, 424.
Calendar of the Close Rolls… A.D. 1405-1409 …, p. 195.
Calendar of the Patent Rolls… A.D. 1413-1416 …, p. 103.
Calendar of the Patent Rolls… A.D. 1399-1401 …, pp. 285-286.
Calendar of the Patent Rolls… A.D. 1401-1405 …, pp. 264, 365.
NASCIMENTO, Aires Augusto (ed.) – Princesas de Portugal: Contratos matrimoniais dos Séculos XV e XVI. Lisboa: Cosmos, 1992, doc. 2, pp. 22-29.
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