Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords
- Abbasids
- Abbo of Saint-Germain
- abbot
- ablution
- ablutions
- Abu Bakr ibn al-Arabi
- Abū Ḥayyān al-Tawḥīdī
- accounting
- accounting books
- accounts
- action at distance
- actor
- administration
- administrative brief
- administrative memory
- administrative register
- Aelred of Rievaulx
- aesthetics
- Æthelstan
- affectio maritalis
- affectus conjugalis
- Africa
- Aghlabids
- Agilofing
- agriculture
- al-Ǧāḥiẓ
- al-Maqrīzī
- al-Qazwīnī
- al-Zanjānī
- Albertus Magnus
- Albigensian Crusade
- Albigensian Crusade Song
- alchemy
- Alcuin
- Alfonso X
- Alfred the Great
- algebra
- algorism
- allegory
- Almohad period
- Almoravids
- Alps
- altar piece
- Al‑Andalus
- Amadis
- ambassador
- Ambergris
- America
- Amiens
- Amirids
- Andalus (al)
- Andalus (al-)
- Angelo Ambrogini (il Poliziano)
- Angelo Poliziano
- Angevin Italy
- Anglo-Norman
- anglo-norman
- animal classification
- animal fable
- animal world
- animus/anima
- Anne of France
- anthropology of economics
- antidotaries
- Antidotarium Nicolai
- Antidotarius magnus
- Antiquity
- Antonio Guaineri
- Apocalypse
- apocryphal texts
- apostolic penitentiary
- apothecary
- appraisers
- aquatic animals
- Aquitaine
- Arabian Nights
- Arabic geographers
- Arabic medicine
- arabic medicine
- Arabic zoology
- Arabic-Latin translations
- arabism
- archaeobotanical remains
- archaeology
- archbishop
- archbishop of Rheims
- archeology
- archipelago
- architectural decoration
- architecture
- archive producer
- archives
- aristocracy
- Aristotle
- arithmetic
- armourers
- army
- Arn of Salzburg.
- Arnau de Vilanova
- art and politics
- Arthur
- Arthurian literature
- asbestos
- asceticism
- Asia
- astrology
- astronomy
- asylum
- atlases
- Auberon
- Augsbourg
- Austrasia
- author
- author-magician
- authority
- Auxerre
- Avars
- Avicenna
- Avicenne
- Avignon
- Avignon papacy
- Bai Juyi
- Baptist of Mantua
- Barbarians
- Bartholomew the Englishman
- basilica of St Martin
- bastard feudalism
- bathhouse
- battle of the Standard
- Beatus de Liébana
- Beatus of Liébana
- beauty
- bed
- Bede
- Bédier (Joseph)
- beggars
- béguins
- Benedict XII
- Benevento
- Berengar I
- Bernard of Clairvaux
- Bernard of Comminges
- Bible historiale
- bibliography
- bibliomancy
- bilingualism
- biographies
- biography
- birds of prey
- bishop
- bishops
- blood
- blood relationship
- body
- Boethius
- Bohemia
- Bois de Valène
- bon usage
- boni homines
- boni viri
- book account
- booty
- boundaries
- boundary
- boys’ education
- Britain
- British Isles
- brothers
- Brun Candidus
- building materials
- building yard
- Būlāq’s edition (1835)
- Burchard of Worms
- Burgundy
- burial
- caliphate
- Cambrai
- Canon law
- canon law
- canonical collections
- canonization
- canonization process
- Cantilena Rolandi
- capetian dynasty
- Capetians
- CapiTainS
- capitularies
- captiones
- captive
- Carolingians
- Carpentras
- cartography
- cartularies
- cartulary
- Castile
- castration
- Catalan
- catalogue
- Catalonia
- Catharism
- Cathars
- cathedral
- Cavaillon
- cemetery
- center/border
- centralized monarchy
- ceramics
- ceremonial
- cérémonial
- Cervantes
- cesspits
- Chambéry
- Chambre des comptes
- Champagne
- chanson de geste
- chapter
- Charente
- Charlemagne
- Charles II of Bourbon
- Charles V
- Charles VIII
- charters
- chastity
- Chineseness
- chirographs
- chivalric romance
- choir stalls
- Christendom
- christianity
- Christoforus de Honestis
- Chronicle of Dalimil
- chronicles
- church
- Church
- church and kingship
- churches
- Cilicia
- cinema
- circulation
- circulation of things
- Cistercians
- citation
- civil war
- clandestine marriage
- clarisses
- Claudas de la Terre Déserte
- Clementines
- Cleriadus et Meliadice
- clerkdom
- climate
- clinical examination
- codeswitching
- codicology
- colleges
- color names
- comedy
- communication
- community
- competence
- competition
- complaint
- complexion
- computing
- Comtat Venaissin
- conciliarism
- conductus
- confessional forum
- confiscation
- conflict
- conflict of jurisdictions
- conflict of laws
- conflict resolution
- consecration of the church
- Constance
- consumption
- contextual indices
- continence
- conuentus/french « couvent »
- conversation
- conversion
- cooks
- copies
- Cordoba
- Corpus Burgundiae Medii Aevi
- Corsica
- Cortes
- cosmetics
- council of Constance
- County of Flanders
- County of Holstein/Duchy of Schleswig
- couple
- court aristocracy
- court rituals
- courtly culture
- craft
- crafts
- craftsmen guilds
- credit
- crime
- crisis
- Crusaders
- cuerda seca
- cultural history
- culture
- Cyclades (Greece)
- cyclic form
- cynegetic literature
- Cyprus
- dance
- Dante
- database
- Dauphiné
- De lapidibus pretiosis
- dead Christ
- death
- deception
- demonology
- descent
- devil worship
- diachronic linguistics
- diagnosis
- dialect
- dialects
- Dialogues
- didacticism
- diet
- dietetics
- Dietrich von Freiberg
- digital bases
- digital editing
- digital edition
- digital humanities
- diplomacy
- diplomatic
- diplomatics
- discourse on painting
- discoveries
- discovery
- disease
- diseases
- disharmony
- dissimilarity
- distinction
- divination
- divine parenthood
- documentary production
- documentary sources
- documents
- dogs
- Dominicans
- Don Quijote
- dowry
- dragon
- drama
- dramatic performance
- ducal property
- duchy
- dwarfs
- dyers
- dynastic chronicles
- dynastic continuity
- early Middle Ages
- Early Middle Ages
- early press
- Ecclesia
- ecclesiastical property
- ecclesiology
- eclipse
- economy
- edition
- education
- Edward I
- Egypt
- ekphrasis
- eleventh century
- elites
- Elizabeth of Bohemia
- emblems
- emotions
- Empire
- empire
- encyclopaedism
- encyclopedia
- England
- English
- entanglement
- entertainment literature
- environment management
- environmental history
- epic crusade songs
- epic poetry
- Épinal
- Epistola ad fratres de Monte Dei
- eremitis
- eroticism
- eschatology
- estate management
- Estoire del saint Graal
- ethics
- ethnic Identity
- ethnobotany
- Étienne Boileau
- etymology
- evaluation
- exchange
- excommunication
- excrements
- exegesis
- expertise
- fable
- fabliaux
- Fachliteratur
- fairy-tale
- family
- family relationships
- famine
- fascination
- Fatimids
- fauna
- favour and disfavour
- fee
- feminine sanctity
- feudalism
- Fibonacci
- fiction
- fifteenth century
- fish
- fitna
- flask
- Flavio Biondo
- flora
- Florence
- Florus of Lyon
- food
- food trade
- forced baptism
- forensic assessment
- forest
- forest materials
- forestry resources
- formularies
- fortresses
- France
- franciscans
- Franciscans
- Franco-Provençal
- Frankish kingdom
- Fredegund
- free will
- freedom
- French
- french didactics
- French literature
- friendship
- Fujiwara no Kiyosuke (1104-1177)
- Fukurozōshi (The Bag [of Poetic Knowledge])
- Fulda
- full text search
- Furūsiyya
- Fusṭāṭ
- Fusṭāṭ-Miṣr
- Galen
- Galmier
- Gautier
- gender
- gender studies
- gendered roles
- General estoria
- Genji
- Genji monogatari
- gentry
- Geoffrey Chaucer
- Geoffrey of Monmouth
- geography
- geometry
- George Ashby
- Georges Chastellain
- Gerard of Cremona
- Germany
- Gervais Chrétien’s College
- Gesta Berengarii imperatoris
- gestures
- gift
- Giovanni Martino Ferrari of Parma
- Giovanni Villani
- Giraldus Cambrensis
- girls’ education
- glass
- gloss
- glosses
- Godefroid Kurth
- Golden Age
- Golden Legend
- Gothic architecture
- grammar
- Great Britain
- Gregorian Reform
- Gregory the Great
- Guido Terrena
- guilds
- Guilhem Anelier
- Guillaume de Marra
- Guillaume de Tudèle
- Guillaume Hobit
- Guiral Ot
- Guy de Chauliac
- H. Institoris
- Hagin the Jew
- hagiography
- ḥanafite
- harmony
- harmony of the spheres
- health
- Hebrew
- Hebrew Bible
- Hebrew script
- Heian
- Heian Period
- Henri de Mondeville
- Henricus Martellus
- Henry II
- Henry of Ghent
- Henry of Huntingdon
- Henry the Navigator
- Henry IV
- heraldry
- Hereford
- heresy
- hermeneutics
- Hermogenes of Tarsus
- hierarchy
- high Middle Ages
- hikiuta
- Hildegard of Bingen
- Hincmar
- hinterland
- Hisham II
- historical truth
- historiography
- history
- history of medieval mathematics
- history of techniques
- honour
- hospital
- house of Luxembourg
- House of Savoy
- household accounts
- ḥubs
- Hue de Rotelande
- Hugeburc
- human nature
- humanism
- Humanism
- Humbert of Romans
- Hundred Years’ War
- Hussite wars
- Hussites
- Hussitism
- hussitism
- Huzmann (Rüdiger)
- hydrophobia
- hygiene
- hypertext
- Iberian Peninsula
- Ibn al-Rumi
- Ibn Battûta
- Ibn Darrag al-Qastalli
- Ibn Hayyan
- Ibn Hazm
- Ibn Idhari
- Ibn Khaldun
- Ibn Shuhayd
- Icelandic aristocracy
- Icelandic sagas
- iconography
- ideology
- idleness
- illegal appropriations
- illuminated manuscripts
- illumination
- illuminator
- image
- Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary
- imperial claims
- imperial court
- imports
- imprints
- Incarnation
- indeterminate analysis
- individual
- individualism
- industrial district
- information
- inheritance
- Innocent III
- innovation
- inquiry
- inquisition
- institutions
- insular setting
- insularity
- intention
- interaction
- interiority
- international relationships
- intertextuality
- intimacy
- Ipomedon
- Isa ibn Ahmad al-Razi
- Isaac Israeli
- Isaac Israeli
- Isabelle of France
- Isaiah
- Isidore of Seville
- Isilex
- Islam
- Islamic Palermo
- Islamic societies
- islands
- isolario
- Italy
- J. Sprenger
- Jacobus de Voragine
- Jacques d’Armagnac
- Jacques Fournier
- James II of Aragon
- Japan
- Japanese literature
- Japaneseness
- Jean Balue
- Jean Bréhal
- Jean Buridan
- Jean de Boen
- Jean de Murs
- Jean d’Outremeuse
- Jerash
- Jesus Christ
- Jethro
- Jewish children
- Jewish law
- Jewish serfdom
- Jewry
- Jews
- jihad
- Joachim of Fiore
- Joan of Arc
- John Fusorius
- John Gower
- John II of Portugal
- John of Oxnead
- John XXII
- Jonas of Susa
- Jordan
- Joseph Bédier
- Josephus
- Juan de Alarcón
- judge
- judicial inquiry
- judicial procedure
- jurisdiction
- Just
- justice
- labour
- Lancelot
- Lancelot en prose
- Lancelot-Grail cycle
- land evaluation
- land plots
- land register
- language
- language contact
- language policy
- languages
- late 14th century
- late Anglo-Saxon England
- Late Antiquity
- Late Latin
- late Latin
- late medieval historiography
- late Middle Ages
- Late Roman Empire
- latin
- Latin
- latrine
- latrines
- law
- law and « regional » identity
- learned medicine
- Lebanon
- legal evidence
- legal forum
- legislation
- Leidrade
- Leonardo da Vinci
- lepers
- Letter to the Brothers of Mont-Dieu
- letters
- lexicons
- lexis
- Liber de natura rerum
- Liber iste
- Liber subtilitatum
- library
- Liège
- likeness
- linguistic change
- linguistics
- lists
- literacy
- literature
- liturgists
- liturgy
- Livre de jostice et de plet
- Livre des métiers
- local maps
- locus
- Lombardy
- long time-span
- Longchamp
- Lotharingia
- Louis IX
- Louis VIII
- Louis XII
- love
- Low Countries
- Lutgarde of Aywières
- Lycurgus
- Lyon
- Machiavelli
- Madīnat al‑Zahrā’
- madrasa
- Magellan
- magic
- magnet
- Maître de Rolin
- Maître François
- Mâle (Émile)
- mālichite
- Malleus maleficarum
- Mamluk
- Mamluk period
- Mamluks
- manners
- Manresa
- Mansur (al-)
- manuscript
- manuscripts
- Marche (Italy)
- Marco Polo
- Margam Abbey
- Margery Kempe
- marginalia
- Marguerite Porete
- Marian and Christian cycle
- marital consortium
- Marmande
- marriage
- Marvelous
- Mary
- math-ematics
- mathematical games
- mathematics
- Matilda the Empress
- Matthew Paris
- Maximilianus Transylvanus
- measure
- medical anthropology
- medical cares
- medical consultation
- medical manuscripts
- medical practitioners
- medical semiology
- medical writings
- medicine
- medieval colonialism
- medieval encyclopaedism
- medieval Latin
- medieval teaching
- Mediterranean
- memoria
- memory
- mendicant orders
- mercers
- merchant
- merchants
- merchant’s marks
- Merlin
- Merovingians
- metal-work
- Metamorphoses
- Middle Age and Renaissance
- Middle Ages
- Middle East
- Milan
- military architecture
- military art
- military fellowships
- miniatures
- miracle
- miracles
- Miroir historial
- mirrors
- mirrors for princes
- mise en abyme
- Modern Arabian Nights (16th-18th century)
- monasterie
- monasteries
- monastery
- monastic
- monastic translations
- monasticism
- Montpellier
- Montpellier scrubland
- moral economy
- moral logics
- morals
- Moravia
- Morocco
- mosque
- mosques
- motto
- Mughira (al-)
- mulieres religiosae
- multilingualism
- municipal government
- Murasaki Shikibu
- music
- music of the spheres
- musician angels
- muslim
- mystical lamb
- mythography
- named entities recognition
- names of plants
- narrative cycle
- National Archives (France)
- National Central Library)
- national history
- nationalism
- native language
- natural dyes
- natural history
- natural phenomena
- natural resources
- naturalism
- nature state
- Navarra War Poem
- Neapolitan Chancery
- Near East
- network
- networks
- Neustria
- New Arabian Nights (15th century)
- New Testament
- Niccolò de’ Conti
- Nicolas Jacquier
- Nicolaus Germanus
- Nicole Oresme
- ninth century
- No hope no fear
- nobility
- Nobility
- norm
- Norman Sicilian Palaces
- Northwest Europe
- Norwegian society
- notarial instruments
- notaries
- novel
- Novellino
- nunneries
- Nuova Cronica
- pagarch
- pageantry
- painting
- Palermo
- pancartae
- Papacy
- papyri
- paratext
- Paratge
- Paris
- Paris (Gaston)
- Paris (late medieval)
- parish
- parishioners
- Parlement
- pastoral care
- patrimonial domination
- patrimony
- patristic
- Patronage
- Paul II
- peasants
- Pelagius of Majorca
- pelota
- penance
- people
- perception
- Perugia
- Peter John Olivi
- pharmacology
- Philip IV the Fair
- Philippe the Chancellor
- Philo of Alexandria
- philosophy
- philosophy of mathematics
- philosophy politics
- phonetics
- physiognomy
- physiology
- pictures
- Pierre Cauchon
- Pierre Martin
- Pietro d’Abano
- Pietro d’Albano
- Pie II
- Pigafetta (Antonio)
- pilgrimage
- piracy
- places of power
- plague
- plunder
- poetics arts
- poetics of narrative
- poetry
- poetry competions (uta awase)
- Poggio (Gian Francesco Poggio Bracciolini)
- poison
- polemics
- policing
- PolimaWiki.
- political communication
- political literature
- political propaganda
- political society
- political staff
- politics
- polyptychs
- Pomum ambre
- Pope
- pope
- popes
- Portolano 1 (Florence
- portrait
- ports
- Portugal
- post-classical Latin
- pottery
- pottery kilns
- poverty
- power
- power conflicts
- pragmatic literacy
- preacher
- preaching
- predication
- prestige
- presumed marriage
- prices
- priest
- princes
- priory
- Priscillianism
- private documents
- privateering
- privileges
- problems
- procedure
- procedures
- professional ethics
- prognosis
- propaganda
- proper names
- prophecies
- prophecy
- prophecy of Merlin
- prophet
- prose
- prose novel
- prosopography
- Protestant Reformation
- Provence
- province
- Ptolemy
- public opinion
- Purgatory
- purification rituals
- purity/impurity
- rabies
- Radulphus Brito
- Ralph Novell
- Ramon Llull
- rationality
- Raymond VII of Toulouse
- reading
- ready-to-eat
- reform
- reform.
- Reginald Scot
- regio dissimilitudinis
- regional identity
- register of deliberations
- registers
- registers of municipal deliberations
- regnal style
- regulations
- relics transfer
- religious communities
- religious orders
- remediation
- remuneration
- Renaissance
- Renart le Contrefait
- representations
- Revelation (Book of)
- Revelation (Woman of the)
- revolt
- revolution of writing
- Reynard the Fox
- Rheims
- rhetoric
- Richard of Hexham
- risk
- ritual magic
- Roger Bacon
- Roger Bernard of Foix
- Rolandus Scriptoris
- roll-cartularies
- Roman law
- romance
- Romance Castilian language
- Romance language
- Romanic
- Rome
- royal buildings
- royal coronation
- royal estate
- royal French chancery
- royal officers
- royal succession
- ruin
- rules
- rumour
- runic inscriptions
- rural communities
- rural community
- Rutebeuf
- sabbath
- sabīl
- sadness
- saint Bridget
- Saint-Denis
- sainthood
- Salerno
- Salimbene de Adam
- Salimbene di Adam
- salt
- salt workers
- Salzburg
- Samuel Pufendorf
- Sancho IV
- sanctuary
- Sante Ardoini of Pesaro
- saqaliba
- Savoy
- Saxony
- Ṣa‘īd
- scholasticism
- science
- science of celestial bodies
- scientific manuscripts
- scientific writing
- Scotland
- sea
- secular law
- Sei Shônagon
- seigniory
- semantic evolution
- Sens Cathedral
- serfs
- sewers
- sexuality
- shamanism
- sibship
- Sicily
- Siena
- silk
- Simon de Montfort
- simony
- Sino-Japanese literature
- sisters
- Slavs
- sociability
- social control
- social hierarchy
- social norm
- sociolinguistics
- song
- Song of Roland
- Song of the Albigensian Crusade
- Sour
- sources
- sources of medieval encyclopaedism
- Southern Italy
- Southern Low Countries
- sovereignty
- space
- Spain
- spatial analysis
- spelling
- sperm whale
- Speyer
- spiritual friendship
- spiritual kinship
- spiritual literature
- stages of life
- stained glass workers
- state
- statutes
- Stephen of Blois
- story
- stylus iuridicus
- stylus theologicus
- subjection
- subjects of teaching
- suitability
- surgeons
- surgery
- Suzanne of Bourbon
- Sweden
- synodal statutes
- tableware
- Tacherie Jewry
- Taddeo Alderotti
- taifas
- Tale of Genji
- taxation
- teaching
- tears
- technology
- Templars
- temporal goods
- terms of address
- terrestrial globes
- territorialisation
- territory
- testimony
- text
- text (edition)
- texts (edition)
- textual criticism
- textual history
- theocracy
- Theodelind
- theology
- Theophilus protospatharius
- theurgy
- Thomas Aquinas
- Thomas Hoccleve
- Thomas of Cantimpré
- throwsters
- thunder
- Thurstan of York
- time
- tithes
- toilets
- tolls
- topos of humility
- Toprakkale
- Tours
- town
- towns
- trade
- trading company
- transgression
- translation
- translations
- Trastamare
- travel
- travel writing
- travelogues
- treason
- Tree of Jesse
- Treviso
- trial
- Tristan
- tyrannicide
- Tyre