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XIV(2) | 2007
Lusomondialisation ? L’économie politique du Brésil de Lula

Lusomundializaçaõ ? A economia política do Brasil de Lula
Lusoglobalization? The political economy of Lula’s Brazil
Edited by Brigittz Lachartre and Pierre Salama (eds)
Lusotopie XIV-2 2007 couverture
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Credits: Radiobras, Agência Brasil

Lusotopie is an international comparatist journal devoted to political analysis of contemporary spaces stemming from Portuguese history and colonization. It deals with general issues in political analysis (nationalism, ethnicity, neo-liberalism, State reform, federalism, gender, civil war, media, civil society, election, etc.): it provides an original approach within this heterogeneous postcolonial space on the four continents and in numerous Diasporas. Founded in 1994, Lusotopie has published a wide range of contributions from researchers of over 30 different nationalities, often from Southern countries. It has brought up an egalitarian dialogue space thanks to use of three international languages (French, Portuguese and English).

Editor's notes

Ont participé à ce numéro : António Manuel de Almeida Serra, Brigitte Lachartre, Camille Goirand, Elizabeth Vignati, Frédéric Durand, Jacqueline Vivès, Lorenzo Macagno, Manuel Antunes Cunha, Michel Cahen, Pierre Salama, Victor Pereira.

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