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Note to authors

Lusotopie publishes scientific articles in French, Portuguese and English. It uses a double-blind peer review system (see the peer-review form at the back of the page). Authors should submit only unpublished works (except, occasionally, translations of articles already published in other languages). Articles may not exceed 45,000 characters, including spaces (7,500 words), and book reviews 10.000 characters including notes and references (1,200 words). Proposals are submitted by email to the journal: and to the guest editors (if applicable).

The journal authorizes the deposit of final versions of published articles on open archive sites.

Since 2023, Lusotopie publishes the contributions under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license.

Structure of the proposal

The propositions (word or .odt) have to include the following elements, in the following order:

  • Name(s) and first name(s) of the author(s),

  • Emails of the author(s),

  • Professional affiliation(s),

  • A title, in the 3 languages of the journal (French, Portuguese and English),

  • A 500 characters abstract (100 words) in the 3 languages of the journal,

  • 5 key-words in the 3 languages of the journal,

  • The text of the article,

  • The list of the bibliographical references,

  • The mention of any financial support for the research.


Bibliographical references, either in text, notes or figures, have to follow the (author date: page) rule. They must be listed, in alphabetic order, after the text. The list should only present the books and articles mentioned in the paper.

Quotations of texts or figures must be precisely referenced (author date: page).

In the final list of references, all the information needs to be mentioned in the original language of the editor of the reference, independently from the language used to write the article submitted to Lusotopie.

Single-author book
Vidal, D. 1998, La politique au quartier, Paris, Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme.

Edited book
Godinho, P. ed. 2012, Usos da memória e práticas do património, Lisboa, Edições Colibri/Instituto de Estudos de Literatura Tradicional.
Neves, J. & Domingos, N. eds. 2011,
Uma história do desporto em Portugal, t. I, Corpo, espaços e média, Vila do Conde, Quidnovi.

Chapter in an edited book
Sanches, E. Rodrigues 2017, Construindo uma democracia de partidos: Cabo Verde e São Tomé e Príncipe em perspetiva comparada, in Araújo, M. P. & Pinto, A. Costa eds., Democratização, memória e justiça de transição nos paises lusófonos, Rio de Janeiro, Autografia: 164-194.

Article in journal
Barros, V. 2011, A lusofonia como retrato de família numa casa mítica comum, Revista Angolana de Sociologia, 7: 83-106.

Electronic paper and chapter
Cachado, R. Ávila 2013, “O registo escondido num bairro em processo de realojamento: o caso dos hindus da Quinta da Vitória”, Etnográfica, 17 (3), [and/or] DOI: 10.4000/etnografica.3201.
Mattos, H. 2016, “De pai para filho: África, identidade racial e subjetividade nos arquivos privados da família Rebouças (1838-1898)”, in Cottias, M. & Mattos, H. eds.,
Escravidão e subjetividades no Atlântico luso-brasileiro e francês (Séculos XVII-XX), Marseille, OpenEdition Press, [and/or] DOI: 10.4000/books.oep.792.

Newspaper (references to the print or electronic media should be mentioned in the footnotes)
Leite, A. Pinto 1994,
“O despertar do Atlântico”, Expresso-Revista, December 3, 1153: 18.
Pitombo, J. P. 2012, “ACM Neto ‘plantou mentira sórdida’ sobre o Bolsa Família, diz Lula”, O Globo, November 24 2012, accessed on June 1, 2018,

Internet page or site (references to websites and pages other than online news outlets should be mentioned in the footnotes)
Portal Brazil, accessed on January 30, 2017,

Unpublished document (except archives)
Costa, A. Bénard da 2003, Estratégias de sobrevivência e reprodução social de famílias na periferia de Maputo, tese de doctoramento em estudos africanos interdisciplinares, Lisboa, Instituto superior de ciências do trabalho e da empresa.

Reference to archival documentation needs to be mentioned in footnotes. The complete list of the archive’s collections should be given after the bibliography in a specific paragraph. The name of the collection has to be in full when it appears for the first time, followed by its abbreviation between brackets, so the abbreviation can be used in subsequent footnotes:
Arquivos Nacionais/Torre do Tombo (ANTT), PIDE, Delegação de São Tomé, processo n° 3456/D. Inv., relatório n° 4
, 4 janeiro 1955, 3 p. ms.

The documents clearly sourced with a title, an author, a date (as internal administrative report for instance) should be referred to in the following way:
M. 1966, Relatório sobre a situação em Gaza, 1965, Lourenço-Marques, PIDE, in ANTT, PIDE/Delegação de Moçambique, proc. n° 3789, 7 janeiro 1967, fls 345-472.

Formatting and layout rules

Figures, such as images, work of art, photographs, maps and graphs are very welcome but have to be copyright-free. Insert a number for each piece in the text, with precise referenced legend (author date: page). Send each figure in a single separate file.

No dots (PALOP rather than P.A.L.O.P.). The meaning must be given the first time the logogram is used, between brackets, including in the bibliographies: PS (Partido socialista). In French and Portuguese, only the first word has an initial capital letter (Comunidade dos países de língua portuguesa).

Foreign language quotations and terms
Terms and quotations which are not in the language of the journal (French, Portuguese, English) must be given in italics and translated between brackets, except when difficulties of meaning justify otherwise. In this latter case, the translation must be given in a footnote.

Please use continuous numbering for your footnotes.


You can download the rights assignment agreement below. Please note that only the French version is legally binding; the English version is provided for information purposes only, for non-French-speaking authors.

Address of the editorial committee

Maison Méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme
CS 90412
5 rue du Château de l’Horloge
13097 Aix-en-Provence cedex 2 – France

Documents annexes

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