Índice | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords | Palabras claves
- A life
- A. Bioy Casares
- abject
- Absolution
- account of composition
- Adán
- Adaptive neoliberalism
- addiction
- Adolfo Bioy Casares.
- aeon
- aesthetics
- Afrodescendants
- Aira
- Aira’s poetics
- Aizenberg
- Alejandra Pizarnik
- alejandrian character
- alienation
- allegory
- allusion
- Amalia Nieto
- Amaro Villanueva
- Amerindian art
- Ana María Barrenechea
- anachronism
- anachronism.
- Anaconda project
- anagram
- anarchism
- anarchist
- ancestrality
- and poetic voice
- André Pieyre de Mandiargues
- Andrea Rabih
- anecdote
- Ángel Vicente Peñaloza
- animal language
- Animality
- animals
- Ansina
- antifiction
- Antonio de Benedtto
- Antonio Skármeta
- apocryphal biography
- archaeology
- archival fiction.
- archival fictions
- archive
- Argentina
- Argentina and Mexico
- Argentina.
- Argentine literary criticism
- Argentine literature
- argentine literature
- Argentine literature 20th century
- Argentine Literature 20th-21st centuries
- Argentine literature 21st century
- argentine militant cinema
- argentine novel
- Argentine novel
- Argentine novel 1960’
- Argentine novel of the sixities
- argentine poetry
- Argentine poetry
- Argentine poetry of the 21th Century.
- Argentine tradition
- Argentinean literature
- Argentinean literature of the 20th century
- Argentinian cultural history
- Argentinian habits
- Argentinian Judaism
- Argentinian left
- Argentinian Literature
- argentinian narrative
- Argentinian writers.
- Ariana Harwicz
- Arlt
- art
- Art and Politics
- art of avant-garde
- Artaud
- Artefacts
- artificial language
- artist's books
- artistic creation
- Arturo Capdevila
- Arturo Carrera
- assimilation
- Atlantis
- Auden
- Augusto d’Halmar.
- Author
- author
- author figure
- Author’s death
- author’s figure
- autobiographical fiction
- autobiographical literature
- autobiographical space
- autobiographical story
- autobiography
- Autofiction
- autoglossia
- autonomy
- autotelism
- avant-garde
- avant-gardes
- Babel
- bank
- baroque
- baroque style
- Baudelaire
- Bay of Cadiz
- Beat music
- becoming a writer
- becoming brevity
- beginnings
- best-seller
- Bible
- Bicentenary
- Big Bang
- bildungsroman
- biographer
- biographer-lawyer
- biographical profile
- biographies
- biography
- Biography
- biography file
- bodies
- body
- Bombal
- book
- book culture
- book industry
- Book Object
- boom
- border
- Borges
- bricolage
- Brunet
- Buenos Aires
- Buenos Aires riverside
- canon
- Capítulo
- captive
- Carlos Gamerro
- Carlos Liscano
- Carlos Mastronardi
- Carrera fashion present poetry lyric
- catalogue
- categories of the investigation narrative
- causerie
- César Aira
- CGT de los Argentinos Cordobazo
- change
- Character
- charismatic mouvements
- Charles Baudelaire
- childhood
- childhoods
- Chile.
- Chilean literature
- Chitarroni
- Chivilcoy.
- cinema
- cinema and literature
- circulation
- city
- civil wars
- civilize
- clandestinity
- Colección Chapita
- colonialism
- comarqui
- Combinatory.
- commemoration
- community
- comparison
- complementary writing
- conferences
- conjectural fictions
- contemporary
- contemporary argentine literature
- contemporary Argentinian poetry
- contemporary art
- contemporary culture
- contemporary Latin American novel
- contemporary Literature
- contemporary literature
- Contemporary novel
- contemporary Rio de la Plata literature
- continuation
- conversation
- conversation poems
- Copi
- copy
- Correspondence
- correspondence
- Cortázar
- costumbrismo
- counterfactual history
- Cozarinsky
- creator project
- Creoles
- crime
- criol
- criollo element
- crisis
- critical
- critical debates.
- critical fiction
- critical relationship
- Criticism
- criticism
- crossing-border narratives
- cultural archive
- cultural assimilation
- cultural cold war
- cultural distance.
- culture and politics
- customs
- dance
- dandy
- dandyism
- Darío Canton
- David Viñas
- de-collection
- death
- deceived expectations
- deconstruction
- Deconstruction
- Degree of Doctor of Laws
- delirious
- Democracy
- Demoiselle d’Escalot
- detail
- details
- detective fiction
- device
- Diana's Tree
- diaries
- Diario de Poesía
- diary
- diaspora
- dictatorship
- differentiation strategies
- Directores de Mayo
- disagreement
- disappearance and exile
- discontinuity
- discourse effects
- discourses into conflict
- disenchantment
- disnarrativity
- displacement
- distance
- divination
- Document
- document
- documentary narratives
- documentary turn
- documentary writings
- documented narration
- Domingo Faustino Sarmiento
- drafts
- dreams
- drift
- Ducasse/Lautréamont
- dystopia
- ecology
- economy
- editing.
- edition
- editorial networks
- El Aleph
- El Cielo
- El discurso vacío
- El Puerto de Santa María
- Eliot
- Eloísa Cartonera
- Emir Rodriguez Monegal
- emptiness
- end
- endless writing
- enemy within
- Enfantin
- énonciation on the limes
- Enrique Espinoza
- Enrique Loncán
- Enrique Wernicke
- enunciation
- Erec and Enide
- eroticism
- erotism
- erudition
- Eschatology
- Essay
- essential word
- esthetics
- etymology
- Europe/Latin America
- event
- exemplum
- exhortation
- exile
- Exile
- expanded literature
- Experience
- experience
- experimental art
- experimental poetry
- experimentation
- Ezra
- facts
- Facundo
- fading
- failure
- familial memory
- familiar memory
- fantastic literature
- fantastic literature in Argentina
- fascism
- fashion
- Fashion and haute couture
- Father
- Favio
- Felisberto Hernández
- feminicide
- feminine languages
- feminism
- Fernanda Trías
- Ficciones
- fiction
- Fiction
- fiction / testimony
- fiction vs non-fiction
- fictional geography
- fictional world
- field of meaning
- filiation
- Film Authorship
- first world war
- floating score
- flouting platform
- flow
- folk narrative
- form
- form and life
- formative novel
- foundation
- fragment
- France-Argentina relations
- Francisco Urondo
- Fray Bentos
- free jazz
- french language
- French literature
- french poems
- friendship
- Friendships
- fuegians
- García Márquez
- gaucho literature
- gay/mad language
- gender
- generation
- generation of the 60's
- generation of the 70's
- generational novel
- Genesis
- genetic criticism
- Genetic criticism
- genetic edition
- genetic reading
- geopolitics
- ghetto
- ghosts
- globalization
- glossolalia
- glossolalia.
- glotopolitics
- gnosis
- Golem
- Góngora
- gothic
- grotesque
- Guadalete
- Gualeguaychú
- Guillermo Enrique Hudson
- Hamed
- Harss
- Harvard University
- Hearing
- heritage
- heritage collections
- hermeneutics
- hermetic discourse
- hermetic vanguard
- hermeticism
- hermetisme
- heterodoxy
- heterogeneity
- heterotopia
- historic novel
- historical time
- historicity
- history
- history of literature
- History of literature
- history of translation
- Hopscotch
- horizon
- Hudson
- Hugo Fontana
- Hugo Santiago
- Huidobro
- humor
- hybrid text
- hybridism
- hybridity
- hypertexts
- I-narrator-investigator
- iconography
- Idea Vilariño
- identity
- identity imageries
- idish
- idolatry
- illegibility
- illegible
- image
- image theory
- imaginable languages
- imaginaries
- imaginary
- imaginary languages
- imagination
- immigration
- immunisation
- implode
- impossibility of history
- impossible writing
- In-between
- incipit
- Independent Book Fair (FLIA)
- independent publishers
- India
- Indians
- infinite
- innocent victims
- inorganic community
- inorganic mimesis
- intellectual history
- intellectual network
- interdisciplinarity
- intermediality
- international translation market
- interpretation
- intertextuality
- intimacy
- invention
- Investigative literature
- investigator
- irruption of the unconscious
- Irruptions
- J. L. Borges
- Jacques Lacan
- Jai Singh
- Jaipur
- Javier Cercas.
- Jewish
- Jewish condition
- Jewish identity
- jewishness
- Jorge Luis Borges
- José Donoso
- José Revueltas
- Josefina Ludmer
- journal
- journalism
- journalistic chronicle
- journals
- Joyce
- Juan Bautista Alberdi
- Juan Gelman
- Juan José Saer
- Juan L. Ortiz
- Juan L. Ortiz.
- Juan Ramón Jiménez
- judaism
- Judaism
- Judíos de mi Infancia (Jews of my childhood)
- Julio Cortázar
- justice
- La bucanera
- landscape
- language
- language controversy in Argentina
- language.
- languages
- Las Islas (1998)
- Latin America
- Latin American Literature
- latin American literature
- Latin American literature
- Latin American Narrative
- Latin American Poetry
- latinamericanism
- law
- learned culture and popular culture
- left
- leftist melancholy
- legitimacy
- legitimization
- leisure
- León Poch
- Leopoldo Marechal
- Levrero
- Liberaij shootout
- Libertella
- library
- life
- light
- Lihn
- linguistic sign
- literary battle
- literary canon
- literary community
- literary constrain
- literary contexts
- literary criticism
- literary criticism.
- literary epistemic
- literary history
- Literary history
- Literary magazines
- literary project
- literary specificity
- literary strategies
- literary work
- literature
- Literature
- literature and improvisation
- lives
- logic of absence
- logically perfect language
- long term
- Looking
- Los Libros
- los nuestros
- Louis Althusser
- love
- Lucio V. Mansilla
- Luis Gusmán
- lullaby
- Macedonio Fernández
- machine
- mancy
- Manual of Parapsychology
- Manuel Puig
- manuscript
- manuscripts
- Mapuche literature
- Marcelo Cohen
- María Elena Walsh
- María Gainza
- Mario Levrero
- Marosa di Giorgio
- marriages
- Martin Behaim
- materialism
- Mauricio Rosencof
- medieval literature
- meeting point
- melancholia
- melancholy
- memory
- Memory
- memory politics
- metaliterary fiction
- metaphor
- metaphysics
- metatextual representation
- metropolitan literature
- Mexico
- Militant cinema
- miracle
- mirror
- mischievous speech
- missing
- modern art
- modern novel
- modernism
- Moisés Ville
- money
- montage
- Movies
- moving
- multicultural
- multiterritoriality
- museum
- music
- mystical glossolalia
- Mysticism
- myth
- Nadie nada nunca
- narration
- narrative
- Nation
- nation
- national literature ; literary history ; foundations of criticism
- national narratives
- national rock
- nationalism
- neo-baroque
- neocriollo
- Neoliberalism
- new argentinian publishing
- new versions and rewritings
- Nicolás Rosa
- night
- nihilism
- nineties Argentinian poetry
- non fiction
- non-fiction
- non-print publications
- nonfiction
- Nora Strejilevich
- Norah Lange
- not knowing.
- notation
- novel
- novel for/from the future
- Novellino
- Nueva novela latinoamericana 1 and 2
- Paraná
- parenesis
- Paris
- Parisian period
- Pascal Quignard
- pathological glossolalia
- pathological lenguage
- Patricia Ratto
- Pauls
- pedagogy
- people
- periodization
- periodization.
- Periodizing
- Perlongher
- Permuting Poetry
- peronism
- personal diaries
- personal diary
- Peruvian literary field
- Peruvian poetry
- phenomenology
- philological tradition
- philologie
- phonetic explosion
- photographic archives
- photography
- Piglia
- Pinie Wald
- pits
- Pizarnik
- place
- plagiarism
- plan of immanence
- Plata quemada
- Poamorio
- poète maudite
- poetic experiments
- poetic prose
- poetics
- poetics of contamination
- poetics of the avant-gardes
- poetics of the illegible
- Poetry
- poetry
- poetry translation
- poets
- police cases
- political criticism
- political militancy
- political photography
- Political poetry
- political poetry
- political speech
- political violence
- politics
- politics of reedition
- politics of writing
- polyphony
- portrait
- portunhol selvagem
- posautonomy
- posfiction
- possibilities
- possible worlds
- post-memory
- post-truth
- post-utopic fiction
- postcards
- posthumous
- posthumous (work)
- posthumous writings
- postmemory
- power
- pre-text
- precariousness
- present
- Presentism
- press
- Princeton
- private diary
- private linguists
- procedural poetics
- production in series
- Proper Name
- property
- proposals for the next millennium
- pseudonym
- psychoanalysis
- public imagination.
- public linguists
- public sphere
- publishing field
- publishing house
- publishing houses and publishers
- publishing market.
- publishing practices
- publishing studies
- Puerto Madero
- Punctuation
- pure creation
- Ramiro Sanchiz
- reader performance
- reader’s perplexity
- reading
- reading models
- reading pact
- readings
- recent past
- Recent Past
- reception
- recognition
- reflection on beginnings
- regional literature
- reinterpretation
- rejection
- relation
- Renzi
- repetition
- representation
- representation of languages
- representations of violence
- rereading
- research
- return
- revelation
- revolution
- revolution.
- revolutions
- rewrite
- rewriting
- rewritings
- rhetoric
- rhyme
- rhythm
- rhythmical map
- Ricardo Piglia
- Río de la Plata
- river
- riverside
- Roberto Bolaño
- Rodolfo Walsh
- Roland Barthes
- roman
- Ronsino
- room of one’s own.
- rout
- Rubén Darío
- sacred text.
- Saer
- San Fernando robbery
- Sarmiento
- scenes of writing
- Schlemihl
- science
- Science fiction
- science-fiction
- score
- sea battle
- Secret
- self-construction
- self-figuration
- self-managed publishers
- self-representation
- Semanario CGT
- semantics
- Servants
- Severo Sarduy.
- sexual politics in literature
- sexuality
- Shalott
- shifting
- signs
- silence
- Silvina Bullrich
- Silvina Ocampo
- Simja Sneh
- sleepwalker narrator
- slowness
- small and medium publishing houses
- small independent presses
- smooth
- snob
- snobbery
- snobbism
- snobism
- snobisme
- snobographer
- sociability
- social classes
- social criticism
- social hierarchies
- social mobility
- sound
- space
- spaces
- spacying
- spanish american literature
- speaker identity
- speaking subject
- spectrality
- spiritual crisis
- staging of writing
- state violence
- state violence.
- story of a formation
- strom
- structuralism
- style
- stylistics
- subaltern counterpublics
- subjectivity
- sublime
- suppressed speech
- suppression
- supremacy
- survivals
- Sylvia Plath
- synchronicity
- syndicalism
- syntax
- synthesis
- Tabasco
- tanatopolitic
- tango
- Technique
- technologies of the self
- telergy
- temporal imaginaries
- temporality.
- tension novel / history
- Terminal Poetics
- terror
- testimony
- testimony and writing
- the banks of the Plata river
- the biographical
- the birth of writing
- The Bloody Countess
- The great Montevideo’s siege
- the neuter
- The Plata river basin
- the return of the unreadable to say the unsayable
- the seventies
- the sixties
- Thénon
- theology
- theoretical schools
- thought and writing
- time
- totalitarianism
- tourism
- tradition
- Tragic Week
- transculturation
- translation
- Translation
- translations
- transmission
- transmission.
- transnationalism
- transparency
- trauma
- travels
- triated
- trip
- troubled hero
- truth
- twentieth century.
- typology