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60 | 2019
Langues des signes et genres discursifs

Sign Languages and Discursive Genres
Edited by Marion Blondel and Agnès Millet
Lidil, n° 60 (2019)
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ISBN 978-2-37747-164-5

At the time of the release of its 60th issue, Lidil has just turned 30! This issue’s goal is to understand what phenomena are at play in narrative, descriptive, academic, poetic, or journalistic genres in sign languages. It is based on descriptions that come from LSF (French Sign Language), LSFB (Belgian-French Sign Language), LSQ (Quebec Sign Language), and from SSL (Swedish Sign Language).


Editor’s notes

Ont été sollicités pour évaluer les articles de ce numéro (dossier thématique + rubrique Varia) :
Anne Baker, Dominique Boutet, Leila Boutora, Annelies Braffort, Michael Filhol, Laure Gardelle, Stéphanie Gobet, Laurence Meurant, Michèle Monte, Marie-Louise Moreau, Jean-Paul Narcy-Combes, Roberto Paternostro, Jean-Christophe Pellat, Deborah Pichler, Annie Risler, Christian Surcouf, Mieke Vanherreweghe.

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